

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91129 sökträffar

Can dietary fat intake modify genetic associations with blood lipid level? Observations from a Swedish cohort study

Humans have for a long time contemplated the link between diet and disease. As early as 400 BC, Hippocrates, commonly referred to as the father of western medicine, stated, “let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food”. Today, a poor diet is still considered one of the major risk factors for common complex diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD). CVD refers to a class of diseases

Performance measurement system for warehouse activities based on the SCOR® model : A research study in collaboration with Consafe Logistics AB, Sweden

Background: SCOR is a worldwide accepted and renowned process reference model that is developed and endorsed by the non-profit organization Supply Chain Council. It’s a cross-industry diagnostic tool for supply chain management. Consafe Logistics wanted to know if a performance measurement system for warehouse activities could be developed based on the SCOR model, and how it could be applied in th

Movements of pikeperch, bream and pike in Lake Ringsjön, Sweden

Jakten på fisken i Ringsjön Många vill veta var i sjön fisken finns när man ska fiska och nu finns det en teori som berättar hur fisken sprider ut sig i en sjö. Fiskar sprider ut sig så att områden med mer resurser har fler individer jämfört med delar med mindre resurser. Detta gör att det finns mer individer som konkurrerar om mat i resursrika områden medan i områden där det är svårare att hittaMovements occur among many different organisms and a suggested theory about the pattern of these movements is called the Ideal free distribution. It states that individuals in a complex area with different quality of the habitats will distribute themselves proportionally after resources in the different habitats, so that they can maximize their fitness. Lake Ringsjön is a complex lake, which consi

Comparative analysis of diets and diel vertical migration patterns of dominant zooplankton in the Gullmar Fjord, Sweden

This study aimed to quantify and compare zooplankton feeding interactions in terms of diet composition, ingestion rate, and food size selectivity of a copepod (Acartia tonsa) and a cladoceran (Evadne nordmanni). This was achieved by surveying the grazing impact of A. tonsa and E. nordmanni on the natural phytoplankton, microzooplankton and microbial community occurring in autumn in coastal Skagera

Cleantech Investments in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden: Are they performing well?

The development of clean technology (cleantech) is necessary in order to address many prominent environmental challenges. However, financing can be a hurdle for the development of cleantech companies. Venture capital (VC) plays an important role in cleantech development. While the four large Nordic countries are regarded as performing well in terms of cleantech innovation there are signs that VC i

The mixed embeddedness of ethnic tourist-based entrepreneurship: An exploratory study in Rosengård, Malmö, Sweden

This thesis reconnoiters the involvement of immigrants as owners, producers and organizers of multiethnic business ventures that appeal outside visitors, so called ethnic tourist-based entrepreneurship. The study is informed by the principles underlying an interpretive case study conducted in Rosengård, Malmö, and the data were collected through semi-structured interviews complemented by participa

Horizontal principles in the European Social Fund - Explaining successful implementation of EU policies in Swedish municipalities

The Lisbon Strategy formulated that the EU shall be one of the most vital economies in the world. In order to perform that role, it has been argued that the EU must be more coherent. To increase cohesion, the structural funds and cohesion policy were introduced. Included in the structural funds are also the horizontal principles of equality, integration, diversity and sustainable development inten

The Evolution of Swedish Healthcare: Understanding Medical Professional Identities. Delivering Babies or Economic Efficiency?

The purpose of this study is to gain insights regarding the identity work and identity struggles of medical professionals that play out in response to the “NPM change” in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology department at Skåne University Hospital. This study demonstrates how individual subjectivity produces multiple coping mechanisms which can effect organisational processes and outcomes.

Spatiotemporal variation of net methane emissions and its causes across an ombrotrophic peatland : a site study from Southern Sweden

Naturliga metanutsläpp sker från våra våtmarker världen över. Metan produceras naturligt genom nedbrytning i de syrefria förhållanden som en våtmark erbjuder. För att bättre kunna modellera och skala upp hur mycker metan som faktiskt släpps ut från dessa våtmarker måste ytterligare förståelse skapas över varför metanutsläppen varierar så kraftigt både i tid och rum. Denna studie försöker öka förstMethane emissions from natural wetlands are an important contributor to methane levels in the atmosphere. These emissions are highly variable in time and space, even within sites. Further understanding of this variation is vital to successfully model the overall methane emissions from wetlands. This study investigates spatial variation through measurements of 22 plots across Fäjemyr bog. Manual me

A reconnassaince study of Rävliden VHMS-deposit, northern Sweden

I Skelleftefältet finns idag runt 85 kända VHMS-fyndigheter, i Kristinebergsområdet finns fem av dessa fyndigheter, en av dem är Rävliden. Berggrunden består mestadels av meta-vulkaniter med ryolitisk komposition samt en meta-sedimentär vulkanisk bergart. Skelleftefältet har genomgått åtminstone två metamorfa event. Detta har resulterat i storskalig veckning av området. Fyndigheten i Rävliden liggIn the Skellefte district today there are about 85 known VHMS-deposits, in the Kristinebergs area there are five known deposits, one of them being Rävliden. The supracrustal rock primarily consists of metavolcanic rock of rhyolitic composition and also metasedimentary volcanic rock. The district has gone through at least two metamorphic events. This resulted in the presence of large scale folding.

Insights on Brand Identity Creation of Start-ups in Business Incubators: An Exploratory Research Conducted in Sweden and Macedonia

Title Insights on Brand Identity Creation of Start-ups in Business Incubators: An Exploratory Research Conducted in Sweden and Macedonia Course BUSN 39 Degree Project in Global Marketing, Spring 2013 Authors Aleksandar Joshevski and Lucas Noordhoorn Supervisor Magnus Lagnevik Keywords Brand identity creation, entrepreneurship, business incubators, start-up, Sweden, Macedonia Research Ques

Emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds in a Salix biofuel plantation : field study in Grästorp (Sweden)

Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) play an important role in the climate system by altering the oxidative capacity of the atmosphere, affecting the lifetime of methane and production of tropospheric ozone, and by contributing to formation of aerosols and clouds. Salix plants (willows) are well-documented emitters of BVOCs and this study aims to examine emissions in a Salix biofuel plantat

Does bonus affect Customer loyalty? Does bonus payments within the Swedish banks affects customer loyalty

Customers are of the opinion that they are against performance related bonus payments. They do however not spend their time or effort familiarize themselves with the subject and therefore the majority of them do not know if their customer bank pays out bonuses or not. Therefore it can be safe to say, that the subject of bonus payments is not considered very important when it comes to choosing a cu