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Book chapters (page 2 of 97)
- Hedling, E. (2024). Gendered Disinformation. In Aggestam, K. & True, J. (Eds.) Feminist Foreign Policy Analysis : A New Subfield (pp. 137-153). Bristol University Press.
- Håkansson, G. (2024). Speech modifications and the Processability Theory hierarchy : Some observations on word order in Swedish L1 and L2 input. In Hracs, L. (Ed.) Language Acquisition and Language Disorders, Perspectives on Input, Evidence, and Exposure in Language Acquisition : Studies in honour of Susanne E. Carroll (pp. 226-244), 69. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Høgel, C. (2024). From Cyclops to Unicorn : Fiction as interests of the new communitas of middle Byzantine hagiography. In van Pelt, J. & de Temmerman, K. (Eds.) Mnemosyne, Supplements, Narrative, Imagination, and Concepts of Fiction in Late Antique Hagiography (pp. 51-68), 478. Brill.
- Høgel, C. (2024). Stylites in the Metaphrastic Menologion. In Crostini, B. & Høgel, C. (Eds.) Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul. Transactions, Syrian Stylites : Rereadings and Recastings of Late Ancient Superheroes (pp. 139-160), 26. Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul.
- Høgel, C. (2024). Telling a thauma in Hagiography and Paradoxography. In Constantinou, S. & Andreou, A. (Eds.) Brill's Series on the Early Middle Ages, Storyworlds in Short Narratives : Approaches to Late Antique and Early Byzantine Tales (pp. 40-58), 31. Brill.
- Ishihara, S. & van de Weijer, J. (2024). Recursive focus prosody. In Ting, J. & Hsu, Y.-Y. (Eds.) Studies in East Asian Linguistics, Linguistic Interfaces in East-Asian Languages : A Festschrift in Honor of Yoshihisa Kitagawa (pp. 183-208). Springer Nature.
- Jonsson, B. (2024). Arbetarrörelsens kampdikt som förebild och förlaga för nazisternas : – Exemplet Ossiannilsson. In Agrell, B., Forssberg, A. & Nilsson, M. (Eds.) Malmö University Studies in Class and Culture, Arbetarlitteratur bortom kanon : Nordiska perspektiv (pp. 195-206), 1. Malmo University Press.
- Jonsson, B. (2024). Om poesi och pengar : Antikapitalism i den bruna dikten. In Hyltén-Cavallius, I., Ljung, P. E., Möller, D., Nilsson, H. & Tranvik, A. (Eds.) Ekelöf, Django och annat strountes : Festskrift till Anders Mortensen (pp. 169-177). Stilbildarna i Mölle.
- Jülich, S. & Björklund, E. (2024). The Public Fetus : A Traveling Concept. In Björklund, E. & Jülich, S. (Eds.) Rochester Studies in Medical History, Rethinking the Public Fetus : Historical Perspectives on the Visual Culture of Pregnancy (pp. 289-309), 53. University of Rochester Press.
- Kupisch, T. & Snape, N. (2024). Genericity. In Ionin, T., Montrul, S. & Slabakova, R. (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition, Morphosyntax and Semantics. Routledge.
- Nilsson, P. (2024). Om ordens betydelsefulla färd genom tiderna - redaktörens reseskildring. SAOB - En jubileumsbok, 78-87. Svenska Akademien.
- Obert, K. (2024). Onomatopeia in Nadëb. In Körtvélyessy, L. & Štekauer, P. (Eds.) Comparative Handbooks of Linguistics [CHL], Onomatopoeia in the World’s Languages (pp. 1025-1036), 10. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Ohlsson, A. (2024). "På tiljorna som föreställer världen" : Drama och teater som tema och struktur i Hjalmar Gullbergs lyrik. In Hyltén-Cavallius, I., Ljung, P. E., Möller, D., Nilsson, H. & Tranvik, A. (Eds.) Ekelöf, Django och annat strountes : Festskrift till Anders Mortensen (pp. 108-117). Stilbildarna i Mölle.
- Sniegon, T. (2024). Soviet Marshal Konev’s Posthumous Battle of Municipal District Prague 6. In Suchoples, J., James, S. & Hanka, H. (Eds.) The Cold War Re-called : 21st Century Perceptions of the Worldwide Geopolitical Tension (pp. 353-376). Peter Lang Publishing Group.
- Sonesson, G. (2024). The Elucidation of the Phenomenology of the Picture Sign from Its Phaneroscopy, and Vice Versa. Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, 63, 57-78. Springer Science and Business Media B.V..
- Svantesson, J. O. (2024). Vowel harmony in Mongolic languages. The Oxford Handbook of Vowel Harmony, 774-779. Oxford University Press.
- Tranvik, A. (2024). Fadermördarnas folk : Okunskap, glömska och svenskhet i Gunnar Ekelöfs "Vår traditionslöshet". In Hyltén-Cavallius, I., Ljung, P. E., Möller, D., Nilsson, H. & Tranvik, A. (Eds.) Ekelöf, Django och annat strountes : Festskrift till Anders Mortensen (pp. 234-240). Stilbildarna i Mölle.
- Vetushko-Kalevich, A. & Borgehammar, S. (2024). Gravminnenas inskrifter : Källor och editionsprinciper. In Bengtsson, H. (Ed.) Sveriges kyrkor: Konsthistoriskt inventarium, Lunds domkyrka : Gravminnen (pp. 311-341), 242. Makadam förlag.
- Vinge, L. (2024). The Five Senses in Classical Science and Ethics. The Sixth Sense Reader, 107-118. Taylor & Francis.
- Zeng, J. & Author, A. (2024). The literary making of a Uyghur feminist : Identity and ethics in Banu's Redemption. In Engebretsen, E. L. & Zeng, J. (Eds.) Queering China: Transnational Genders and Sexualities, Feminist Activism in the Post-2010s Sinosphere : Identifying Issues, Sharing Knowledge, Building Movements (pp. 75-92). Bloomsbury Publishing.
- Zillén, E. (2024). Misstaget och den intellektualistiska antropologin i Per Olov Enquists Legionärerna (1968). In Data-Bukowska, E. & Wasilewska-Chmura, M. (Eds.) Filologiskt smörgåsbord, Filologiskt smörgåsbord 5 : När forskning och undervisning möts. En 50-årsjubileumsskrift från skandinavistiken i Kraków (pp. 45-61), 5. Jagiellonian University Press.
- Zillén, E. (2024). The Aesopic Fable and the Study of Greek in Early Modern Swedish Schools. In Akujärvi, J. & Savin, K. (Eds.) Studia Graeca et Latina Lundensia, Reading, Writing, Translating : Greek in Early Modern Schools, Universities, and beyond (pp. 89-121), 29. Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna.
- Zlatev, J., Sibierska, M., Żywiczyński, P., van de Weijer, J. & Boruta-Żywiczyńska, M. (2024). Can pantomime narrate? : A cognitive semiotic approach. In Żywiczyński, P., Blomberg, J. & Boruta-Żywiczyńska, M. (Eds.) Advances in interaction studies, Perspectives on pantomime (pp. 115-138), 12. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Zlatev, J., Stutz, A. & Żywiczyński, P. (2024). A four-stage model of the co-evolution of hominin cooperation and communication. Introducing Evolutionary Pragmatics : How Language Emerges from Use, 103-123. Taylor & Francis.
- Athanasopoulos, P. (2023). Linguistic Relativity. In Culpeper, J. (Ed.) Introducing Linguistics (pp. 469-477). Routledge.