

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90176 sökträffar

Fastigheter med både industri- och bostadsändamål - en ovanlig kombination

Syftet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka faktorer som påverkar kombinationen av fastigheter inom detaljplanerat område som är taxerade för både bostadsändamål och industriändamål. Detta har gjorts genom litteraturstudier av relevanta lagar, och förordningar, en kvantitativ undersökning av fastigheter som är taxerade för ändamålen, en intervju med fastighetsvärderare samt en analys. Under p

Medborgardeltagande och dialog i den kommunala planeringen - en fallstudie av området Lanna-Hidinge i Lekebergs kommun

The ideals of civic participation are within much of current planning theory regarded as ways of ensuring the democratic and equitable values of planning processes, as well as offering local knowledge to those in power and awarding citizens the influence of being a part of shaping the spaces around them. However, they have also been the subject of much scrutiny; critical assessments of such activi

Allelopathy in bryophytes, an in vitro study on the effects of secondary metabolites on moss development and soil microbiota

Allelopathy is a term first introduced by Hans Molisch in his 1937 book titled The Influence of One Plant on Another: Allelopathy and, as it stands, it is defined as the biological phenomenon through which growth, development, reproduction or survival of an organism are altered by the release of biochemicals from another. In this study, we investigate the allelochemical potential of leachates coll

The Stressful Memory Assessment Checklist for the Intensive Care Unit (SMAC-ICU) : Development and Testing

Stressful or traumatic memories of an intensive care stay may lead to long-term psychological morbidity. Memory assessment is therefore essential to aid in the patients’ recovery process. Acknowledging the large cohort of post ICU patients during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, a simple tool for the evaluation of ICU memories is needed. The aim of this study was, therefore, to develop and test the validi

Prostate specific antigen concentration at age 60 and death or metastasis from prostate cancer : Case-control study

Objective: To determine the relation between concentrations of prostate specific antigen at age 60 and subsequent diagnosis of clinically relevant prostate cancer in an unscreened population to evaluate whether screening for prostate cancer and chemoprevention could be stratified by risk. Design: Case-control study with 1:3 matching nested within a highly representative population based cohort stu

Adverse childhood experiences do not moderate the association between aggressive antisocial behavior and general disinhibition in a forensic psychiatric inpatient sample

Adverse childhood experiences (ACE) and high levels of disinhibition have been associated with a variety of negative outcomes such as aggressive antisocial behavior (AAB). However, forensic psychiatric populations remain an understudied group in this field of research. This study aimed to fill that gap by investigating associations between ACE, AAB, and disinhibition in a forensic psychiatric samp

A comparative study of the fatty acid profile of common fruits and fruits claimed to confer health benefits

This study aims to verify the nutritional value of the fatty acid (FA) profile of three fruits claimed to confer health benefits (goji berry, white mulberry, and cranberry), often referred to as “superfruits”, over three common fruits (banana, apple, and strawberry). Nineteen different FAs, ranging in concentrations between 0.018 and 9.4 mg/g dry sample were detected. Levels of very long-chained F

Acquired Haemophilia A in four north European countries : survey of 181 patients

Acquired haemophilia A (AHA) is a rare bleeding disorder caused by acquired antibodies against coagulation factor VIII. In the Nordic countries, treatment and outcomes have not been studied in recent times. To collect retrospective data on patients diagnosed with AHA in the Nordic countries between 2006 and 2018 and compare demographic data and clinical outcomes with previously published reports,

Using Novel Molecular-Level Chemical Composition Observations of High Arctic Organic Aerosol for Predictions of Cloud Condensation Nuclei

Predictions of cloud droplet activation in the late summertime (September) central Arctic Ocean are made using κ-Kohler theory with novel observations of the aerosol chemical composition from a high-resolution time-of-flight chemical ionization mass spectrometer with a filter inlet for gases and aerosols (FIGAERO-CIMS) and an aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS), deployed during the Arctic Ocean 2018 e

Effect of self-managed lifestyle treatment on glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes

The lack of effective, scalable solutions for lifestyle treatment is a global clinical problem, causing severe morbidity and mortality. We developed a method for lifestyle treatment that promotes self-reflection and iterative behavioral change, provided as a digital tool, and evaluated its effect in 370 patients with type 2 diabetes (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT04691973). Users of the tool h

Kriteriet hederligt levnadssätt i 11 § femte punkten MedbL i ett rättshistoriskt perspektiv

Medborgarskap är en viktig status för individen. Medborgarskap innebär både rättigheter och skyldigheter för staten och för individen. Att byta och förvärva ett nytt medborgarskap är en stor ockasion i en persons liv. Denna uppsats kommer att granska kriteriet hederligt levnadssätt som återfinns i 11 § femte punkten MedbL. Intressant nog har detta kriterium utvecklats främst genom praxis. Denna u

Cryo-EM structure supports a role of AQP7 as a junction protein

Aquaglyceroporin 7 (AQP7) facilitates glycerol flux across the plasma membrane with a critical physiological role linked to metabolism, obesity, and associated diseases. Here, we present the single-particle cryo-EM structure of AQP7 determined at 2.55 Å resolution adopting two adhering tetramers, stabilized by extracellularly exposed loops, in a configuration like that of the well-characterized in

Sociala kretsars påverkan på matsvinnsbeteende

How we manage resources, in this case food, based on our culture is the core interest of human ecology. According to systems analysist Donella Meadows, cultural factors, i.e. our mindset, are the most difficult intervention points to access for system change - but also the most effective. This essay examines through a survey and a smaller experiment how prescribed norms and attitudes of social cir

A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective on Barriers to a Fossil-Free Urban Freight System

The purpose of this study is to provide a system perspective on the barriers to the development of a fossil-free and thus more sustainable urban freight system and to provide insights regarding these barriers and how they impede progress. The system perspective complements earlier research, where barriers were identified in delimited parts of freight systems. Here, the urban freight system in a Sw

Proof-of-concept method to study uncharacterized methyltransferases using PRDM15

The PRDM family of methyltransferases has been implicated in cellular proliferation and differentiation and is deregulated in human diseases, most notably in cancer. PRDMs are related to the SET domain family of methyltransferases; however, from the 19 PRDMs only a few PRDMs with defined enzymatic activities are known. PRDM15 is an uncharacterized transcriptional regulator, with significant struct

Intussusception After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass : Correlation Between Radiological and Operative Findings

Introduction: Intussusceptions diagnosed on computed tomography (CT) scans in Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) patients could cause serious small bowel obstruction (SBO) or be an incidental finding. The objective of this study was to correlate radiological findings with clinical outcomes to differentiate intussusceptions requiring emergent surgery for SBO. Methods: A search for acute abdominal CT s