

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90046 sökträffar

Onomatopoesi : översättning av onomatopoetiska uttryck i manga

Words that are used for mimicking sounds are called onomatopoeia. These words are extremely common in the Japanese language. In fact, they are so common that they are used even in formal situations. In Japanese, onomatopoetic expressions are often used as adverbs and can, as such, be used to explain how someone is laughing. By putting the onomatopoetic expression gera-gera, often along with the pa

Investigating CSR Anchoring in an Organization

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to understand how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as knowledge is anchored in an organization. The importance of this anchoring comes from the organizational need to adapt to the contextual global awareness related to CSR, amplified by the organizational transparency and exposure. Methodology: A hermeneutical approach has been taken in this thesis. We h

Ursprungs- och minoritetsrättigheter vs narkotikakonventionens integritet? : en kartläggning av kokabladets betydelse i Bolivia ur ett ursprungs- och minoritetsperspektiv

This essay aims to discuss the complicacy concerning minority and indigenous rights and its complex relation to other international law instruments. In this research I focus on the situation that occurred when the Bolivian president sent an amendment to the Secretary General concerning the withdrawal of the two articles regarding coca leaf-chewing in the Single Convention on Drugs. The member-stat

Stress och status påverkan på storstadssmåbarnsmammors vardagsliv och hälsa

The purpose of the study was to examine how mothers from 30 to 35 years living in a big city felt that stress and status affects their everyday lives and health. My questions was how mothers feel and handling requirements in relation to family life and parenting versus career, the demands on the mothers themselves, and how mothers look at the link between stress and status? I wanted to explore the

Växelvärme, Nulägesbeskrivning och effektiviseringspotential

Track switches are vital parts in the railway construction. They meet an important feature when planing and stearing the traffic flow through them to increase capacity. To ensure functionality during winter they have since the 50- century systematically installed switch heating with different technical solutions but with the same objective, to keep the moving parts on the switch free from snow and

Det svåra uppdraget - en studie om chefers upplevelser och erfarenheter vid avslutande av anställningar inom offentlig sektor

ABSTRACT Author: Göran Hjertstrand Title: The difficult task – a study of experiences among public sector executives in ending employments [translated title] Supervisor: Charlotta Zettervall Assessor: Agneta Hedblom The purpose of this study was to examine experiences among public sector executives in ending employments. The study was based on semi structured interviews with five health and

Ledarstilens betydelse för kreativa organisationsklimat och arbetsrelaterad känsla av sammanhang

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka ledarstilens samband med organisationens kreativa klimat. Studien avsåg även att undersöka sambandet mellan ledarstil och känsla av sammanhang på arbetet. Data inhämtades via ett pågående forskningsprojekt, vid Institutionen för psykologi vid Lunds Universitet, med syfte att kartlägga organisatoriska förutsättningar för kreativitet och innovation. MaterialThe aim of this thesis was to examine the relationship between leadership style and creative organizational climate. The aim was also to examine the relation between leadership style and work-related sense of coherence. The material for our study has been part of a project at the University of Lund, aimed to study organizational conditions for creativity and innovation. The information was gathere

Expatriater: överbetalda lyxlirare eller utsatt personal? En fenomenologisk studie på fyra svenska multinationella företag.

Expatriater är viktiga men också dyra tillgångar i multinationella företag. Expatriering innebär en stor utmaning i form av ett nytt arbete i ett nytt land, allt inbäddat i en ny kultur, ofta med ett främmande språk, vilket kräver nya sätt att hantera tillvaron. Då de flesta expatriater har familj, gäller det i högsta grad även den medföljande. Genom en kvalitativ studie med fenomenologiskt angrepExpatriates are important but also expensive assets in multinational companies. A new employment and a new country, all embedded in a new culture, often with a foreign language, makes expatriation a big challenge. This also highly affects accompanying partners, since most expatriates bring their families on the assignment. The process of expatriation was examined by a qualitative study with a phen

A New World Order: Towards the Ideal-Type of Bureaucracy 2.0

In the ideal-type of bureaucracy, Max Weber outlined the creation of the modern state as an iron-cage of disenchantment and quantification. This thesis updates Weber’s ideal-type on the notion that the modern nation state is declining, and the large institutions with it. Based in an ideal-type of Michel Foucault’s Biopolitics, as Economization (a rational focus on quantitative measures), Individua

Självreglering eller lagstiftning? På området CSR

The debate over Corporate Social Responsibility is present in many parts of society. The business sector’s engagement in CSR has increased rapidly during the last decades. One important question this brings out is how CSR should be governed. The debate consists in large of two views – CSR should be regulated by law or forced regulation or CSR should be managed through private and civil regulation

Additional Information in Higher Order Derivatives of the Black-Scholes Formula

Volatility smile arising from the Black-Scholes model is a long studied subject in option pricing theory. By analysing higher order derivatives of the model, I hope to put another perspective to the problem. Accoridng to a study on the American S&P 500 future options, about 90% of the risks of holding an option in five days can be removed by using higher order derivatives of Black-Scholes. The

Skyddat boende för barn som upplever våld i hemmet - En studie om hur barnperspektivet tillämpas

Authors: Anna Flodberg & Ellinor Fridlund Title: Sheltered accommodation for children who experience domestic violence – A study on a how child’s perspective is applied. [translated title] Supervisor: Bodil Rasmusson Assessor: Anna Angelin The purpose of this study was to investigate, describe and analyze what it means for children to get to and staying in shelters, from professionals' p

En omvälvande dom och dess omedelbara efterverkningar - en studie av straffvärdebedömningen i narkotikamål

När domstolar beslutar om vilket straff en gärningsman ska få för ett visst brott måste de först bedöma brottets straffvärde. En grundläggande ideologi i det svenska straffsystemet är att straffet ska stå i proportion till brottets svårighetsgrad. Vid beaktandet av straffvärdet ska rättstillämparna enligt 29 kap. 1 § BrB bland annat ta hänsyn till den skada, kränkning eller fara som gärningen inne

Time to Flourish: Time perspective and level of identity consistency in flourishing individuals

The study of mental well-being has a long history, but it isn´t until the last decade or so that it has regain interest in psychology with the establishment of positive psychology as a new research discipline. The present research builds on theories of mental well-being as a continuum, in which complete mental health is labeled flourishing and incomplete mental well-being is categorized languishin

Perifert insatt central venkateter - En jämförelse mellan två inläggningsmetoder

Perifert insatt central venkateter, piccline, blir allt vanligare inom svensk sjukvård. Vid Skånes onkologiska klinik i Lund har man sedan 2002 använt piccline och 2008 introducerade kliniken en ny inläggningsteknik. Tidigare hade man lagt in katetern via ett synligt kärl i armvecket. Den nya inläggningstekniken innebär att man lägger in katetern i ett kärl i överarmen med hjälp av ultraljud. På u