Master of Arts in Language and Linguistics
Student papers
This is a list of all theses in the MA in Languages and Linguistics in reverse chronological order. You can also search for a specific thesis at LUP Student Papers.
Student papers (page 2 of 7)
- Master's thesis: Emotional grammar: Is there a relationship between emotions and grammatical creativity?
Author: Toke Laursen
Year: 2022 - Master's thesis: How to analyze identification in storytelling?
Author: Felix Pålsson
Year: 2022 - Master's thesis: Construal of motion events and linguistic relativity: Comparing German and Spanish speakers
Author: Laura Rebecca Dominique Timm
Year: 2022 - Master's thesis: Translating “gender” into Arabic: “jins ” , “jinsayn ” , “naw ʽ” or “jindar ”? A study of the translation of the concept “gender” in single- and multi-word expressions in feminist knowledge building
Author: Cecilie Olivia Buchhave
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: Spectators’ Experience of Watching Dance without Music: A cognitive semiotic exploration of kinesthetic empathy
Author: Khatia Chikhladze
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: Några tankar kring användningen av latinska citat som motton i svensk witterhet 1732-1814
Author: Jan Dahlberg
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: Cato and libertas in Lucan's Bellum Civile
Author: Eamon Hanley
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: A phonetic and multimodal exploration of the BA construction of the Chinese imperative
Author: Guohua Hu
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: Nyhet, information eller reklam? En interdiskursiv analys av kommuners pressmeddelanden
Author: Emilia Jonasson
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: A new evidential in Turkish? The online use and interpretation of –mışımdır and –ıyorumdur marked sentences
Author: Selcuk Defne Kartal
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: Hodie mihi, cras tibi
Author: Kerry Kempe
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: ”Det har inte fattats några beslut om neddragningar av assistans från regeringens sida” Språkliga strategier för undvikande av skuld i två riksdagsdebatter om LSS-krisen
Author: Mathilda Lefin Matz
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: The power of slurs in reported speech: A survey-based study of native speaker intuitions
Author: Jennifer Melckersson
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: "Pro Iuppiter!" - A Study of the Use of Oaths, Curses, and Prayers in Roman Comedy
Author: Olivia Peukert Stock
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: L2 word accent production in Swedish: An experimental study on adult learners of Swedish with non-tonal L1 background
Author: Ana Ramírez Maraver
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: L1 and L2 language processing in written production and perception: Null objects in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
Author: Rocio Ramirez Maraver
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: The role of gender and familiarity for speech and gestures during agreement in Greek conversation
Author: Stamatina Rozou
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: Cognate effects in intra-sentential codeswitching in trilinguals - evidence from a read-aloud task
Author: Annika Milena Schimpff
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: L2 listeners benefit from audiovisual information in the processing of Swedish vowels - A speech comprehension experiment with L1 and L2 listeners
Author: Helene Springer
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: So close and yet so different: Reconstructing the phonological history of three Southern New Caledonian languages
Author: William Zetterberg
Year: 2021 - Master's thesis: Does Familiarity Affect Gestural Rates?
Author: Michael Anderson
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: Non-Actual Motion Expressions in Language and Gesture
Author: Linea Brink Andersen
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: L2 intonation by Swedish learners of Japanese:Analysis of pitch accent and prosodic phrasing errors
Author: Natsumi Goto
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: Planning Processes in Speaking, Texting, and Writing – The effect of reader’s and listener’s temporal and spatial presence on planning in language production
Author: Kajsa Gullberg
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: Stabat Virgo dolorosa
Author: Katarina Hallqvist
Year: 2020