

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 89585 sökträffar

Evaluating Swedish soldiers’ physiological demands in combat

Att vara soldat är väldigt fysiskt krävande, det viktigt att upprätthålla en god fysisk kapacitetsnivå för att klara sin tjänst. Vid militära operationer arbetar soldater på lägre fysiska kravnivåer under lång tid för att ibland gå upp på intensiva kravnivåer. Framgång vid militära operationer är ofta beroende på soldaternas fysiska kapacitet, rörlighet och förmågan att bära sin utrustning. Det är

The multi-faced controller - A case study of how managers and controllers perceive the role of the controller within a Swedish industrial company

We have identified a number of different roles within the controller’s role itself. Two types of discrepancies were discovered. The first one, called interpretation gap shows that there is a discrepancy between the managers’ expectations on the role of the controller and the controllers’ interpretation of these expectations. The second discrepancy illustrates that there are expectation gaps occurr

Begreppet stadigvarande vistelse i inkomstskattelagen // Permanent stay in the Swedish Income Tax Act

I Sverige är man antingen begränsat eller obegränsat skattskyldig. Vem som är obegränsat skattskyldig regleras i 3 kap. 3 § IL. I detta lagrum finns tre olika grunder som var för sig kan leda till att en fysisk person betraktas som obegränsat skattskyldig inom riket. En av dessa är att man stadigvarande vistas i Sverige. Konsekvenserna för den enskilde kan bli mycket stora beroende på om hon betra

Getting it "right"- Swedish organizations navigating gender and gender equality through a gender equality award.

Abstract of thesis (max 8000 characters) This qualitative study takes an inductive approach towards the field of gender and gender equality work. The main aim of the study is to gain understandings of how companies who seek recognition for their gender equality practices use an award for gender equality and how they view the concepts of gender and gender equality. Our research draws from a poststr

CSR in the Public sector - Illustrated with four case studies in Swedish municipalities

The purpose of our thesis is to describe how CSR is anchored in the public sector, and further to analyze how this work is organized throughout municipal organizations. We have applied a mixed methods approach conducting both a quantitative and a qualitative study. The quantitative approach involves a document study made on all 33 municipalities in the County of Skåne, while the quantitative appro

The Swedish pay premium -A comparison between Sweden

En rättfram jämförelse mellan ersättningsnivå i de Amerikanska och Svenska företagen visar att de Amerikanska vd:arna har en betydligt högre ersättningsnivå än den Svenska. Detta resultat består även om man justerar för olikheter mellan företagen i länderna så som storlek, prestanda, industrisammansättning och internationalisering. Om man även tar hänsyn till ersättningens sammansättning ändras re

Which Swedish industries could become pioneers in extensive Intellectual Capital disclosure?

It is difficult to assess and measure IC, and most companies lack extensive disclosure of IC. Meanwhile, theories advocate a higher level of disclosure as it is considered beneficial for companies, investors, and other stakeholders. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate in which industries IC disclosure has effect on market values. Further, we want to keep a theoretical discussion whether th

A Simulation Study of Swedish Emergency Care.

Purpose The master thesis highlights improvements potentials that exist in the Psychiatric ER in Stockholm County and the resource-saving measures that can be realized in the medical logistics through by producing a simulation model of the system. Methodology In order to fulfill the purpose of the master thesis qualitative methods such as interviews has been used successfully. To make the simulati

Collaborate to Commercialize? - An Explorative Study of Young Innovative Swedish Cleantech Firms

The journey towards Cleantech innovation commercialization is initially constrained by a lack of resources and legitimacy. It is suggested that collaborative means can help the firm gain legitimacy among customers and investors. The activities supporting the creation of legitimacy are especially those associated with proving the technology – such as prototyping and technology demonstration. It is