

Din sökning på "Greek " gav 2019 sökträffar

“Greek Agriculture, CAP and Agenda 2000: A Case Study in the External Trade, 2000-2008”

Europe has established the Common Agricultural Policy, CAP, from the early years of the construction of the EU as a tool against rural poverty and food deficit. As the years passed by CAP became more goal oriented towards the economic growth and development of each country. The latest development known as Agenda 2000 opted for a competitive agriculture led by the international market powers and fo

Transitivity in discourse : A comparison of Greek, Polish and Swedish

Popular Abstract in Swedish Olika morfologiska former i olika språk antas bero på gemensamma kognitiva funktioner och semantiska egenskaper. En övergripande term för sådana semantiska egenskaper är transitivitet. Transitivitet yttrar sig bl.a. i aspekt hos verbet och bestämdhet hos objektet. En avgörande kognitiv funktion är för- och bakgrundsstruktur av information. Detta testas här empiriskt i (This work assumes that various linguistic forms in different languages are related to common cognitive functions and semantic properties. A cognitive function - presumably universal - is information transmission. The notion of interest is transitivity, which contains a set of semantic properties such as agentivity, dynamism, affectedness, boundedness and givenness, and the explicit forms are verb

Greek sculpture as a tool in understanding the phenomenon of movement quality

Previous research has shown that movement quality may be described as offering a general impression of a whole unified person, understood as a relation between postural stability, free breathing and awareness, which combined produce a refinement of movement as well as enhancing well-being. The phenomenon could further be structured in terms of four movement dimensions: structural, physiological, p

The role of gender and familiarity for speech and gestures during agreement in Greek conversation

Gestures are used in a pragmatic way in interactive contexts such as conversation. Agreement between interlocutors is an ordinary aspect of talk-in-interaction, which is expressed through various types of utterances and gestures. The interlocutors’ status, such as gender and familiarity, may affect both their verbal and non-verbal behavior as previous research has shown. This study investigates th

Microsoft Word - NYGA12 litt.lista HT22 2023-06-01

Microsoft Word - NYGA12 litt.lista HT22 2023-06-01 Språk- och litteraturcentrum Nygrekiska Litteraturlista NYGA12, Nygrekiska, grundkurs, 31-60 högskolepoäng Fastställd av Styrelsen för Sektion 3 2020-12-03 att gälla från vårterminen 2021 Referenslitteratur för samtliga delkurser Norstedts grekiska ordbok: Nygrekisk-svensk/Svensk-nygrekisk (2009). Valfri utgåva. Τριανταφυλλίδης Μανόλης (1978). Νεο

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/NYGA12/20242/Litt._NYGA12_2023_06_01.pdf - 2025-01-10