This is a list of all pulications at SOL. Search for a specific publication in Lund University Research Portal.
Book chapters (page 40 of 97)
- Schönström, R. (2012). Pär Lagerkvist's Literary Art and Pictorial Art. In van den Berg, H., Hautamäki, I., Hjartarson, B., Jelsbak, T., Schönström, R., Stounbjerg, P., Ørum, T. & Aagesen, D. (Eds.) A Cultural History of the Avant-Garde in the Nordic Countries 1900-1925 (pp. 435-444), Vol. 1. Rodopi.
- Schönström, R. (2012). The Enveloping Home. Envisioning the House in Strindberg's Chamber Plays. In Balzamo, E. & Briens, S. (Eds.) Strindberg et la ville/The Cities of Strindberg (pp. 111-124), Hors-série 2. Deshima. Revue d'histoire globale des pays du nord, Université de Strasbourg.
- Schötz, S., Bruce, G., Segerup, M., Beskow, J., Gustafson, J. & Granström, B. (2012). Regional varieties of Swedish: models and synthesis. In Niebuhr, O. (Ed.) Understanding prosody: the role of context function and communication (pp. 119-134). De Gruyter.
- Selander, I. (2012). Siri Dahlquist som lyriker. In Grönqvist, V.-A. (Ed.) Siri Dahlquist: psalmförfattare, prästfru och teolog (pp. 375-408). Artos & Norma.
- Sigurðsson, H. A. (2012). Thoughts on cartography and universality. In Bianchi, V. & Chesi, C. (Eds.) Enjoy linguistics: papers offered to Luigi Rizzi on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
- Sigurðsson, H. A. & Maling, J. (2012). Silent heads. In Brugè, L., Cardinaletti, A., Giusti, G., Munaro, N. & Poletto, C. (Eds.) Functional Heads (pp. 368-378). Oxford University Press.
- Sinha, C. (2012). (Dis-)Continuity, (inter-)corporeality and conventionality in dialogical development. In Bertau, M.-C., Gonçalves, M. & Raggatt, P. (Eds.) Dialogic formations: nvestigations into the origins and development of the dialogical self (pp. 145-153). Information Age Publishing.
- Sjöblad, C. (2012). Femmes créatrices. Dictionnaire des Femmes Créatrices. Les Éditions des Femmes, Paris. Eds. Mireille Calle-Gruber, Béatrice Didier and Antoinette Fouque.
- Sonesson, G. (2012). Anthroposemiotics. In Favareau, D., Cobley, P. & Kull, K. (Eds.) A more developed sign : interpreting the work of Jesper Hoffmeyer (pp. 25-28), 10. Tartu University Press.
- Sonesson, G. (2012). Between homeworld and alienworld : a primer of cultural semiotics. In Hess-Lüttich, E. W. (Ed.) Sign Culture = Zeichen Kultur (pp. 315-328). Verlag Königshausen & Neumann.
- Sonesson, G. (2012). Semiosis beyond signs: on two or three missing links on the way to human beings. In Schilhab, T., Stjernfelt, F. & Deacon, T. (Eds.) The Symbolic Species Evolved (pp. 81-96). Springer.
- Steiner, A. (2012). Flickors åtrå och sexualitet i Katarina von Bredows romaner från 2000-talet. In Tenngart, P. & Kärrholm, S. (Eds.) Barnlitteraturens värden och värderingar (pp. 257-270). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Stöhr, A., Akpinar, D., Bianchi, G. & Kupisch, T. (2012). Gender marking in Italian-German heritage speakers and L2-learners of German. In Braunmueller, K. & Gabriel, C. (Eds.) Multilingual Individuals Multilingual Societies (MIMS) (pp. 153-169). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Surányi, B., Ishihara, S. & Schubö, F. (2012). Syntax-prosody mapping, topic-comment structure and stress-focus correspondence in Hungarian. In Elordieta, G. & Prieto, P. (Eds.) Interface Explorations, Prosody and Meaning (pp. 35-71), 25. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Svahn, A. (2012). Imperative -ta in Colloquial Japanese. In Frellesvig, B., Kiaer, J. & Wrona, J. (Eds.) Studies in Japanese and Korean linguistics (pp. 173-186). LINCOM.
- Svantesson, J.-O. (2012). Te. In Berry, P. (Ed.) If I were a drongo bird: Tankar om längtan, fantasi och skaparkraft tillägnade Håkan Lundström (pp. 145-148). Musikhögskolan i Malmö.
- Tapper, M. (2012). Filmåret 2011: Uppföljarnas rekordår och svensk internationalisering. In Westander, S. (Ed.) Nationalencyklopedins årsbok 2011 (pp. 182-185), 36. Nationalencyklopedin.
- Tapper, M. (2012). Statens Biografbyrå in memoriam. In Westander, S. (Ed.) Nationalencyklopedins årsbok 2011 (pp. 186-189), 36. Nationalencyklopedin.
- Teleman, U. (2012). Rum och tid: om tillkomsten av durativ temporal betydelse hos prepositionen "under". In Enger, H.-O., Faarlund, J. T. & Vannebo, K. I. (Eds.) Grammatikk, bruk og norm (pp. 259-274). Novus Forlag.
- Tenngart, P. (2012). Barnlitteraturens kognitiva värden. In Kärrholm, S. & Tenngart, P. (Eds.) Barnlitteraturens värden och värderingar (pp. 23-38). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Thormählen, M. (2012). Introduction and editorial matter. In Thormählen, M. (Ed.) The Brontës in Context (pp. 1-6). Cambridge University Press.
- Thormählen, M. (2012). Marriage and family life. In Thormählen, M. (Ed.) The Brontës in Context (pp. 311-317). Cambridge University Press.
- Thormählen, M. & Wood, S. (2012). Agriculture and industry. In Thormählen, M. (Ed.) The Brontës in Context (pp. 276-282). Cambridge University Press.
- Toyota, J. (2012). Concept of Time: Future Tense and Emptiness. In Toyota, J., Hallonsten, P. & Shchepetunina, M. (Eds.) Sense of Emptiness: an interdisciplinary perspective (pp. 187-209). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Toyota, J. (2012). On Change in the Concept of Time: Future Tense and Language Contacts. In Lopičić, V. & Mišić-Ilić, B. (Eds.) Challenging Change: Literary and Linguistic Responses (pp. 187-196). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.