Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91227 sökträffar
Predicting use of and attitudes to a new gender neutral pronoun in Swedish
Claude E. Shannon (in Swedish)
Swedish Prime Ministers in 100 years
Looking ahead through the Rear-View Mirror : Swedish Stabilization Policy as a Learning Process 1975-1995. A Summary
(Reviderad sammanfattning på engelska av Med backspegeln som kompass - om stabiliseringspolitiken som läroprocess, Rapport till ESO, Ds 1999:9, Finansdepartementet, Stockholm, mars, 1999.)
The Post-Monolingual Novel : Minority Languanges in Contemporary Swedish Writing
Strategies against Extremism and Radicalization in Swedish Schools. Managing Salafi Jihadists Attempts to Influence Students
The Dislocated Vernacular in Translated Swedish Working-Class Fiction
What Swedish instrumental music teachers talk about when talking about group tuition
En presentation av mitt avhandlingsprojekt, med fokus på den del av studien som är förestående.
Swedish Food Exports - Who are the exporters and what do they export
Review in Swedish of P. Bloom, How Children Learn the Meaning of Words, MIT Press 2000
Acquiring English as a second language : a comparison of learning and teaching English in Swedish and Vietnamese primary schoo ls
Swedish fiddles and singing elephants in Gambia.
Review in Swedish of D. Lodge: Thinks ..., Secker & Warburg, 1999
The Swedish food industry during a revolutionary period - the time before and after EU membership
Images of Devotion in Swedish Wall Paintings
In the first paper, devotional activities such as praying and worshipping in wall paintings, will be analysed. The wall paintings were the illiterate man's manual where he was taught the essentials of Christian faith and devotion.