

Din sökning på "Greek " gav 2038 sökträffar

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Den nionde svenska filologkongressen Abstracts 1. Akujärvi, Johanna - johanna.akujarvi@klass.lu.se - Lunds universitet … hyenden under håglösa lärjungars lätja. Språkundervisningen och klassikeröversättning Svensk översättning av antik litteratur har ofta nära band till undervisningen av de klassiska språken i skola och på universitet. Särskilt uppenbart är bandet i de så kallade mojorna, drillarn

https://konferens.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Filologkongressen_IX_-_Samtliga_abstracts.pdf - 2025-03-10

Technological innovations applied in the underwater survey of the Antikythera shipwreck : Conference Presentation for the B’ Symposium “New Technologies in Service to Our Knowledge of Antiquity”, 2015

The Antikythera Wreck represents a unique example of implementation and development of technological methods and systems aiding archaeological research. Since 1900, when the wreck was discovered, the challenges posed by the underwater environment and the variety of archaeological data hidden in the multifarious artifacts has been yielding great opportunities for technological innovation. Research

Fuktegenskaper och kemisk sammansättning för nedbrutet Accoya-trä

Accoya: virket som motstår rötsvamparna Att använda trä som byggnadsmaterial har en lång tradition i Sverige, då tillgången är god. Nu har det återigen fått ett större fokus i hopp om att minska byggsektorns klimatpåverkan. För att utöka träets användning måste dess problem med fukt begränsas, där det största problemet är rötsvampar som bryter ned träet och gör det svagare. En vanlig metod är attWood is one of the oldest building materials, which have recently gained more focus in aneffort to reach net zero emissions. The mechanical properties of wood are dependent on the moisture content, and a high moisture content can also lead to biological attacks from decay fungi. To avoid biological attacks the wood must be protected from moisture, and a traditional method is to pressure impregnate

Protection against varicella with two doses of combined measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine or one dose of monovalent varicella vaccine : 10-year follow-up of a phase 3 multicentre, observer-blind, randomised, controlled trial

Background: The duration of protection provided by varicella vaccines is unclear. We assessed the 10-year vaccine efficacy of two doses of a combined measles-mumps-rubella-varicella vaccine (MMRV), one live attenuated varicella vaccine (V) dose given after one measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MMR) dose (MMR + V), versus two MMR doses (control vaccine) for the prevention of confirmed varicella. Metho

The Late etruscan votive heads from Tessennano. A study of production, distribution and sociohistorical context.

Popular Abstract in Swedish De senetruskiska votivhuvudena i terrakotta (bränd lera) från Tessennano på Medelhavsmuseet i Stockholm hittades 1956 i anslutning till en lantlig helgedom, ungefär tio mil norr om Rom, Italien. Att de är votivgåvor innebär att de skänktes av tillbedjare som representationer av dem själva inför gudomen eller gudomarna. Avhandlingen diskuterar emellertid inte de religiösThe Late etruscan terracotta votive heads from Tessennano were found near a rural sanctuary about a hundred km to the North of Rome in 1956. Whereas the facial fronts are serially produced with moulds, the backs are handmade. By using not only the moulded and the handmade features but the raw material (clay and temper) as well, it has been possible to make suggestions as to how, when and where the

Animal Welfare, Public Procurement and the EU Internal Market - A Recurrent Dilemma in Swedish Policy Making?

Med utgångspunkt i en artikel skriven av den svenska civilministern, syftar uppsatsen till att undersöka huruvida det är förenligt med EU-rätten att hänvisa till ’svenska’ djurskyddskrav (uttryckligen eller inte) vid offentlig upphandling av livsmedel. Uppsatsen syftar särskilt till att undersöka i vilken utsträckning tre aktuella reformer skulle kunna tänkas påverka handlingsutrymmet för upphandlOn the basis of an article recently authored by the Swedish Minister for Public Administration, the main purpose of this thesis is to examine whether contracting authorities are allowed to refer to ‘Swedish’ standards of animal welfare (whether explicitly or not) when purchasing foodstuffs, without infringing the EU rules on free movement. In making this assessment, the thesis identifies three rec

Glömda gudstecken : från fornkyrklig dopliturgi till allmogens bomärken

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bomärken har använts som ägarbeteckning och signatur i Norden in på 1800-talet, och i vissa reliktområden intill nutid. Bomärkena återfinns t.ex. i mantalslängder, jordaböcker och bouppteckningar, men även inskurna på äldre redskap, husgeråd och annat lösöre. Bomärkena har av somliga forskare ansetts ha utformats slumpvis, enbart med syftet att kunna skilja en bomärkesThe pioneering academic research on Merchant Marks (also known as identity marks, personal marks, ownership marks, identification marks, Hausmarken, Hofmarken, Marques de Propriété, bomärken) was done by professor Homeyer (1870). Since 1870 there has been an ongoing debate among scholars whether Merchant Marks are simply formed by chance and coincidence, as stated by Rehnberg (1938, 1951), Scheffe

The void : Urban wasteland as political space

The rugged field and group of trees between housing estates or next to the railroad tracks, the left-over space of deserted industrial areas, the vacant demolition site of a central city block – they could all be termed ‘urban voids’. However, they are often anything but voids, in a literal sense, as they are not empty, or deserted. Yet they are ‘urban voids’, lacking an evident function, or a def

