

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91128 sökträffar

Examining the sources of financial flexibility: A study of firms listed in Sweden

This study aims to determine the significance of different sources of financial flexibility that enables firms to respond to negative shocks or investment opportunities in form of unexpected periods of insufficient resources. The empirical study is based on a model that proxy for firms’ investment and dividend policies to further examine how possible cash shortfalls is resolved. The sample covers

Corporate cash holdings: An empirical study of ownership identities on the Swedish market.

Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to investigate whether different ownership identities has any effect on the levels of cash amongst firms listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange (SSE) main markets. The examined types of owners are family owners, insider owners and institutional owners. Methodology: A quantitative approach with the interpretation of the results from a panel data regressio

Branding at Nation: The student and volunteers´ perceptions of image/identity in the Swedish student Nations

The purpose of this study is to analyze and understand how branding, image and identity play a role for Nations both to attract and maintain student, customers and motivate volunteers. This will be analyzed by means of the following research questions: “how do the Nations brand themselves?” and “how do members and volunteers of nations understand the Nation’s image and how do they respond to it?”

Fighting fire with fire: A study of the legal frameworks governing use of armed guards on board Swedish merchant vessels

I flera år har pirat attackerna utanför den Somaliska kusten, i Adenviken och den Indiska Oceanen ständigt ökat och utgjort ett stort problem för den internationella sjöfartsbranschen. Det Internationella Samfundet har med flera olika åtgärder försökt att komma till rätta med problemet men utan att lyckas. Nu har istället redarna tagit problemet i egna händer, och anlitar beväpnade vakter som utfö

Maintaining and improving supplier relations with auditing– A study at ABB Sweden and Singapore

Background: In today’s globalized world, many producing companies depend on large supplier networks. Supplier relations require maintenance and a tool for that is supplier auditing. ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable industrial customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact. ABB business division Process Automation (PA) and business unit Control

Uppermost Lower Cambrian-Middle Cambrian stratigraphy and sedimentary petrography of the Almbacken drill-core, Scania, southern Sweden

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: År 1949 upptogs en borrkärna vid Almbackens gård (Södra Sandby) öster om Lund. Kärnan visar ett tvärsnitt genom de sedimentära bergarter, som härrör från den tidiga och mellersta delen av den kambriska perioden. Den totala längden på kärnan är ca 31 m och är i mycket gott skick. Den nedersta delen, översta delen av underkambrium, utgörs av sand- och kalkstenar vThe uppermost Lower Cambrian and Middle Cambrian of the Almbacken drill-core, drilled 1949 in Södra Sandby, are described and correlated with other sections in Scania (the Gislövshammar-2 core and the Forsemölla, Gislövshammar and Brantevik sections). The core consists of Middle Cambrian bituminous alum shales with stinkstone lenses and three beds of fossiliferous limestone, the Andrarum, Exsulans

A Light Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy study of coccoliths from two bore holes along the City Tunnel Line in Malmö, Sweden

Samples from the Danian were prepared for study of coccoliths, on one hand with Light Microscopy, on the other hand with Scanning Electron Microscopy to test the different advantages and disadvantages of these methods. Light Microscopy studies can be used for quantitative investigations and Scanning Electron Microscopy studies for quantitative and qualitative investigations of coccoliths. Scanning

The conodont genus Ctenognathodus in the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Conodonter är stratigrafiskt användbara, fosfatiska mikrofossil, som påträffas i marina sediment mellan senkambrium till slutet av trias (520-210 Ma). Olika formtyper av conodonter, eller conodontelement, byggde tillsammans upp käkapparaten hos det lilla ål-liknande conodontdjuret, som numera räknas till chordaterna. Jag har undersökt förekomsten av conodontsläkSeven taxa of the conodont genus Ctenognathodus (Fay, 1959) sensu Viira, 1982b in the Silurian of Gotland have been described and their occurrence mapped geographically, stratigraphically and related to facies. In addition to C. murchisoni (Pander, 1856) three new species were found; C. n. sp. D, C n. sp. E and C n. sp. I with two subspecies, I and G. Two taxa formerly known as subspecies of Ligon

Association between Helicobacter pylori and gastric carcinoma in the city of Malmo, Sweden. A prospective study

BACKGROUND: We have investigated the association between Helicobacter pylori and gastric carcinoma through a nested case-control study in a single city. METHODS: From a cohort of 32,906 residents recruited from 1974 through 1992, 56 cases of gastric adenocarcinoma and 224 matched controls were selected. The mean interval between serum collection and diagnosis was 5.7 years. Frozen serum or plasma