This is a list of all pulications at SOL. Search for a specific publication in Lund University Research Portal.
Book chapters (page 33 of 97)
- Zlatev, J. (2014). Bodily Mimesis and the Transition to Speech. In Pina, M. & Gontier, N. (Eds.) The Evolution of Social Communication in Primates: A Multidisciplinary Approach (pp. 165-178), 1. Springer.
- Zlatev, J. (2014). The co-evolution of human intersubjectivity, morality and language. In Dor, D., Knight, C. & Lewis, D. (Eds.) The Social Origins of Language (pp. 249-266). Oxford University Press.
- Zlatev, J. & McCune, L. (2014). Toward and integrated model of semiotic development. In Chen, R. (Ed.) Cognitive Development: Theories, Stages, Processes and Challenges (pp. 59-76). Nova Science Publishers, Inc..
- Ambrazaitis, G. & Frid, J. (2013). On the Intonation of Confirmations in Southern Swedish. In Asu, E. L. & Lippus, P. (Eds.) Nordic Prosody: Proceedings of the XIth Conference, Tartu 2012. Peter Lang Publishing Group.
- Ambrazaitis, G. & Tronnier, M. (2013). Talets atomer. In Johansson, V., Carling, G. & Holmer, A. (Eds.) Språket, människan och världen : människans språk 1-2 (pp. 125-164). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Andersson, L. G. (2013). Neurodermitis: Kerstin Cmelka und Filmkunst als pharmakon/ Neurodermitis: Kerstin Cmelka and film art as pharmakon. In Droschl, S., Busch, I. & Stolte, F. (Eds.) Kerstin Cmelka (pp. 19-30). Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg.
- Andersson, L. G. & Sundholm, J. (2013). Reluctant Swedish modernism: Transnational trajectories and domestic applications. In McParland, R. P. (Ed.) Film and Literary Modernism (pp. 61-72). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Andrén, M., Andersson, A., Håkansson, G., Gullberg, M., Johansson, V. & Sayehli, S. (2013). Att lära sig språk. In Johansson, V., Carling, G. & Holmer, A. (Eds.) Språket, människan och världen : människans språk 1-2 (pp. 73-89). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Bagiu, L. (2013). The Image of the Romanians in the Travelling Impressions of 17th Century Scandinavians. In Botoşineanu, L., Butnaru, D., Ichim, O., Maticiuc, C. & Tamba, E. (Eds.) Metafore ale devenirii din perspectiva migraţiei contemporane. Naţional şi internaţional în limba şi cultura română (pp. 387-403), Academia Română – Institutul de Filologie Română „A. Philippide”. Editura Alfa.
- Bareis, A. (2013). Ethics, the diachronization of narratology, and the margins of unreliable narration. In Lothe, J. & Hawthorn, J. (Eds.) Narrative Ethics (pp. 41-55). Rodopi.
- Bareis, A. (2013). Moderne, Postmoderne, Metamoderne? Poetologische Positionen im Werk Daniel Kehlmanns. In Rohde, C. & Schmidt-Bergmann, H. (Eds.) Die Unendlichkeit des Erzählens (pp. 321-344). Aisthesis Verlag.
- Bergman, K. (2013). From "The Case of the Pressed Flowers" to the Serial Killer's Torture Chamber: The Use and Function of Crime Fiction Sub-Genres in Stieg Larsson's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. In Martin, R. (Ed.) Critical Insights: Crime and Detective Fiction (pp. 38-54). Salem Press.
- Bergman, K. (2013). From National Authority to Urban Underbelly: Negotiations of Power in Stockholm Crime Fiction. In Andrew, L. & Phelps, C. (Eds.) Crime Fiction in the City: Capital Crimes (pp. 65-84). University of Wales Press.
- Bergman, K. (2013). Inför lagen och den patriarkala genren: Kvinnliga deckarförfattare i 2000-talets Sverige. In Bergman, K., Helgason, J., Lundin, I., Regnell, A. & Steiner, A. (Eds.) "Det universella och det individuella": Festskrift till Eva Hættner Aurelius (pp. 39-46). Makadam förlag.
- Bergman, K. (2013). The Good, The Bad, and the Collaborators: Swedish World War II Guilt Redefined in 21st Century Crime Fiction. In Schoenhals, M. & Sarsenov, K. (Eds.) Imagining Mass Dictatorships: The Individual and the Masses in Literature and Cinema (pp. 183-210). Palgrave Macmillan.
- Bernhardsson, K. (2013). Litteraturens möjligheter. In Palm, A. & Stenström, J. (Eds.) Kroppen i humanioraperspektiv (pp. 179-193), 9. Makadam förlag.
- Bernsand, N. (2013). Friend or Foe? Contemporary debates on Islam and Muslim immigrants among Swedish identitarians. In Larsson, G. & Hoffman, T. (Eds.) Muslims and the New Information and Communication Technologies (pp. 163-189), 7. Springer.
- Brandtler, J. (2013). Evaluability : an alternative approach to polarity sensitivity. In Csipak, E., Eckhardt, R., Liu, M. & Sailer, M. (Eds.) Beyond "any" and "ever": new explorations in negative polarity sensitivity. (pp. 103-125). Mouton de Gruyter.
- Brandtler, J. (2013). Är språket bipolärt : om polaritetslicensiering i svenska och andra språk. Årsbok, Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund. Årsbok 2013, 26-43. Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund.
- Cabak Rédei, A. (2013). Cognition and stereotypes in Guess Who is Coming to Dinner : a semiotic and social psychological perspective. In Sykes, G. (Ed.) A Semiotic Reader: Papers from the Southern Semiotic Review Issues One and Two (pp. 251-270).
- Cabak Rédei, A. (2013). Dialogue, embodiment and semioethics. In Petrilli, S. (Ed.) Writing, Voice, Undertaking (pp. 63-65). Legas.
- Caballero, R. & Paradis, C. (2013). Perceptual landscapes from the perspective of cultures and genres. In Caballero, R. & Díaz Vera, J. (Eds.) Sensuous cognition - Explorations into human sentience - Imagination, (e)motion and perception. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Carling, G. (2013). Skriftsystem. In Victoria, J., Gerd, C. & Arthur, H. (Eds.) Språket, människan och världen. Studentlitteratur AB.
- Carling, G. & Holmer, A. (2013). Tankar om språk. In Johansson, V., Carling, G. & Holmer, A. (Eds.) Språket, människan och världen : människans språk 1-2 (pp. 299-314). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Catrin, N. & Håkansson, G. (2013). God svenska! Attityder till språkliga attityder bland gymnasister och deras lärare. In Bihl, B., Andersson, P. & Lötmarker, L. (Eds.) Svenskans beskrivning (pp. 208-217), 32.