Parallel Import of Pharmaceuticals in the EU

Parallel import in the European Union is the perfectly legal activity under Art. 28-30 EC of buying goods in a low-price country in order to ship and sell them in a high-price country. The pharmaceutical market in Europe is subject to the subsidiartiy principle of Art. 5 EC and heavily characterised by national regulations that lead to significant price differentials between – generally speaking –

Ett skepp kommer lastat - En studie om konkurrensrätt, konsortier och linjekonferenser

Sammanfattning Linjekonferenser har funnits sedan 1875. Dess syfte är att rederier går samman för att gemensamt besluta om fraktrater samt dela upp marknaden mellan sig. Denna typ av samarbete har under lång tid tillåtits då det ansetts bidra till prisstabilitet och regularitet. År 2006 togs gruppundantaget för linjekonferenser bort och europeiska kommissionen valde i stället att utveckla det grup

Der Rufer (e106) (webpage)

Text. Images. Audio of Der Rufer for percussion quartet.NOTE: Der RuferDer Rufer, for percussion quartet was written for and dedicated to Olaf Tzschoppe and the Bremer Schlagzeugensemble and is the first result of a planned, long-term collaboration between Lund University/Malmö Academy of Music and the European Spallation Source, a multi-disciplinary research facility based on the world’s most pow

Global stroke statistics

Background: Up to date data on incidence, mortality, and case-fatality for stroke are important for setting the agenda for prevention and healthcare. Aims and/or hypothesis: We aim to update the most current incidence and mortality data on stroke available by country, and to expand the scope to case-fatality and explore how registry data might be complementary. Methods: Data were compiled using tw

Completion axillary lymph node dissection for the identification of pN2–3 status as an indication for adjuvant CDK4/6 inhibitor treatment : a post-hoc analysis of the randomised, phase 3 SENOMAC trial

Background: In luminal breast cancer, adjuvant CDK4/6 inhibitors (eg, abemaciclib) improve invasive disease-free survival. In patients with T1–2, grade 1–2 tumours, and one or two sentinel lymph node metastases, completion axillary lymph node dissection (cALND) is the only prognostic tool available that can reveal four or more nodal metastases (pN2–3), which is the only indication for adjuvant abe

New article by Danilo Marco Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi published in the American Journal of Arc

New article by Danilo Marco Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi published in the American Journal of Archaeology! New article by Danilo Marco Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi published in the American Journal of Archaeology! Published 18 September 2024 A groundbreaking study by Danilo Marco Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi in the American Journal of Archaeology leverages virtual reality eye-tracking and

https://www.darklab.lu.se/article/new-article-by-danilo-marco-campanaro-and-giacomo-landeschi-published-in-the-american-journal-of-archaeology - 2025-03-10

New publication on merging virtual reality-based eye-tracking with geographic information systems!

New publication on merging virtual reality-based eye-tracking with geographic information systems! New publication on merging virtual reality-based eye-tracking with geographic information systems! Published 23 September 2024 A groundbreaking study by Danilo Marco Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi in the American Journal of Archaeology leverages virtual reality eye-tracking and GIS to explore how Ro

https://www.humlab.lu.se/article/new-publication-on-merging-virtual-reality-based-eye-tracking-with-geographic-information-systems/ - 2025-03-10

New article by Danilo Marco Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi published in the American Journal of Arc

New article by Danilo Marco Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi published in the American Journal of Archaeology! New article by Danilo Marco Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi published in the American Journal of Archaeology! Published 18 September 2024 A groundbreaking study by Danilo Marco Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi in the American Journal of Archaeology leverages virtual reality eye-tracking and

https://www.darklab.lu.se/article/new-article-by-danilo-marco-campanaro-and-giacomo-landeschi-published-in-the-american-journal-of-archaeology/ - 2025-03-10

Degree conferment ceremony glossary

Absens (in absentia)Absens is Latin for absent, and indicates a promovendus being awarded a degree without being present at the actual ceremony, or in absentia. During the ceremony, the person’s name is read out, with the addition of 'absens'.PhD graduate‘Doktor efter avlagda prov’ (EAP) is the official Swedish denomination for the Latin doctor iuvenis, pl. doctor iuvenes, i.e. new doctoral gradua

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/about-university/university-glance/academic-traditions/doctoral-degree-conferment-ceremony/degree-conferment-ceremony-glossary - 2025-03-09

The doctoral degree conferment ceremony

The ceremonial highlight of the academic year Doctoral degree conferment ceremony In a solemn ceremony in Lund Cathedral, the doctoral students who completed their research studies in the past year and successfully defended their doctoral theses at Lund University have their degrees conferred. At the ceremony, degrees are also conferred on the faculties' honorary doctors. Doctors who completed the

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/about-university/university-glance/academic-traditions/doctoral-degree-conferment-ceremony - 2025-03-09

Beyond Sacred/Secular Cities - Exploring Politics of Memory, Space, and Religion in Middle Eastern Nationalisms

Funding agency: SRA-MECW. Duration: 2022-2025 The project is devoted to exploring ‘the city’ as a stage for the construction and contest of nationalist imaginations in the Middle East (and beyond). It aims at unpacking how nationalism, in various national contexts and urban localities, comprises entangled and ambiguous religious/secular imaginaries, providing critical perspectives on conventional

https://www.cmes.lu.se/strategic-research-area-middle-east/research-projects/beyond-sacredsecular-cities-exploring-politics-memory-space-and-religion-middle-eastern-nationalisms - 2025-03-10