Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91130 sökträffar
Mission, goals and programme components of the Swedish national graduate school for competitive science on ageing and health (SWEAH)
Swedish National Graduate for Competitive Science on Ageing and Health (SWEAH) -- Goals, activities, examples of project and student experiences
Appraisal of a regional public transport project : A document and interview analysis on a light rail case in Sweden
Housing challenges for ageing societies: A comparison of Sweden and Japan
Analysis of Endotoxin Adsorption in Two Swedish Patients with Septic Shock
BACKGROUND: Lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin) from the outer Gram-negative bacterial wall can induce a harmful immunologic response, involving hemodynamic deprivation, and is one important motor driving the septic cascade. The positively charged poly-imine ethylene layer on the oXiris membrane is capable of adsorbing negatively charged endotoxin molecules and removing them from the blood compartment.
Meanings of Tradition in Swedish Folk Music Education
The servant institution during the Swedish agrarian revolution: the political economy of subservience
Pedagogical competence and teaching skills – a development perspective from Lund University, Sweden
Medieval and Early Modern Towns in Sweden in a long-term perspective
Homelessness and Housing Exclusion in Sweden
Proud to present: Sweden’s most heinous animal
‘They are harsher to me than to my friend who is blonde’. Police critique among ethnic minority youth in Sweden
Musicking and technology : a further Swedish perspective
Computers and digital instruments change the way we think about ourselves and other people, demonstrated by an example with a girl who imagined that she had a computer in her brain where she could click on “Music” in the menu to hear music. This chapter argues that good music technology should allow play and unpredictable events and support a balance between challenge and ability. Digital instrume
Second gastric cancers among patients with primary sporadic and familial cancers in Sweden [3]
Catholicism in Sweden: Embodying the “Church of Mission”
Geography as Destiny : Hassan Loo Sattarvandi's Representation of a Swedish Suburb
The city, the church, and the 1960s : On secularization theory and the Swedish translation of Harvey Cox’s The Secular City
In 1994, sociologist of religion José Casanova wrote in the introduction to his influential book Public Religions in the Modern World that a paradigm shift had occurred in his field. His colleagues had abandoned an earlier paradigm “with the same uncritical haste with which they previously embraced it.” 1 What he had in mind was the theory of secularisation: that is, the notion that with modernisa