

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90069 sökträffar

The Accruals Based Trading Strategy on the Swedish Stock Market: Does the benchmark when classifying extreme accrual firms have an impact on the trading strategy’s effectiveness?

Purpose: To investigate if it is possible to earn abnormal returns from the accruals based trading strategy in Sweden. The aim is also to examine if the benchmark used when classifying firms into accruals portfolios has an impact on the abnormal returns from the trading strategy. Methodology: The study investigates the abnormal returns from the trading strategy that aims to exploit the accruals a

Temporal and genetical constraints of the Cu-Co Vena-Dampetorp deposit, Bergslagen, Sweden

Bergslagens malmprovins är känd för att innehålla stora Zn-Pb-Ag- och Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag-sulfidförekomster med tillhörande järnoxidskarn och många studier har fokuserat på att förstå dessa förekomster. Cu-Co-förekomster som Vena-Dampetorp-förekomsten har emellertid fått mindre uppmärksamhet. Vena-Dampetorp-förekomsten är en disseminerad och åderstödd Cu-Co-mineralisering som förekommer i en 1,89 Ga ryoliThe Bergslagen Province is known for containing major Zn-Pb-Ag and Zn-Pb-Cu-Ag sulphide mineralizations with associated iron-oxide skarns and a lot of research have focused on understanding them. However, Cu-Co deposits like the Vena-Dampetorp deposit have received less attention. The Vena-Dampetorp deposit is a disseminated and vein Cu-Co mineralization hosted primarily in a 1.89 Ga rhyolitic to

Strategic management of public affairs in Swedish multinational corporations - the recipe for success

This multiple case study addresses the question concerning how multinational corporations handle their public affairs operations. In general, public affairs regard public private sector collaboration and include how companies can manage their governmental stakeholders. Nevertheless, is there a recipe for managing this more successfully? Public affairs have long been an issue for companies operatin

Does Previous Experience Matter? A case study of Swedish board members’ perception of experience diversity in decision-making

Decisions taken in the boardroom are considered to be of crucial importance for corporate governance, not least due to their wide-ranging implications for both an organization and its stakeholders. To take effective decisions on the board, the availability of the right skills and knowledge is deemed essential. Such skills and knowledge largely derive from board members previous educational and fun

An Exploratory Study of Sourcing Options for Alternative Materials to Leather - A Case Study at IKEA of Sweden

Abstract Title: An exploratory study of sourcing options for alternative materials to leather. Authors: Akashdeep Maheshwari and David Marriaga Diaz – Master Students in Logistics & Supply Chain Management. Division of Engineering Logistics. Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH), Lund University. Thesis supervisors: Caroline McGarvey – Sustainability Manager / Material and Innovation Deployment Lead

En analys av essäistiskt modus i Kristian Petris essäfilm Hotellet: Ett bidrag till studiet om ett essäistiskt modus

The central issue discussed in this thesis is the “essayistic mode”, which is usually described as a set of themes and characterization of the traditional written essay. In our more digitalized world today, it has been argued that some of these essayistic traits could be identified in other types of media, for example in essay films. Since the beginning of the 1990th century the capacity of essay

Mass Emigration and Political Change: Evidence from Historical Swedish Elections

Migrants do not only affect the societies in which they arrive. When people leave in large numbers, their absence will also have indirect consequences for the societies from which they left. Between 1860 and 1930, 1.4 million Swedes emigrated abroad, most of them settling in the United States. In this essay I look at how this historic migration episode, in which a quarter of the population left th

Determinants of Stock Price Volatility: A quantitative study on the Swedish stock market between 2004-2016

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka om utdelningars utbetalningsgrad, vinstvolatilitet, storlek och hävstång har någon inverkan på aktiebolagets volatilitet. Vidare syftar denna uppsats till att undersöka huruvida dessa samband är tillämpliga på både Large Cap-företag och företag som listas på Mid och Small Cap. Teorierna bygger på rådande teorier i området, bland annat Bird in the hand hypThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether Payout ratio, Earnings volatility, Size, and Leverage have any effect on the volatility of the stock. Furthermore, this thesis seeks to investigate whether these relationships apply to both Large Cap firms and firms listed on Mid and Small Cap. The theories are based upon prevailing theories in the area, among them Bird in the hand hypothesis,

Effect of food predictability on the energy budget of wintering great tits (Parus major) in southern Sweden

Birds living in temperate regions face an energetically demanding period in winter, when food availability becomes reduced and unpredictable. In order to conserve energy, wintering passerines reduce their metabolic rate (MR) and body temperature (Tb) during the night to enter into a state of hypothermia. The effect of food predictability on the energy budget of birds is not fully understood. There

The Charging Network Experience - Factors affecting the user experience of the electric vehicle public charging network in Sweden

The electric vehicle public charging network has been suggested as a major challenge hampering the further adoption of electric vehicles. Little research have applied a user perspective when investigating the charging network, and there is a knowledge gap concerning what affects the charging network experience of electric vehicle drivers. The area of research was limited to include electric vehicl

The Woman Was Raped - A Critical Discourse Analysis of Swedish News Media Coverage of Rape and Sexual Assault

Departing from the question of how linguistic representations of sexual crime are connected to social practices around sexuality, this discourse analysis looks into 30 news articles on sexual crime to identify discourses around male and female sexuality. As most sexual crimes are committed by men and against women, the analysis focuses on connecting discursive descriptions of men and women in rela

Comparisons of phenotypic plasticity between Mytilus edulis on the east and west coast of Sweden

Finns det skillnader mellan blåmusslor från öst- och västkusten? Fenotyp är hur en organism ser ut, till skillnad från dess genotyp vilket är vilka gener organismen har. Fenotypisk plasticitet betyder att ett djur eller en växt kan få olika utseende med samma gener. Deras utseende är påverkat av deras miljö. Att kunna anpassa sig och klara av den miljön man hamnar i. Blåmusslan är precis som en

Swedish Clinical Psychologists’ Experiences of Compassion Fatigue

The aim of the study was to investigate the participating psychologists’ experiences with compassion fatigue, and to identify individual, interpersonal and organizational factors and strategies perceived as contributing or protecting in relation to compassion fatigue. Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with eight psychologists (three men and five women) with more than five years o