Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90165 sökträffar
Prediction of adaptation difficulties by country of origin, cumulate psychosocial stressors and attitude toward integrating: A Swedish study of first-generation immigrants from Somalia, Vietnam and China.
Different types of accumulated stress have been found to have negative consequences for immigrants' capacity to adapt to the new environment. It remains unclear which factors have the greatest influence.
Development and Psychometric Evaluation of a New Instrument for Measuring Sleep Length and Television and Computer Habits of Swedish School-Age Children.
The aim was to develop a new instrument for measuring length of sleep as well as television and computer habits in school-age children. A questionnaire was constructed for use when children visit the school health care unit. Three aspects of the validity of the questionnaire were examined: its face validity, content validity, and construct validity. Test-retest reliability was assessed by giving t
Increased cardio and cerebrovascular mortality in breast cancer patients treated with postmastectomy radiotherapy - 25 year follow-up of a randomised trial from the South Sweden Breast Cancer Group.
To analyse late morbidity and mortality in pre and post-menopausal breast cancer patients treated with postmastectomy radiotherapy, with emphasis on side-effects from the heart, cerebrovascular and respiratory systems.
Swedish fathers' experiences of childbirth in relation to maternal birth position: a mixed method study.
Fathers often want to be involved in labour and birth.
Swedish employment protection in times of flexicurity policies and economic crisis
Central nervous system relapse in peripheral T-cell lymphomas: A Swedish lymphoma registry study.
Central Nervous System (CNS) relapse in non-Hodgkin lymphomas (NHL) carries a very poor prognosis. Risk factors and outcome have been studied in aggressive B-cell lymphomas but very little is known about the risk in peripheral T-cell lymphoma (PTCL). We aimed at analyzing risk factors for CNS involvement at first relapse or progression, and the outcome of these patients, in a large population-base
Exploring Ground Vegetation Change for Different Deposition Scenarios and Methods for Estimating Critical Loads for Biodiversity Using the ForSAFE-VEG Model in Switzerland and Sweden
The ForSAFE-VEG model was used to investigate the impacts of climate change and air pollution scenarios on soil chemistry and ground vegetations composition. In particular, the model involves a ground vegetation model incorporating plant changes to ambient site conditions in terms of climate and chemistry, but the model also incorporate competition between the different plant groups. The model was
The Satisfaction with Daily Occupations (SDO-13) Scale: Psychometric Properties among Clients in Primary Care in Sweden.
This article describes the results to expand and develop the use of the Satisfaction with Daily Occupations (SDO-13) Scale. Data were collected in primary care before (I) and after intervention (II) among clients with stress-related disorders and musculoskeletal pain. The Cronbach's alpha values of the SDO-13 Scale were 0.80 and 0.88. Convergent validity was assessed against global occupational sa
The physical environment of purpose-built and non-purpose-built supported housing for persons with psychiatric disabilities in Sweden.
The primary aim of the present study was to investigate if methods derived from environmental psychology can be used to study the qualities of the physical environment of supported housing facilities for persons with psychiatric disabilities. Three units of analysis were selected: the private area, the common indoor area, and the outdoor area. Expert assessments of 110 features of the physical env
Smoking and Schizophrenia in Population Cohorts of Swedish Women and Men: A Prospective Co-Relative Control Study.
The purpose of this study was to clarify the causes of the smoking-schizophrenia association.
Worsening diastolic function is associated with elevated fasting plasma glucose and increased left ventricular mass in a supra-additive fashion in an elderly, healthy, Swedish population.
To examine whether increasing fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels were associated with worsening left ventricular (LV) diastolic function, independently of LV mass index (LVMI) in elderly, otherwise healthy subjects.
Environmental transmission of violent criminal behavior in siblings: a Swedish national study.
Neighborhood linking social capital as a predictor of psychiatric medication prescription in the elderly: A Swedish national cohort study.
Little is known about the association between neighborhood linking social capital and psychiatric medication in the elderly. The present study analyzes whether there is an association between linking social capital (a theoretical concept describing the amount of trust between individuals and societal institutions) and prescription of antipsychotics, anxiolytics, hypnotics/sedatives, antidepressant
Getting to Sweden, part I: War and Malfeasance, 1720-1850
The Transition From Rookie to Genuine Nurse: Narratives From Swedish Nurses 1 Year After Graduation
This article describes nurses' experiences during their first year after graduation, based on the qualitative content analysis of eight interviews. The results show that the nurses experienced a transition from "being a rookie," including being accepted as a member of the team and respected as a colleague, to "becoming a genuine nurse," including the feeling of being able to shoulder responsibilit
Histological concordance in familial central nervous system tumors: Evidence from nationwide Swedish Family-Cancer Database.
Published studies have shown that familial risks in the primary central nervous system (CNS) tumors are usually histology-specific. If genetic factors indeed determine tumor histology it would be expected that histological types would agree between affected first-degree relatives (FDRs).
Service Management Perspective into Welfare Services: A Study of Two Swedish Cases
Immunohistochemistry in the differential diagnostics of primary lung cancer: an investigation within the southern Swedish lung cancer study.
Objectives: To assess immunohistochemical (IHC) stains differentially expressed between different types of lung cancer. Methods: We evaluated 16 different IHC stains in 209 prospectively included, surgically treated primary lung cancers, including 121 adenocarcinomas, 65 squamous cell carcinomas, 15 large-cell carcinomas, 5 adenosquamous carcinomas, 2 sarcomatoid carcinomas, and 1 small-cell carci