

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90046 sökträffar

Konsulters upplevelser av den flexibla arbetsmiljön: om organisatoriskt engagemang och inre motivation i bemanningsbranschen

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om upplevelsen av olika dimensionerna av bemanningsbranschens flexibla arbetsmiljö var relaterade till organisatoriskt engagemang och inre motivation. Vidare var syftet att studera relationen mellan organisatoriskt engagemang och inre motivation samt vilka dimensioner som starkast predicerar dessa. En enkät skickades ut på internet och besvarades av 50 konThe purpose of this study was to examine the experience of different dimensions for the staffing industries and its flexible working environment as it relates to organizational commitment and internal motivation. Furthermore, the aim was to study the relationship between organizational commitment and internal motivation and which of the eight dimensions that most strongly predicts them. An online

Brief admission by self-referral for individuals with self-harm and suicidal ideation : a qualitative study based on focus groups exploring relatives' experiences

PURPOSE: Brief Admission by self-referral (BA) is a standardized crisis-management intervention for individuals with self-harm and risk for suicide. This study explored relatives' experiences of BA. Relatives' perspectives may contribute to an increased understanding of the effects of BA given the relatives' role as support and informal caregivers as well as being co-sufferers.METHODS: Fourteen re

Circular Economy Integration in Smart Grids: A Nexus for Sustainability

The increased electrification of society and the development of smart grids are often seenas central in the transition towards a more sustainable and secure energy system and necessaryto address the challenges of increasing energy demand and limited resources. Thereare many visions and ideas on what a smart grid is or could be. While most research relatedto environmental impacts on the smart grid

Forest policy in Nordic countries : Expert opinions on future needs, uncertainties, and recommendations

There are broad calls in national and international forest policy processes for basing decision-making on the best obtainable scientific knowledge. Simultaneously, there is also a need to accommodate plural values and objectives people and society in general have associated with forests. An essential step for building an evidence base that accommodates pluralistic understandings is to capture info

Omskärelse av barn - samma men olika? - En jämförelse av regleringarna avseende omskärelse av flickor och pojkar

Denna uppsats syftar till att rikta uppmärksamhet mot svensk reglering av genitala ingrepp på minderåriga, mer specifikt lagen (2001:499) om omskärelse av pojkar och lagen (1982:316) med förbud mot könsstympning av kvinnor. Som framgår redan här finns två olika regleringar att tillämpa, beroende på vilket fysiskt könsorgan ingreppet riktas mot. I uppsatsen granskas dessa två regleringar. Fokus är

Low birthweight in patients with type 2 diabetes is associated with elevated risk of cardiovascular events and mortality

Aims/hypothesis: Low birthweight is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes and CVD. This prospective cohort study investigated whether lower birthweight increases CVD risk after diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Methods: Original midwife records were evaluated for 8417 participants recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the Danish Centre for Strategic Research in Type 2 Diabetes (DD2) cohort. Patients

Begreppsförståelse i fokus - en analys av uppgifter i gymnasiets fysikläroböcker

I studien undersöks i vilken grad och på vilket sätt läroboksuppgifter i fysik, genom sin utformning, främjar gymnasieelevers begreppsförståelse. Begreppsförståelsen definieras som elevernas förmåga att använda kunskapen i nya sammanhang. Studien betonar lärobokens viktiga roll i att forma elevernas förståelse. Uppgifter som främjar begreppsförståelse bör exempelvis vara varierade och knyta an til

Numerical study of the effects of suction and blowing on an aircraft wing

Lift force is a crucial factor in aviation, particularly during landing phases where maintaining optimal lift is essential for safety and performance. This thesis explores the effectiveness of suction and blowing control methods in enhancing aerodynamic performance and increasing lift force. By investigating these control techniques, the study aims to provide recommendations for practical applicat

Sharenting Abroad: Immigrant Mothers’ Perceptions on the Effects of Sharenting

Sharenting, där föräldrar delar bilder av sina barn på sina sociala medieplattformar, är ett relativt nytt fenomen i världen av sociala medier, liknande en online version av det traditionella familjefotografiet. Det kan användas som ett passivt sätt att bjuda in geografiskt avlägsna nära och kära till invandrade mödrar och deras barns liv. Den här kandidatuppsatsen fokuserar på sharenting i sambanSharenting, where parents share pictures and videos of their children on their social media platforms, is a relatively new phenomenon in the world of social media, akin to an online version of traditional family photography. Sharenting can be used as a passive way of inviting geographically distant loved ones into the lives of immigrant mothers and their children. This thesis focuses on sharenting

Sustainable Development in Construction: Barriers to Integrating Sustainability

This research paper seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the barriers hindering the integration of sustainability in construction companies, with a focus on understanding both internal and external barriers influencing this transition. Through the analysis of the viewpoints of various stakeholders, such as project managers, frontline employees, and business executives, this paper aims

From Resistance to Adoption

This study explores the strategic implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the healthcare sector, focusing on minimizing resistance through effective stakeholder engagement. As AI increasingly influences decision-making in healthcare, resistance from key stakeholders such as employees and management presents a significant challenge. This research investigates the causes and reasons for va

Undersökning av inomhusmiljön i bostadshus i Kurdistan med förslag på förbättringar

Undersökning av inomhusmiljön i Bostadshus i Kurdistan med förslag på förbättringar Av Zahir Rashid Ibrahim Sammanfattning Den varma sommarsäsongen i Kurdistan är mycket lång och omgivningstemperaturen är cirka 45 ˚C. Byggnader kyls ner med luftkonditioneringssystem på sommaren och värms upp med eldrivna eller oljedrivna värmesystem på vintern. Oljedrivna placeras oftast i vardagsrummet Examination of indoor environment in dwellings in Kurdistan with suggestions on improvements By Zahir Rashid Ibrahim Summary The hot summer season in Kurdistan is very long and the ambient temperature is about 45 ˚C. Buildings are cooled by air conditioning systems in the summer and heated with electric or oil-fired heating systems in winter. Oil-driven are usually placed in the living roo

Insurance Voting in the Centre: An Experimental Approach

Recent research suggests that to help their preferred coalition win an election, voters are willing to vote for a political party other than their preferred choice. In this field, voting for smaller parties under proportional representation is an under-studied feature. A crucial factor to estimate the chances for smaller parties is polls. In this study, we analyze the influence of opinion polls on