

Din sökning på "Greek " gav 2036 sökträffar

Degree conferment ceremony glossary

Absens (in absentia)Absens is Latin for absent, and indicates a promovendus being awarded a degree without being present at the actual ceremony, or in absentia. During the ceremony, the person’s name is read out, with the addition of 'absens'.PhD graduate‘Doktor efter avlagda prov’ (EAP) is the official Swedish denomination for the Latin doctor iuvenis, pl. doctor iuvenes, i.e. new doctoral gradua

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/about-university/university-glance/academic-traditions/doctoral-degree-conferment-ceremony/degree-conferment-ceremony-glossary - 2025-03-09

The doctoral degree conferment ceremony

The ceremonial highlight of the academic year Doctoral degree conferment ceremony In a solemn ceremony in Lund Cathedral, the doctoral students who completed their research studies in the past year and successfully defended their doctoral theses at Lund University have their degrees conferred. At the ceremony, degrees are also conferred on the faculties' honorary doctors. Doctors who completed the

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/about-university/university-glance/academic-traditions/doctoral-degree-conferment-ceremony - 2025-03-09

Beyond Sacred/Secular Cities - Exploring Politics of Memory, Space, and Religion in Middle Eastern Nationalisms

Funding agency: SRA-MECW. Duration: 2022-2025 The project is devoted to exploring ‘the city’ as a stage for the construction and contest of nationalist imaginations in the Middle East (and beyond). It aims at unpacking how nationalism, in various national contexts and urban localities, comprises entangled and ambiguous religious/secular imaginaries, providing critical perspectives on conventional

https://www.cmes.lu.se/strategic-research-area-middle-east/research-projects/beyond-sacredsecular-cities-exploring-politics-memory-space-and-religion-middle-eastern-nationalisms - 2025-03-10

Conference hotel practical information 0

Conference factsheets Hotel you can rely on The Park Inn by Radisson Danube Bratislava hotel is a brand new facility in the heart of the historical city centre close to the Bratislava castle and next to the Danube river. Highly comfortable rooms, meeting spaces to host more than 400 delegates, wellness area and traditional Italian cuisine – all of it with the most beautiful views you can get in th

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/sites/ses.lu.se.en/files/conference_hotel_practical_information_0.pdf - 2025-03-10

Utbildningsplan Kandidatprogram i översättning

Utbildningsplan Kandidatprogram i översättning Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna HGÖSP, Kandidatprogram i översättning, 90 högskolepoäng Bachelor Programme in Translation, 90 credits Program med akademiska förkunskapskrav och med slutlig examen på grundnivå / First cycle degree programme requiring previous university study Beslutsuppgifter Utbildningsplanen är fastställd av Prodekanen med a

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/utbildning/Utbildningsplaner/HGO__SP_faststa__lld.pdf - 2025-03-10

Qmod 2009 final prog.qmod .icqss 09

12th QMOD and Toulon-Verona Conference 27 – 29 August 2009 CONFERENCE PROGRAMME Organised by Lund University, Sweden Linköping University, Sweden Verona University, Italy Toulon University, France Hosted by Verona Univerity 12th QMOD and Toulon-Verona Conference Verona, 27 - 29 August 2009 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Thursday 27 12.00 - 2.00 p.m. Registration & Welcome Coffee 2.00 - 3.30 p.m. Opening Ple

https://www.ses.lu.se/en/sites/ses.lu.se.en/files/qmod_2009_final_prog.qmod_.icqss_09.pdf - 2025-03-10

No title

www.lu.se State of Digital Manuscript Studies & Textual Scholarship in the Øresund Area WORKSHOP ARRANGED BY THE TEXTVID ÖRESUND NETWORK | 8 MAY 2023 | 09:00 – 09:15 Welcome & Short Introductions 09:15 – 10:50 Session 1 • Initial work on the Indic Manuscript Collection at ToRS. Kenneth Zysk & Jacob Schmidt-Madsen (University of Copenhagen). • Metaphrasis: Byzantine hagiography as a genre of floati

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/ht/ovrigt/projekt_textvid/State_of_Digital_Manuscript_Studies_Program.pdf - 2025-03-10

No title

www.lu.se State of Digital Manuscript Studies & Textual Scholarship in the Øresund Area WORKSHOP ARRANGED BY THE TEXTVID ÖRESUND NETWORK | 8 MAY 2023 | 09:00 – 09:15 Welcome & Short Introductions 09:15 – 10:50 Session 1 • Initial work on the Indic Manuscript Collection at ToRS. Kenneth Zysk & Jacob Schmidt-Madsen (University of Copenhagen). • Metaphrasis: Byzantine hagiography as a genre of floati

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/ctr/foton/Hemsida/frontpuffar/State_of_Digital_Manuscript_Studies_Program.pdf - 2025-03-10

New publication on merging virtual reality-based eye-tracking with geographic information systems!

