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Book chapters (page 43 of 97)
- Ljungqvist, M. (2011). Mutual manifestness and the pragmatic marker ne in Mandarin Chinese. In Turner, K. (Ed.) Current Research in the Semantics / Pragmatics Interface, Making Semantics Pragmatic (pp. 165-181), 24. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Lutas, L. (2011). Narrative Metalepsis in Detective Fiction. In Kukkonen, K. & Klimek, S. (Eds.) Metalepsis in Popular Culture (pp. 41-64), Series: Narratologia / Contributions to Narrative Theory 28. De Gruyter.
- Mark, D. M., Turk, A., Burenhult, N. & Stea, D. (2011). Landscape in language: An introduction. In Mark, D. M., Turk, A., Burenhult, N. & Stea, D. (Eds.) Landscape in language: Transdisciplinary perspectives (pp. 1-24). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Marklund, A. (2011). The Shining in Jotunheimen Der Norwegische Berg-Slasher Fritt vilt (2006) und die Voraussetzungen für einen lokalen Horrorfilm-Zyklus. In van Bebber, J. (Ed.) Dawn of an Evil Millennium Horror/Kultur im neuen Jahrtausend (pp. 335-344). Büchner-Verlag.
- Mortensen, A. (2011). Trevnadens provokation. In Bernhardsson, K., Kärrholm, S., Ljung, P. E., Mortensen, A. & Schiöler, N. (Eds.) Tidskrift för Classiska studier. Festtidskrift till Claes-Göran Holmberg (pp. 141-145), 1. Absalon.
- Mortensen, A. & Conrad Thing, N. A. (2011). Ekelöf holder hellere øje med, hvad der falder ned fra træet. In Conrad Thing, N. A. (Ed.) Nordens fyrste (pp. 86-108). Multivers.
- Nowak, M. (2011). The Polish Christian Right and the idea of the West. In Tornquist-Plewa, B. & Stala, K. (Eds.) Cultural Transformations After Communism: Central and Eastern Europe in Focus. Nordic Academic Press.
- Paradis, C. (2011). A dynamic construal approach to antonymy. Proceedings of the 19th symposium on theoretical and applied linguistics.
- Paradis, C. (2011). Metonymization : A key mechanism in semantic change. In Benczes, R., Barcelona, A. & Ruiz de Mendoza Ibáñez, F. J. (Eds.) Human Cognitive Processing, Defining Metonymy in Cognitive Linguistics : Towards a consensus view (pp. 61-88), 28. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Paradis, C. (2011). Reinforcing adjectives : A cognitive semantic perspective on grammaticalisation. Generative Theory and Corpus Studies : A Dialogue from 10 ICEHL, 233-258. De Gruyter.
- Paradis, C. (2011). Where does metonymy stop? Senses, facets and active zones. In Hanks, P. & Giora, R. (Eds.) Metaphor and Figurative Language. Routledge.
- Schlyter, S. (2011). Tense and Aspect in early French development in aL2, 2L1 and cL2 learners. In Esther, R. & Tanja, K. (Eds.) The development of grammar : language acquisition and diachronic change. Volume in honour of Jürgen M. Meisel (pp. 47-74), 11. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Schönström, R. (2011). Det rena subjektet. En fotnot om proletärens roll i Bertolt Brechts teater. In Jonsson, B., Nilsson, M., Sjöberg, B. & Vulovic, J. (Eds.) Från Nexø till Alakoski. Aspekter på nordisk arbetarlitteratur (pp. 75-82). Absalon.
- Schönström, R. (2011). Nordens litteratur från romantiken till vår egen tid. In Petersson, M. (Ed.) Världens litteraturer (pp. 237-245). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Schönström, R. (2011). Performativitet och litterarisering. Text och teater i ett nytt perspektiv. In Bernhardsson, K., Kärrholm, S., Ljung, P. E., Mortensen, A. & Schiöler, N. (Eds.) Tidskrift för Classiska studier nr 1. Festskrift till Claes-Göran Holmberg (pp. 59-65). Absalon.
- Selander, I. (2011). Tegnér och psalmsången. In Blomqvist, J. (Ed.) Esaias Tegnér. Texter och läsningar (pp. 85-101). Tegnérsamfundet & Retorikförlaget.
- Sinha, C. (2011). Iconology and imagination in human development: explorations in sociogenetic economies. In Geertz, A. & Jensen, J. S. (Eds.) Religious Narrative, Cognition and Culture: Image and Word in the Mind of Narrative (pp. 97-116). Equinox Publishing.
- Sjöberg, B. (2011). Kamraten från Nasaret. Kyrka och religion i statarromanen. In Jonsson, B., Nilsson, M., Sjöberg, B. & Vulovic, J. (Eds.) Från Nexø till Alakoski. Aspekter på nordisk arbetarlitteratur (pp. 103-114). Absalon.
- Sniegon, T. (2011). Looking back, going forward : Czech and Slovak dominant historical narratives of ´the long 1990s´. In Törnquist-Plewa, B. & Stala, K. (Eds.) Cultural Transformations After Communism : Central and Eastern Europe in Focus. (pp. 180-213). Nordic Academic Press.
- Sonesson, G. (2011). La rhétorique des transformations homogènes. Ou l'argumentation fondée sur la structure de la réalité. In Migliore, T. (Ed.) Retorica del visibili. Plenary speech at the 9th Congress of the International Association for Visual Semiotics, Venise, April 13 to 16, 2010. (pp. 309-320), I. Aracne Editrice.
- Steiner, A. (2011). Gendered readings. Bella's books and literary consumer culture. In Ann, S. & Mariah, L. (Eds.) Interdisciplinary Approaches to Twilight. Studies in Fiction, Media, and a Contemporary Cultural Experience (pp. 195-211). Nordic Academic Press.
- Steiner, A. (2011). World Literature and the Book Market. In D'haen, T., Damrosch, D. & Kadir, D. (Eds.) The Routledge Companion to World Literature (pp. 316-324). Routledge.
- Steiner, A. & Larsson, M. (2011). Introduction. In Steiner, A. & Larsson, M. (Eds.) Interdisciplinary Approaches to Twilight. Studies in Fiction, Media, and a Contemporary Cultural Experience (pp. 9-28). Nordic Academic Press.
- Stenström, J. (2011). Colibri och Salamander. Modernismen manifesteras i Malmö 1955. In Bernhardsson, K., Kärrholm, S., Ljung, P. E., Mortensen, A. & Schiöler, N. (Eds.) Tidskrift för Classisca studier nr 1/2011 (pp. 192-195). Absalon.
- Stenström, J. (2011). Det glada 90-talet: Visa och vals hos Falstaff, fakir. In Andreasson, S. & Börjesson, I. (Eds.) Fakirenstudier XXV (pp. 7-15). Fakirensällskapet.