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Book chapters (page 41 of 97)
- Toyota, J., Hallonsten, P. & Kovačević, B. (2012). Counting System and Classifier/Non-classifier Languages. In Toyota, J., Hallonsten, P. & Shchepetunina, M. (Eds.) Sense of Emptiness : an interdisciplinary perspective (pp. 128-145). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Tubielewicz Mattsson, D. (2012). Holocaust as a Moral and Linguistic Problem. In Tubielewicz Mattsson, D. (Ed.) Representations of Holocaust in Polish Literature. Stockholm Slavic Papers.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. (2012). Use and NON-Use of the Holocaust Memory in Poland. In Törnquist-Plewa, B. & Bernsand, N. (Eds.) CFE Conference Papers Series, Painful Pasts and Useful Memories : Remembering and Forgetting in Europe (pp. 11-28), 5. Centrum for Europaforskning, Lunds Universitet.
- Törnqvist, A. C. (2012). Gubbsjuka fantasier eller brännande realism : Peter Pohls Nu heter jag Nirak och ungdomslitteraturens gränser. In Kärrholm, S. (Ed.) Barnlitteraturens värden och värderingar (pp. 227-248). Studentlitteratur AB.
- van de Weijer, J., Paradis, C., Willners, C. & Lindgren, M. (2012). As lexical as it gets: The role of co-occurrence of antonyms in a visual lexical decision experiment. In Divjak, D. & Gries, S. T. (Eds.) Frequency effects in language representation (pp. 255-279), 2. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Vulovic, J. (2012). Vi var ju så många : Ett försök att förstå första maj i litteraturen. In Johansson, C. & Wiktorsson, P. A. (Eds.) Litteraturens arbetare : En vänbok till Per-Olof Mattsson (pp. 17-23). Ellerströms förlag.
- Wallengren, A.-K. (2012). Dollartåget. In Jönsson, M. & Snickars, P. (Eds.) "Skosmörja eller arkivdokument?" Om och den digitala filmhistorien. (pp. 229-245). Kungliga biblioteket.
- Williams, J. N. & Gullberg, M. (2012). Cognitive second language acquisition: An overview. In Gullberg, M. & Williams, J. N. (Eds.) Cognitive second language acquisition (The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics; Ed. C. Chapelle) (pp. 1-4). Wiley-Blackwell.
- Zlatev, J., Blomberg, J. & Magnusson, U. (2012). Metaphors and subjective experience: motion-emotion metaphors in English, Swedish, Bulgarian and Thai. In Foolen, A., Luedtke, U., Racine, T. & Zlatev, J. (Eds.) Moving Ourselves, Moving Others: Motion and emotion in consiousness, intersubjectivity and language (pp. 423-450). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Ågren, M., Granfeldt, J. & Schlyter, S. (2012). The Growth of Complexity and Accuracy in L2 French: Past observations and recent applications of developmental stages. In Housen, A., Kuiken, F. & Wedder, I. (Eds.) Dimensions of L2 Performance and Proficiency Investigating Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in SLA (pp. 95-120). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Ahmed, S. (2011). Vithetens fenomenologi. Vithetens hegemoni, 125-151. Tankekraft.
- Akujärvi, J. (2011). Innovatörer och traditionalister. Om tidiga svenska klassikeröversättares syn på sin roll i det svenska litterära systemet. In Holmberg, C.-G. & Ljung, P. (Eds.) Översättning – adaption, interpretation, transformation. Föredrag vid den 28:e studiekonferensen i International Association of Scandinavian Studies (IASS) i Lund 3–7 augusti 2010 = Translation – Adaptation, Interpretation, Transformation. Proceedings from the 28th Study Conference of IASS, Lund 3–7 August 2010, CSS Acta Series I. Centre for Scandinavian Studies Copenhagen-Lund (CSS).
- Andersson, L. G. (2011). Författarens funktioner. Gestaltningen av det litterära arbetet i Motståndets estetik av Peter Weiss. In Jonsson, B., Sjöberg, B., Nilsson, M. & Vulovic, J. (Eds.) Från Nexø till Alakoski. Aspekter på nordisk arbetarlitteratur (pp. 155-161). Absalon.
- Andrén, M. (2011). The organization of children’s pointing stroke endpoints. In Stam, G. & Ishino, M. (Eds.) Integrating Gestures (pp. 153-162). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Bacquin, M. (2011). La chanson de geste 'tardive' : décadence ou développement du genre? L'exemple de Theseus de Cologne. In Brun, L. & Menegaldo, S. (Eds.) Le moyen âge par le moyen âge, même : réception, relectures et réécritures des textes médiévaux dans la littérature française des XIVe et XVe siècles (pp. 83-96), 13. Honoré Champion.
- Bacquin, M. (2011). Le motif de l'aigle d'or de Theseus de Cologne, un stéréotype original?. In Delsaaux, O. & Haug, H. (Eds.) Original et originalité: Aspects historiques, philologiques et littéraires (pp. 5-14). Brepols.
- Bergman, K. (2011). Humanisten knäcker koden. Dechiffrering och detektivroller i Dan Browns deckare. In Bernhardsson, K., Kärrholm, S., Ljung, P. E., Mortensen, A. & Schiöler, N. (Eds.) Tidskrift för Classiska studier nr 1/2011 (pp. 92-97). Absalon.
- Bergman, K. (2011). The Well-Adjusted Cops of the New Millennium: Neo-Romantic Tendencies in the Swedish Police Procedural. In Arvas, P. & Nestingen, A. (Eds.) Scandinavian Crime Fiction (pp. 34-45). University of Wales Press.
- Bernardini, P. (2011). Qualificativi, aggettivi. In Simone, R. (Ed.) Vocabolario Treccani (pp. 1200-1203), 2. Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana.
- Blomqvist, J. (2011). The Greek language through the ages. Continuity and change. Επίσημοι Λόγοι. Πρυτάνεια Χρήστου Ν. Κἰττα 2006 – 2010. Τόμος 35ος *Μέρος Α´ 14.19.2004 – 30.4.2007, 537-547. Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιτήμιο Αθηνών.
- Bodén, P. (2011). Adolescents' pronunciation in multilingual Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm. In Källström, R. & Lindberg, I. (Eds.) Young Urban Swedish. Variation and change in multilingual settings (pp. 35-48), 14. University of Gothenburg.
- Burenhult, N. (2011). The coding of reciprocal events in Jahai. In Evans, N., Gaby, A., Levinson, S. C. & Majid, A. (Eds.) Reciprocals and semantic typology (pp. 163-176). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Burenhult, N., Kruspe, N. & Dunn, M. (2011). Language history and culture groups among Austroasiatic-speaking foragers of the Malay Peninsula. In Enfield, N. (Ed.) Dynamics of human diversity: the case of Mainland Southeast Asia (pp. 257-275). Pacific Linguistics.
- Dutceac Segesten, A. (2011). Nationalism in Romanian Textbooks : Change or Continuity?. In Törnquist-Plewa, B. & Stala, K. (Eds.) Cultural Transformations After Communism : Central and Eastern Europe in Focus (pp. 214-250). Nordic Academic Press.
- Egerland, V. (2011). Sophia Elisabet Brenner och petrarkismen. In Valborg, L., Arne, J. & Elisabet, G. (Eds.) Wår lärda skalde-fru. Sophia Elisabet Brenner och hennes tid (pp. 284-303).