

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91128 sökträffar

Willingness-to-Pay for Health in Sweden

Within an extensive research project known as the EuroVaQ project, data on European individuals’ WTP for health was collected through survey methods. This thesis uses data from the EuroVaQ project in order to estimate the WTP per QALY Sweden. The major finding of the study is that the mean value is estimated to SEK 485 685. Furthermore, WTP is positively associated with age and income of the respo

Market Trends and Product Development of Tray-Sealed Single Serving Ready Meals in Sweden, Taiwan and China

The study was conducted by thematic analysis from secondary data such as literatures, reports and website, and ten interviews which respondents’ backgrounds are experts from ready meal and its packaging related areas. The whole paper followed the structure build from the analysis: Servings and portions, Distributions, Ready meal market and its evolution, Consumer perspective, Ready meal packaging

Metadolerites as quantitative P-T markers for Sveconorwegian metamorphsim, SW Sweden

Strukturellt unga och N-S-ligt strykande högmetamorfa metadiabaser förekommer i Östra segmentet längs västkusten från Varberg till Kullaberg, och i inlandet mot öster till den Svekonorvegiska fronten. Dessa basiska gångar skär ställvis gnejsiga strukturer i värdbergarterna. Några har välbevarade primärmagmatiska strukturer som exempelvis lagring och “cross-bedding”. Metadiabaserna består av högtryStructurally late and roughly N-S trending high-grade metamorphic dolerites occur in the Eastern Segment along the coast from Varberg to Kullaberg and inland (eastwards) to the Sveconorwegain Front. Locally these mafic dykes cross-cut the gneissic foliations of the host gneisses. Metadolerites have a high-pressure granulite facies metamorphic mineral assemblage and some of them have well-preserved

Transferability of Online Store Image- A Comparative Study of Zalando's Online Store Image In Germany, Sweden and The Netherlands.pdf

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of online store image in the internationalization process of online retailers. Based on the assumption that a favorable image is a competitive advantage for retailers, this master thesis examines whether or not a favorable domestic online store image, can be replicated in the in- ternationalization process of online retailers. Using a comp

The Accruals Based Trading Strategy on the Swedish Stock Market: Does the benchmark when classifying extreme accrual firms have an impact on the trading strategy’s effectiveness?

Purpose: To investigate if it is possible to earn abnormal returns from the accruals based trading strategy in Sweden. The aim is also to examine if the benchmark used when classifying firms into accruals portfolios has an impact on the abnormal returns from the trading strategy. Methodology: The study investigates the abnormal returns from the trading strategy that aims to exploit the accruals a

Puzzling with childcare arrangements - A study of how single mothers in Sweden working non-standard hours manage their childcare

This thesis deals with the life-puzzle from the context of single mothers working non-standard hours within the health and social care sector. There is a specific focus on this group’s childcare-arrangements with the idea of their puzzles being more complex than many others in this regard. The aim of this study is to see what resources these women have available for managing their puzzles, as well

Nepali Migrant Entrepreneurs in Denmark and Sweden

Abstract: Nepalese migrants who are involved in businesses in Scandinavia are survivals in the race of high tech and cross cultural constraints. They are adaptive to use knowledge and education and are also able to learn skills in order to exploit the situation in their favour. A hypothesis is tested among Nepali migrant entrepreneurs by exploring their experiences regarding migration, strategy a

Unfair Commerical Practise - A comparison between European Directives and Swedish Legislation

In the ongoing work to harmonize legislation throughout the European Union the focus is now set on protecting the weaker party in a contractual agreement. With the increased cross-border trade the consumer’s rights are put to risk due to different national rules throughout the Member States. Consumers that are not familiar with the legislations in other Member States will choose to shop locally so

Triggers for international expansion - Based on six of Sweden's fast growing companies 2012.

Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på vilka betydelsefulla ”triggers” som leder till internationell expansion, samt vilka viktiga faktorer som påverkar företagets internationaliseringsprocess. Sex snabbväxande svenska företag intervjuas. Ingen slutsats har kunnat ges generellt för alla företag, men vi har haft tillräckligt med underlag för att få en bra förståelse för vilka som är de vanligaste t