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Book chapters (page 1 of 97)
- Granfelt, J. (2025). Child L2 acquisition of French : A review with a focus on research areas and methodology. In Howard, M. (Ed.) Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, Approaches and Methods in French Second Language Acquisition Research (pp. 308-333), 9. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Zillén, E. (2025). Tegnér och den aisopiska fabeln. In Ferm, O., Lindberg, B. & Vidén, G. (Eds.) Konferenser, Den akademiske Tegnér (pp. 83-101), 114. Kungliga Vitterhets- historie- och antikvitetsakademien.
- Athanasopoulos, P. & Bylund, E. (2024). Semantics and cognition : Spatiotemporal metaphors and time perception in L2 users. In Ionin, T., Montrul, S. & Slabakova, R. (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition, Morphosyntax, and Semantics (pp. 545-557). Routledge.
- Bernhardsson, K. (2024). Samlandet av allt en mamma inte minns : Demens, sorg och omsorg i Jonas Bruns Hon minns inte (2021). In Løkholm Ramberg, I., Nesby, L. & Simonhjell, N. (Eds.) I skyggen av sykdom : Skandinaviske pårørendefortellinger i vår tid (pp. 247-277). Scandinavian Academic Press.
- Björklund, E. (2024). Creating a Public for Visualized Pregnancies : The Swedish Version of the American Sex Hygiene Film Mom and Dad. In Björklund, E. & Jülich, S. (Eds.) Rochester Studies in Medical History, Rethinking the Public Fetus : Historical Perspectives on the Visual Culture of Pregnancy (pp. 119-142), 53. University of Rochester Press.
- Björklund, E. (2024). Visual Wonders and Shocks : Images of Human Fetuses in Television Programs on Abortion and Fetal Research, 1969–1988. In Jülich, S. (Ed.) Clio Medica, Histories of Fetal Knowledge Production in Sweden : Medicine, Politics, and Public Controversy, 1530–2020 (pp. 352-375), 107. Brill.
- Björklund, E. & Jülich, S. (2024). Rethinking the Public Fetus : An Introduction. In Björklund, E. & Jülich, S. (Eds.) Rochester Studies in Medical History, Rethinking the Public Fetus : Historical Perspectives on the Visual Culture of Pregnancy (pp. 1-21), 53. University of Rochester Press.
- Blomqvist, J. (2024). Reactions to natural disasters in antiquity. In Volt, I., Päll, J. & Näripä, N. (Eds.) Acta Societatis Morgensternianae, Hortus Floridus : Studies in Honour of Anne Lill (pp. 87-111), VIII–IX. Tartu University Press.
- Bylund, E. & Athanasopoulos, P. (2024). Thinking for speaking. In Ionin, T., Montrul, S. & Slabakova, R. (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition, Morphosyntax, and Semantics (pp. 37-46). Routledge.
- Claesson, C. (2024). Introducción. Biblioteca di Rassegna Iberistica, Biblioteca di Rassegna iberistica, 37, 3-28.
- Claesson, C. (2024). Making Visible the Invisible : Spanish Post-Crisis Fiction. In Rys, M. & François, L. (Eds.) Re-Imagining Class : Intersectional Perspectives on Class Identity and Precarity in Contemporary Culture (pp. 59-79). Leuven University Press.
- Class, M. (2024). Part 1. Introduction : 'God, Nature, and the Secularisation of Morality and Knowledge'. In Class, M. & Duffy, C. (Eds.) Literature and Philosophy in Nineteenth Century British Culture : Volume I: Literature and Philosophy of the Romantic Period (pp. 1-5), 1. Routledge.
- Class, M. (2024). Part 2. Introduction : 'The Reciprocity of Literature and Philosophy at the Intersection of Self and Other'. In Class, M. & Duffy, C. (Eds.) Literature and Philosophy in Nineteenth Century British Culture : Volume I: Literature and Philosophy of the Romantic Period (pp. 65-70), 1. Routledge.
