Din sökning på "Greek " gav 2019 sökträffar
The Byzantine Panoplia Tradition and the Greek Qur’an Translation in the Latin West
Byzantium has played only a minor role, if any at all, in the Western appropriation of knowledge on Islam. One exception to this is the Panoplia dogmatike by Eustathios Zigabenos, active under and working on the commission of the Byzantine emperor Alexios I Komnenos (r. 1081-1118). The Panoplia dogmatike ('Dogmatic Armoury') was a most imperial text, designed to support the emperor's fight against
The Redaction of Symeon Metaphrastes : Literary aspects of the Metaphrastic martyria
Inget kan bota den kulturella melankolin
Henrik Brandão Jönsson blandar kulturhistoria, reseskildring, migrationsberättelse och självreflektion. Hans nya bok kretsar kring det djupt emotionella begreppet saudade. Christian Claesson läser en bok om att längta bort och hem samtidigt.
A study of dedications to Aphrodite from Greek magistrates
Popular Abstract in Swedish Utifrån epigrafiska källor analyserar avhandlingen Afrodites roll som ämbetsmannabeskyddarinna. Huvudmaterialet är 62 dedikationer till Afrodite: inskrifter från ämbetsmän eller dedikationer där gudinnan presenteras med ett epitet som alluderar på ett ämbete, t.ex. Afrodite Strategis, ‘Strategernas Afrodite’. Materialet visar att Afrodite dyrkades av ämbetsmän på ett pa
A Case Study Research of Power Relations within Policy Implementation for the Intellectually Disabled in Greece: Focusing on the Training Centers (2008-2013)
Utmaning eller tillgång? Att undervisa modersmålstalare i språkutbildning på universitetet
I språkutbildning vid svenska lärosäten finns det vanligtvis ett antal studenter i varje grupp som har det studerade språket som modersmål (L1), även om majoriteten utgörs av studerande som läser språket som främmande språk (L2). I vår studie undersöker vi erfarenheter av att undervisa denna typ av grupp genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex universitetslärare i franska, spanska och tyska. Un
The Arts of Editing Medieval Greek and Latin : a Casebook
With the triumph of the codex, medieval literature became more deeply hermeneutic in character. A vast range of texts, in various languages and genres, were not only copied with the commentaries and glosses of ancient tradition, but also underwent continuous reworking and transformation. Indeed, the very act of transcribing texts into a manuscript was often an incentive to rewrite them. This pract
For particular reasons : studies in honour of Jerker Blomqvist
Abstract not available
Vilken litteratur (o)synliggörs inom romanska språk i svensk högre utbildning och forskning?
Studien kartlägger litteraturämnen i kandidatuppsatser och avhandlingar i romanska språk i Sverige under tidsperioden 2000-2016. Syftet är att belysa olika litteraturers roll och (o)synliggörande i självständiga arbeten. Ansatsen är deskriptiv och ämnar identifiera mönster och tendenser i materialet. Dessa mönster ska ligga till grund för fördjupade studier av områden med utvecklingspotential i de
Shedding light on Energy Communities-Policy challenges towards a high share of Energy communities in Greece
Consumer attitudes and sociodemographic profile in purchasing organic food products : Evidence of a Greek and Swedish survey.
Haplotype analysis reveals that the recurrent BRCA1 deletion of exons 23 and 24 is a Greek founder mutation
Greek and British Merchant Fleets. Pattern of Investment in the Shippin Industry. Evidence from the Tanker Sector
"Europe is Breaking Them" - An Analysis of European NGOs' Narrative on the Mental Health of Migrants on the Greek Islands from 2015 until 2023
Images of the North : An imagological analysis of Nordic noir book covers in Greece and Spain
Although Scandinavia is arguably peripheral in the global literary system, it nevertheless holds a surprisingly prominent position in the field of translation, Swedish and Danish being among the ten most translated languages in the world (Lindqvist, 2015). What literature is selected for translation and introduction into new linguistic contexts is not a coincidence, but has to do with economic fac
Do Satyrs Wear Sneakers? : Hellenic Polytheism and the Reception of Antiquity in Contemporary Greece – a study in serious play
Media and the economic crisis of the EU: the “culturalization” of a systemic crisis and Bild-Zeitung's framing of Greece
This article critically studies the hegemonic discursive construction of the EU’s current (2012) economic crisis, as it is articulated by political and economic elites and by mass media. The study focuses on the political economy of the particular crisis and through the critical concept of reification, the study emphasizes the hegemonic naturalization of the economic crisis by the “free market” ec