Master of Arts in Language and Linguistics
Student papers
This is a list of all theses in the MA in Languages and Linguistics in reverse chronological order. You can also search for a specific thesis at LUP Student Papers.
Student papers (page 6 of 7)
- Master's thesis: Un'analisi linguistica della traduzione di un romanzo italiano contemporaneo
Author: Andreas Onorati
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: Objektsflytt i L1- och L2-svenska. En kontrastiv studie av språkbruk och språkuppfattning hos svenska och polska talare.
Author: Ewa Petersson
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: The Good Enough Approach and Lingering Effects of Error Correction in Antonymic Pairs: Evidence from Eye Movements
Author: Alexander Strukelj
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: Actions d'offrir et structure préférentielle. Analyse conversationnelle d'un repas de famille.
Author: Hanna Strömberg
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: Constant Tonal Alignment in Swedish Word Accent II
Author: Malin Svensson
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: L'intonation montante en français spontané : Continuation vs. Question
Author: Emma Valtersson
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: Northern Aslian Linguistic Prehistory: Tracing the Effects of Contact
Author: Joanne Yager
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: Tyrtaeus in Plato: A case of Poetry at the Service of Philosophy
Author: Claudia Zichi
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: Repetition och argumentation i samtida arabisk text
Author: Sam Carlshamre
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: La interlengua y la asimilación del subjuntivo en aprendientes suecos de ELE
Author: Marcelo Cea Alvarado
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: To What Extent is the English Language Present in Modern China?: An Analysis of Key Words and Trends Within Popular Chinese Entertainment, Media, and Cultural Mediums From a Sociolinguistic Perspective, Primarily Focusing on Southeast China, and the Reasons Behind the Scope of This Phenomenon
Author: Morgan Ericson Dryden
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Etymology of Hebrew nouns : Re-examining the origins of the language of Israel
Author: Yaelle Kalifon
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Effects of visual feedback on the temporal aspects of argumentative writing
Author: Vesna Mirkoska
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Processing filler-gap dependencies in an L2: An Event-Related Potential study
Author: Andrea Schremm
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Processing Swedish Word Accents - evidence from response and reaction times
Author: Pelle Söderström
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: The three-gender system in two varieties of Jämtlandic
Author: Briana Van Epps
Year: 2012 - Master's thesis: Olle Rybergs Orientaliska Handskriftssamling: problematik rörande katalogisering av de arabiska handskrifterna i samlingen
Author: Mattias Ekberg
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: The Neural Representations of Function Words : Neurolinguistic Beliefs Reconsidered in the Light of Grammaticalisation Theory
Author: Sabine Gosselke
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: Cross-linguistic interference of intonation in regard to tag questions in native, second and third language use. Does Russian have an impact on Danish and English in terms of intonation in the tags?
Author: Anna Knudsen
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: Brown and Levinson Online - On the implications of politeness strategies and the Japanese desu/masu-form in a massively multiplayer online game
Author: Jens Larsson
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: Zur Anarchie der Vergangenheitstempora im Deutschen
Author: Sofie Nilsson
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: Processing the L2 comprehension process: Testing Processability Theory’s predictions in an ERP study of adult learners of L2 Swedish
Author: Ariane Senécal
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: The relative influence of English (L2) vs. Russian (L1) on the translation from Swedish (L3) into Russian depending on proficiency in L3
Author: Nadezda Tkachenko
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: Effects of Suprasegmental Features on the Processing of Spoken Words in the Human Brain: Evidence from Mismatch Negativity (MMN)
Author: Hatice Zora
Year: 2011 - Master's thesis: Septuagintal hapax legomena and neologisms in 2 Maccabees, 4-7
Author: Nikolaos Domazakis
Year: 2010