- Class, M. (2024). Volume I Introduction : 'Romantic-era Literature and Philosophy: From Ancient Rivalry to Reciprocity'. In Class, M. & Duffy, C. (Eds.) Literature and Philosophy in Nineteenth Century British Culture : Volume I: Literature and Philosophy of the Romantic Period, 1. Routledge.
- Duffy, C. (2024). Part 3. Introduction : 'Philosophical Aesthetics and Beyond'. In Class, M. & Duffy, C. (Eds.) Literature and Philosophy in Nineteenth Century British Culture : Volume I: Literature and Philosophy of the Romantic Period (pp. 127-131), 1. Routledge.
- Duffy, C. (2024). Part 4. Introduction : 'Literature, Philosophy, and Revolution'. In Class, M. & Duffy, C. (Eds.) Literature and Philosophy in Nineteenth Century British Culture : Volume I: Literature and Philosophy of the Romantic Period (pp. 219-224), 1. Routledge.
- Dunér, D. (2024). Signs of Life : The Epistemology of Indirect Sensing. In Garasic, M. D. & Di Paola, M. (Eds.) The Philosophy of Outer Space : Explorations, Controversies, Speculations (pp. 56-64). Routledge.
- Emanuelsson, V. (2024). Hans Larsson och stämningens form. In Höög, V. & Mortensen, A. (Eds.) Insikt och handling, Humanisten Hans Larsson : Filosofiska och litterära praktiker för vår tid (pp. 57-87), 27. Hans Larsson Samfundet.
- Ferin, M. & Kupisch, T. (2024). Late acquired lexical and syntactic markers in Italian rhetorical questions. In Weicker, M., Lemmer, R., Listanti, A. & Grimm, A. (Eds.) Empirical and Theoretical Approaches to Language Acquisition : A generative approach (pp. 107-129). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Granfelt, J. (2024). Bortom det uppenbara : Språkutbildningar i det nära förflutna och tankar om framtiden. In Cronqvist, M., Oredsson, U. & Åkesson, L. (Eds.) Framtidskompasser : en akademisk tankesmedja tar ut riktningarna (pp. 129-154). Makadam förlag.
- Gullberg, M. (2024). Gesture and second/foreign language acquisition. In Cienki, A. (Ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of gesture studies (pp. 398-398). Cambridge University Press.
- Haettner Aurelius, E. (2024). "Vid pekoralets gräns min fåle betar, i gräs med svarta tistlar blandat" : Birger Sjöberg, Gunnar Ekelöf och pekoralisterna. In Hyltén-Cavallius, I., Ljung, P. E., Möller, D., Nilsson, H. & Tranvik, A. (Eds.) Ekelöf, Django och annat strountes : Festskrift till Anders Mortensen (pp. 195-224). Stilbildarna i Mölle.
- Hedling, E. (2024). "Det skall vara mjukt. Som sammet!" : Filmen om Django. In Hyltén-Cavallius, I., Ljung, P. E., Möller, D., Nilsson, H. & Tranvik, A. (Eds.) Ekelöf, Django och annat strountes : Festskrift till Anders Mortensen (pp. 135-143). Stilbildarna i Mölle.
- Hedling, E. (2024). Det sällsynta leendet : om affischerna till Ingmar Bergmans filmer. In Nilsson Nylander, E. & Larsson, M. (Eds.) Skrifter utgivna av Universitetsbiblioteket i Lund. Ny följd, Nuets närhet, det förflutnas samtid : En antologi om vardagens tryck (pp. 108-115), 12. Universitetsbiblioteket, Lunds universitet.
- Hedling, E. (2024). Filmen om Narvik – ur Winston Churchills synvinkel. In Faldalen, J. I. (Ed.) Fabelaktig! : En feiring av professor Ove Solum (pp. 195-2005). Universitetet i Oslo.