New publication on merging virtual reality-based eye-tracking with geographic information systems! New publication on merging virtual reality-based eye-tracking with geographic information systems! Publicerad den 23 september 2024 A groundbreaking study by Danilo Marco Campanaro and Giacomo Landeschi in the American Journal of Archaeology leverages virtual reality eye-tracking and GIS to explore h

https://www.humlab.lu.se/sv/article/new-publication-on-merging-virtual-reality-based-eye-tracking-with-geographic-information-systems/ - 2025-03-11

Evaluation of under- and overreporting of energy intake in the 24-hour diet recalls in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)

Objective: To evaluate under- and overreporting and their determinants in the EPIC :24-hour diet recall (24-HDR) measurements collected in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Design: Cross-sectional analysis. 24-HDR measurements were obtained by means of a standardised computerised interview program (EPIC-SOFT). The ratio of reported energy intake (EI) to estim

Evaluation of absorbed dose and image quality in mammography

Popular Abstract in Swedish Utvärdering av stråldos och bildkvalitet i mammografi Bröstcancer är den cancerform som är vanligast hos kvinnor. Genom tidig upptäckt med bröströntgen, mammografi, kan man behandla sjukdomen i ett tidigare stadium och därmed minska dödligheten. Det är också möjligt att behandla på ett skonsammare sätt vid tidig upptäckt. Därför har man startat hälsokontroller, screeniMammography refers to the X-ray examination of the human breast, and is considered the single most important diagnostic tool in the early detection of breast cancer, which is by far the most common cancer among women. There is good evidence from clinical trials, that mammographic screening can reduce the breast cancer mortality with about 30%. The side effects include a small and age related risk

Expansion Study of growing markets in Europe Strategic options for Betsafe

Betsafe is still a young company that have seen a great success in a short span of time. To remain successful it is therefore important that they don’t become complacent and remain visionary. However, a successful company must also balance its risk‐taking. In the end it is vital to find the right opportunities that fits the company and of course to be able to make the right decisions. In this proj

Iran Policy Report 0

CMES Policy-Research Dialogue: Exploring Europe’s Changing Perceptions and Policies Toward Iran CENTRE FOR ADVANCED MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES, LUND UNIVERSITY, 8-9 APRIL 2024 Photo: Nastaran Taghipour/Unsplash 2 Acknowledgement The policy-research dialogue was organised by Dr. Dalia Dassa Kaye, a visiting Fulbright scholar at the Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) and senior fellow at

https://www.cmes.lu.se/sites/cmes.lu.se/files/2024-07/Iran%20Policy%20Report_0.pdf - 2025-03-10

Fabelbruk i svensk tidigmodernitet : En genrehistorisk studie

Den aisopiska fabeln etablerades som genre i den grekiska antiken och nådde Skandinavien under medeltiden. I svensk kultur upplevde fabeln en storhetstid under den tidigmoderna epoken (1500–1800). Monografin Fabelbruk i svensk tidigmodernitet. En genrehistorisk studie tar ett helhetsgrepp om fabelgenrens historia i Sverige under denna 300-årsperiod. I dialog med ny internationell fabel- och genref


Brevmall Språ k- oc h l i t t er at urc e nt r um Kurslitteratur för Översättning till svenska – i teori och praktik ÖVSD62 (60 hp) Fastställd av styrelsen för sektion 1 vid Språk-och litteraturcentrum, den 4 december 2024. Termin 2 Delkurs 6: Yrkeskunskap för översättare 2 (1,5 hp) Obligatorisk kurslitteratur O’Brien, Sharon (2022). How to deal with errors in machine translation: Post-editing. I

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/OVSD62/20251/O_VSD62_litteraturlista_termin_2_vt25_KLAR.pdf - 2025-03-11

No title

KRM D28 Required Reading Centre fo r Theology and Re l ig ious Stud ies Required reading for KRM D29 Church and Mission Studies: Christianity and Nationalism, 7,5 ECTS credits, Spring Semester 2025 as approved by the Director of Studies on 10 December 2024 Obligatory readings Anderson, Benedict (2016). Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Second edition. Londo

https://www.ctr.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/KRMD29/20251/KRM_D29_Required_Reading_1.pdf - 2025-03-11

200224. deu. schedule syllabus

200224. D€. schedule syllabus Doctoral School Agenda 2030 Digital Monies for a Sustainable Future The syllabus is preliminary and subject to changes till the course’s start. # Session Required readings Session focus Module 1: Setting the stage 1 Money today, theory and practice April 20, 13.00-16.00 Anders Ögren, Ester Barinaga, Paul Stankovski & Christian Gehrmann Readings: • Werner, R.2014. Can

https://www.sustainability.lu.se/sites/sustainability.lu.se/files/200224._deu._schedule_syllabus.pdf - 2025-03-10

200407. deu blended. schedule syllabus

200407. D€ blended. schedule syllabus Doctoral School Agenda 2030 Digital Monies for a Sustainable Future The syllabus is preliminary and subject to changes till the course’s start.
 The course is taught mainly online, but ends with a one-and-a-half physical workshop at Lund University. Deadline for course registration: August 14. For registering, contact Charlina Lunvald (charlina.lunvald@fek.lu.

https://www.sustainability.lu.se/sites/sustainability.lu.se/files/200407._deu_blended._schedule_syllabus.pdf - 2025-03-10