Din sökning på "swedish" gav 89968 sökträffar
Anm. av Madsen, F.: Commercial arbitration in Sweden
R-E-S-P-E-C-T…In the Name of Love: Poetic Reflections on Civil Protest in the U.S. and Sweden
Taming unruly science and saving national competitiveness: Discourses on science by Sweden’s strategic research bodies
Directive 80/987/EEC amended by Directive 2002/74/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the protection of employees in the event of insolvency of their employer. Sweden, Implementation report to the European Commission
Integration and Efficiency in the Foreign Exchange Market in Sweden 1834-1880
Peronality rights and the media: National report for Sweden
Education and labor market effects on becoming a parent: the experience of young men and women in post-war Sweden
"R.I.P., Charlie" : Imitation of Roman Poetry in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Swedish Funeral Poetry Addressed to Animals
The Vocation of the Laity within a Swedish-Lutheran Context
The Swedish labour Market : Welfare State in Transition : Workfare a Call for Work Obligations as a Mere Moral Device
Association between a socio-economic variable and exposure to air pollution for high resolution census data in Scania, Sweden.
How human exposure levels of air pollutants are related to health status is an issue of great importance for e.g. infrastructural and urban planning. This study analysed the exposure levels of NO2 for individuals depending on their country of birth. The study was conducted within three different study areas of varying characteristics and extent to decide whether any such associations existed and i
National Boundaries? Pornographic Films in Sweden in the 1970s
How can theories of modernity explain changed teaching conditions at swedish music and culture schools?
On Verb-Second Violations in Swedish and the Hierarchical Ordering of Adverbs
On Pronoun Positions in Swedish and Italian, Antisymmetry, and the Person Phrase
Relative Wage Struggles in the Interwar Period, General Equilibrium and the Rise of the Swedish Model
Preventing ill-health or promoting Gender Equality? Recent trends in caring and parenting support policies in Sweden
Swedish Monthly Stock Returns 1945-1997
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