Master of Arts in Language and Linguistics
Student papers
This is a list of all theses in the MA in Languages and Linguistics in reverse chronological order. You can also search for a specific thesis at LUP Student Papers.
Student papers (page 3 of 7)
- Master's thesis: Narrative and Gender: Similarities and differences in written narratives produced from same- and opposite-gender perspective in Modern Greek
Author: Lambrini Kokkali
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: A phonological reconstruction of Proto-Omagua–Kokama–Tupinambá
Author: Olof Lundgren
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: Dizziness of Freedom: The influence of maladaptive anxiety on metaphorical meaning-making and the Motivation & Sedimentation Model (MSM)
Author: Kalina Moskaluk
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: Grammatiska och didaktiska perspektiv på partikeln le i rikskinesiska – en jämförande studie
Author: Maria Mörnerud
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: Linguistic approaches to Swedish authorities' web-based information in English
Author: Lena Persbeck
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: Screaming yellow: An exploratory study of how speakers gesture and speak about colour and colour theory
Author: Thit Leonora Amsen
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Intersemiotic Translation from Film to Audio Description: A cognitive semiotic approach
Author: Ida Stevia Krogh Diget
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Thinking things in German versus Swedish
Author: Yannick Frommherz
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: ¿Fiera salvaje o flan de coco? — un estudio sobre la construcción metafórica de género en letras de reguetón común y feminista
Author: Johanna Hagner
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Människoideal i minnesord Nekrologens topiker i Svenska Dagbladet 1940-1945 respektive 2013-2018
Author: Ann-Marie Karlsson
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Holistic and combinatorial processing of Swedish tone accents in the brain: An MMN study
Author: Renata Kochancikaite
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Choice Awareness and Manipulation Blindness: a cognitive semiotic exploration of choice-making and memory
Author: Alexandra Mouratidou
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Das Deutsche als adverbiale Sprache: Zum gewichtigen semantischen Beitrag von Adverbialen zur deutschen Satzkonstruktion
Author: Anusche Noring
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: “Two brains are often better than one, probably”: Adult ESL learners’ paired and individual lexical inferencing task performances, in relation to L2 proficiency
Author: Elin Nylander
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Image schemas, mimetic schemas, and the development of Swedish children’s gestures
Author: Klara Sif Skarphédinsdóttir
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Le langage inclusif : attitudes et évaluation de texte
Author: Julia Tibblin
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Metaphors and their Making: Bodily, conventionally and contextually motivated metaphors in inter- and intra-generational conversations
Author: Björn Torstensson
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Naïve listeners’ perceptual learning of Chinese tones: The influence of L1 background in prosody and the effect of an auditory-image (AI) training paradigm
Author: Lili Wen
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Impoliteness in language and gesture: a cross-cultural study of impolite behaviour in Russian and Swedish
Author: Vladislav Zlov
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Grammatikundervisnings betydelse för studenters skrivande
Author: Elias Annby
Year: 2018 - Master's thesis: Quantifying loanwords: A study of borrowability in the Finnish lexicon
Author: Sandra Cronhamn
Year: 2018 - Master's thesis: Referential iconicity in music and speech within and across sensory modalities
Author: Veronica Giraldo Valencia
Year: 2018 - Master's thesis: From Unisemiotic to Polysemiotic Narratives: Translating across semiotic systems
Author: Karoliina Louhema
Year: 2018 - Master's thesis: English Mother Tongue Instruction - Hidden Curriculum and Heteroglossic Repertoires
Author: Anna Mazur-Andersson
Year: 2018 - Master's thesis: Event construal in the auditory and visual modalities: A crosslinguistic study of placement events in Mandarin Chinese and German
Author: Vera Trojansky
Year: 2018