Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91100 sökträffar
Swedish Media Representation of the Refugee Crisis : Islam, Conflict and Self-Reflection
Risks and opportunities for bottleneck measures in Swedish district heating networks
Heat supply bottlenecks are common in district heating (DH) networks and makes the DH network work in a non-optimal way, why it is beneficial to address them. The purpose of this paper is thus to investigate risks, opportunities, added values and issues coupled to various bottleneck measures. This is made by in depth interviews with DH companies and through DH network simulations. The results show
Intrapartum midwifery care impact Swedish couple's birth experiences — A cross-sectional study
Background: Parents’ birth experiences affect bonding with their infant, which in turn may influence the child's future health. Parents’ satisfaction with childbirth is multi-dimensional and dependent on both expectations and experiences. Increasing involvement of partners in intrapartum care may lead to an assumption that the birthing couple shares attitudes and expectations of intrapartum care.
Indoor-to-outdoor ratios of ultrafine particles in Swedish residences
Prevalence and characteristics of survivors from acute myeloid leukemia in Sweden
Nobel Symposium 152: Physics with Radioactive Beams : Göteborg, Sweden, Spring 2012
Progress in non-equilibrium Green's functions (PNGF VI) : 17-21 August 2015, Lund, Sweden
Full-time exposure to occupational noise during pregnancy was associated with reduced birth weight in a nationwide cohort study of Swedish women
Noise is a common exposure in the occupational work environment. Earlier studies of occupational noise and pregnancy outcome are few and show mixed results. To investigate if objectively assessed exposure to occupational noise during pregnancy is associated with reduced intrauterine growth and/or preterm birth a nationwide cohort study of 857,010 single births was initiated. Individual information
Early death rates remain high in high-risk APL : Update from the Swedish Acute Leukemia Registry 1997-2013
Super-heavy elements - theoretical predictions and experimental generation : proceedings of the twenty-seventh Nobel Symposium held at Ronneby, Sweden, June 11-14, 1974
From a body to a story. Transformative narratives in Swedish football
The pitch. This is the core of the process, 90 minutes of a game, creatinghistory ad hoc, constantly, quickly, and sometimes painfully. 22 playersrun and fight over the ball, for their careers, respect, and fame. Supportersoften see themselves as the most important participants in the footballexperience, but one needs players. The emphasis in the media has oftenbeen on the football superstars, des
Hereditary colorectal cancer diagnostics in southern Sweden : retrospective evaluation and future considerations with emphasis on Lynch syndrome
Overlapping phenotypes between different hereditary colorectal cancer (CRC) syndromes together with a growing demand for cancer genetic testing and improved sequencing technology call for adjusted patient selection and adapted diagnostic routines. Here we present a retrospective evaluation of family history of cancer, laboratory diagnostic procedure, and outcome for 372 patients tested for Lynch s
National Reports, Sweden
Nuclei at very high spin - Sven Gösta Nilsson in Memoriam : Proceedings of Nobel-Symposium 50. Örenäs, Sweden, June 23-27, 1980
Accuracy of the Physiological and Operative Severity Score for the enUmeration of Mortality and morbidity score and the Nottingham risk score in hip fracture patients in Sweden — A prospective observational study
Background: Little is known about accuracy of common risk prediction scores in elderly patients suffering from hip fractures. The objective of this study was to investigate accuracy of the Physiological and Operative Severity Score for the enUmeration of Mortality and morbidity (POSSUM) score, Portsmouth-POSSUM (P-POSSUM) score and the Nottingham Hip Fracture Score (NHFS) for prediction of mortali
Postoperative Joint Replacement Complications in Swedish Patients With a Family History of Venous Thromboembolism
Experiences of Screening for Postpartum Depression in Non-Native-Speaking Immigrant Mothers in the Swedish Child Health Services. Nurses’ and Mothers’ Perspectives.
Postpartum depression (PPD) är ett globalt folkhälsoproblem. Mödrar som migrerar till ett annat land har en ökad risk att drabbas av PPD. Före-komsten av PPD bland utlandsfödda mödrar beräknas vara så hög som 20 procent, vilket nästan är dubbelt så hög som bland inhemsk västerländsk befolkning. Asylsökande och flyktingar är särskilt sårbara grupper som löper en ännu högre risk att drabbas, speciel