Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90284 sökträffar
MicroRNA-dependent regulation of KLF4 by glucose in vascular smooth muscle
Diabetes is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and this is in part due to the effects of hyperglycemia on vascular smooth muscle cells. Small non-coding microRNAs are known to control smooth muscle phenotype and arterial contractility and are dysregulated in diabetes. The effect of microRNAs on smooth muscle differentiation is in part mediated by the transcription factor KLF4 but the r
Temperature performance and food shelf-life accuracy in cold food supply chains – Insights from multiple field studies
A challenge in perishable food industry today is variable and unknown food quality caused by different temperature conditions. This sometimes leads to unreliable printed shelf lives (best before dates) and food waste. Hence, temperature monitoring and control along cold food supply chains (FSCs) are essential for maintaining food quality and safety of perishable food products. This paper evaluates
Measuring Frailty among Older People : Further Evaluation of the Brody Frailty Index
What is essential? – a pilot survey on views about the requirements metamodel of reqT.org
[Context & motivation] This research preview paper presents ongoing work on the metamodel of a free software requirements modeling tool called reqT that is developed in an educational context. The work aims to make an initial validation of a survey instrument that elicits views on the metamodel of the reqT tool, which aims to engage computer science students in Requirements Engineering (RE) th
Managing nature in the home garden
Despite their rootedness, plants do move and are moved between different places in the garden, and from one garden to another. In many private gardens there are plants with a history, and owners who tell stories about how they were brought in from a different location, for example from an old relative or from a journey. These plants are often regarded as relics or souvenirs, and receive special at
Gender differences in the surgical treatment of lumbar disc herniation in elderly
Writing write-downs : the rhetoric of goodwill impairment
PurposeThe aim of this paper is to study the rhetoric of goodwill impairment, more specifically rhetoric, as it is constructed in the form of accounts (i.e. statements that explain unanticipated or untoward behavior). The authors argue that goodwill impairment is not only a technical matter but also a rhetorical practice by means of which external scrutiny is responded to.Design/methodology/approa
Body mass index and suicide methods
Intraspecific variation in migratory pattern of a partial migrant, the Blue Tit (Parus caeruleus) : An evaluation of different hypotheses
Can pay-for-performance to primary care providers stimulate appropriate use of antibiotics?
Resistance to antibiotics is a major threat to the effectiveness of modern health care. This study examines if pay-for-performance (P4P) to care providers stimulates the appropriate use of antibiotics; in particular, if P4P can induce a substitution away from broad-spectrum antibiotics, which contribute more to the development of resistance, to less resistance-driving types. In the context of Swed
How People with Developmental Disabilities Navigate the Internet
We live at a time when the Internet is used increasingly for communication, for information, and for the exchange of goods and services. Questions arise about how people with learning disabilities make use of this new technology. In this article, Bjorn Harrysson, with two of his colleagues, A. Svensk and G. I. Johansson, from the Department of Design Sciences at the Lund Institute of Technology in
"Been there, done that" - Exploring the influence of industry and functional work experience on opportunity recognition
The recognition of new venture opportunities has been acknowledged as one of the most important abilities of successful entrepreneurs. Explaining the recognition of new venture opportunities has thus become an important element of the scholarly study of entrepreneurship. Building on this stream of research, we present a study of the influence of prior industry and functional work experience on ent
Familjen Helsingborg - ett fall av effektivisering eller institutionalisering?
Platsvarumärken blir allt mer vanliga i såväl Sverige som resten av världen, men frågan är om det är en effektiv strategi eller främst följer den strävan efter utveckling som genomsyrar dagens samhälle? I den här studien har vi försökt att lyfta fram näringslivsaktörers uppfattningar om sin regions varumärke, Familjen Helsingborg. Vi har i studien dock inte ämnat ta reda på huruvida regionsvarumär
Fattigsveriges skugga
Grammatikundervisnings betydelse för studenters skrivande
This thesis concerns the relationship between grammar education and writing. This is approached in two ways, which are expressed in the two research questions. They are as follows: Does grammar education improve students texts and does grammar education affect students writing processes. The method used to investigate the research questions, is an elicitation task which has generated texts from un
Fjällbjörkmätarlarvers påverkan på fjällbjörkskog : en fjärranalysstudie om markvegetationsförhållanden i subalpin miljö
Syftet med den här studien är att hitta metoder för att kunna beskriva hur mätarlarver påverkar fjällbjörkskogen som ekosystem. I studien används olika metoder, fjärranalys och statistisk analys av satellitdata, samt intervjuer med personer som har god lokalkännedom. Genom att kombinera kvantitativ- och kvalitativmetod har dataanalysens slutsatser kunnat bekräftas. Det aktuella studieområdet liggeSince the mid-1950s, studies have frequently been conducted on couplings between geometrid moth outbreaks and mountain birch, though not nearly as much focus has been on connections between geometrid moth outbreaks and ground cover. Previous studies have shown that major outbreaks of Epirrita autumnata occur in 9 – 10-year cycles (Karlsson et al., 2004). Sometimes also the Operophtera brumata are
Skadebegränsning och lojalitetsreciprocitet
I svensk rätt finns bestämmelser om skadebegräsning 70 § köplagen. Att bedöma huruvida denna skadebegränsningsplikt ska gälla också utomobligatoriskt har genom åren vållat rättsvetenskapsmännen vissa bekymmer. Denna framställning har till syfte att undersöka och klargöra innebörden av skadebegränsningsplikten i svensk rätt. Särskilt fokus ligger här på de lojalitetshänsyn som anses motivera skadeb
Motivation bakom initial och nuvarande yogapraktik
Den aktuella studien ämnade kartlägga vad som motiverar yogautövare att börja med yoga och om motivationen förändras över tid. Det undersöktes även vilka subjektiva effekter som upplevdes av yoga och huruvida dessa samvarierade med de nuvarande motivationsfaktorerna. Även samband mellan olika motivationsfaktorer och praktikens karakteristika undersöktes, såsom frekvens, längd, om deltagarna var yoThe current study aimed to find what motivates the start of a yoga practice and whether motivation changes over time. Subjectively experienced effects of yoga and how these correlated with current motivation were also explored. Correlations between motivation and characteristics of yoga such as frequency, duration, if the participants were yoga teachers, age, gender, experience of community, inten