Master of Arts in Language and Linguistics
Student papers
This is a list of all theses in the MA in Languages and Linguistics in reverse chronological order. You can also search for a specific thesis at LUP Student Papers.
Student papers (page 4 of 7)
- Master's thesis: There is always a little famine going on - A study of articles in the People's Daily during the Great famine in China
Author: Evelina Bengtsson
Year: 2017 - Master's thesis: She seldoms to what? An investigation into adverbial verbs and interrogative verbs in verb-initial languages
Author: Victor Bogren Svensson
Year: 2017 - Master's thesis: The hierarchy of Chinese grammar: A cross-sectional study of L2 Chinese within Processability Theory
Author: Magnus Brolin
Year: 2017 - Master's thesis: Acquisition phonologique et morphosyntaxique du suédois et du français par des enfants bilingues simultanés. Le développement de phrases nominales et déterminatives à l’âge de 22-32 mois.
Author: Fanny Carlström Plaza
Year: 2017 - Master's thesis: French pop music remakes in Turkey: A cognitive semiotic inquiry into cultural transfer
Author: Azize Günes
Year: 2017 - Master's thesis: Non-modal voice quality in Chichimeco - "Hablamos más con la garganta"
Author: Anneliese Kelterer
Year: 2017 - Master's thesis: Unagi-sentences in Japanese and Korean: A comparative study based on acceptability judgments
Author: Ante Kärrman
Year: 2017 - Master's thesis: Comprendre et interpréter la conversation familière en français - Une étude qualitative de six apprenants avancés suédophones
Author: Simone Morehed
Year: 2017 - Master's thesis: Saxo and his younger cousin - a study in the principles used to make Gesta Danorum into Compendium Saxonis
Author: Marko Vitas
Year: 2017 - Master's thesis: Code and Inference in metaphor comprehension: interpretation of metaphorical language in Dante's Inferno by Italians and Australians
Author: Sara Albrici
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: Hur läser mottagaren? Effekter av klarspråk i läsning
Author: Mikael Berger
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: Multilingualism and Mobility: A Linguistic Landscape Analysis of Three Neighbourhoods in Malmö, Sweden
Author: Ashleigh Brito
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: Processing of tense and aspect manipulations on-line in the first and second language: a self-paced reading study with Russian advanced learners of English.
Author: Elena Eriksson
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: The Estonian Swedish diphthongs /ai au oi ui/: Acoustic characteristics and cross-dialectal variation
Author: Otto Ewald
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: Topicalisation and Left-Dislocation in European Portuguese
Author: Robert Farren
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: Begreppssyntes - För att förklara och förstå
Author: Alexandra Fredriksson
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: Naming A World of Things – An investigation of the development of noun phrases in written expository discourse, from adolescents to expert writers
Author: Pia Gustafsson
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: Testing the Language Melody Game - An ERP, perception and production study of L2 acquisition of the Swedish word accent – grammar association.
Author: Anna Hed
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: Ukrainian Language Policy: The Status of Russian in English Language Medium Ukrainian and Russian Newspapers and in the Linguistic Landscape of Four Regions
Author: Svetlana L'Nyavskiy
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: Grammatical gender in Italian by Swedish-speaking L2 learners: a third age perspective
Author: Irene Lami
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: Features of Arabic-French code-switching in Morocco : a sociolinguistic case study on intra-sentential code-switching in Morocco
Author: Juhan Luomala
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: Motion-emotion metaphors in Estonian: A cross-linguistic comparison with Finnish, English and Swedish
Author: Liina Paju
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: Barack Obama’s identity-building in the health care debate: A corpus-assisted discourse study
Author: Katherina Riesner
Year: 2016 - Master's thesis: HOPE WANTED. Wall Writing Protests in times of Economic Crisis in Athens
Author: Georgios Stampoulidis
Author: Christina Stathopoulou
Year: 2016