

Din sökning på "*" gav 532402 sökträffar

How explosive should the launch of the new Samsung Galaxy Note8 be?

In August 2016, Samsung launched the Galaxy Note7, but the initial excitement of both the company and the market dropped painfully after only a few days when reports covered phones that were bursting into flames. With an increasing number of incidents and massive media coverage, Samsung had to quickly step up its actions from a reluctant withdraw to a global recall within only one month. Hence, th

Vägtransport av farligt gods - beräkningsmodell för olycksfrekvens

Varje dag transporteras det en mängd olika farliga ämnen på våra vägar. Ämnena kan ha en mängd olika egenskaper som gör att de kan vara farliga för både människor och miljön ifall det sker en olycka med transporten och ämnena släpps ut. Därför är det viktigt att man planerar samhället på ett klokt sätt så att skadorna inte blir så stora ifall en olycka sker. Till exempel ska man inte bygga bostädeA novel calculation model for estimating the frequency of accidents involving transport of dangerous goods on road links is proposed. It has been developed through a design process using background knowledge gathered through study and analysis of literature and through interviews with people having expertise within the field. The purpose of the model is to be used for risk analysis in societal pla

Användarcentrerad utveckling av navigationssystem i ambulanssjukvården

Ambulanssjukvård är en verksamhet som under de senaste decennierna successivt ombildats från att huvudsakligen transportera patienter till vårdinrättningar till att idag vara en viktig vårdgivande aktör i mobiliseringen av prehospital akutsjukvård. För att ambulanspersonal ska kunna uppfylla deras utökade arbetsuppgifter och bibehålla god patientsäkerhet i takt med ökade påfrestningar på hela ambuThe operations of emergency medical services have in the past few decades undergone a transformation from mainly transporting patients to health facilities to being a key care-giving contributor in the mobilization of prehospital care. In order for paramedics to fulfill their expanded set of tasks while maintaining good patient safety concurrently with increasing demands on the emergency medical s

Pack your bags: A Mulberry Repositioning case

In 2012, Mulberry, a well-established British fashion brand recognised for its leadership in the affordable luxury category appointed a new CEO. This CEO aspired to reposition the brand to a target a more premium segment. The aftermath of this repositioning saw the resignation of Mulberry’s creative director, a downturn in customer patronage and several profit warnings. So what should Mulberry do

Konsten att memorera musik: Att lära sig spela utan noter

I detta arbete utforskas olika minnestekniker för att kunna framföra musik utan noter. Det är huvudsakligen experiment för grund av egen kunskap för författaren, men även andras teorier om inlärning och framförande av musik från minnet.In this work different memory techniques are explored to be able to perform music by heart. It is mainly experiments for the sake of the author's own knowledge, but also theories of others about learning and performing music from memory.

Common ground

A designer who engages in social problems is often an outsider, intervening in an environment with existing social structures. How can a designer contribute to finding durable solutions for social problems? What are the responsibilities of a social designer? And what role do power differences play? These questions were explored both theoretically and practically. The first by comparing social desi

Synthesis of a 13C-labeled tool compound for diagnostic applications

Overconsumption and abuse of alcohol are common causes of disabilities and disease. In some cases, it can even lead to premature death. To detect alcohol abuse and overconsumption of alcohol, medical history, patient symptoms and different biomarkers can be used. In this thesis the alcohol specific phosphatidylethanol (PEth) biomarker has been of interest. PEth is the collective name for a group o

Design, Method Development, and Synthesis of Novel Galectin-9N Inhibitors

Introducing an N-sulfonylamidine substituent in galactose increased the selectivity for galectin-9N, a protein involved in functions of the immune system, and is believed to have roles in autoimmune diseases and cancer. In this work, a fast method for regioselective monoalkylation of galactose by microwave irradiation was developed, and eight potential galectin-9N inhibitors were synthesized. Mole

A Construction Industries View on Accountability in a No-Blame Culture

Construction is one of the most dangerous industries in the United States. Job sites are controlled by the General Contractor who may perform their own work and will have Subcontractors perform other scopes of work. Work is performed by a mix of union and non-union workers. Frontline workers are often “held accountable” and blamed for mishaps that happen on a job site which often leads to discipli

Landskapsparken Dagstorp Huvudstorp

Landskapsparken utforskar möjligheten för ett mer tillgängligt jordbrukslandskap i Dagstorps backar i Skåne. Genom att undersöka historiska lager, gränser och minnen i landskapet har en gestaltningsstrategi för en framtida park vuxit fram. Centralt för projektet är tanken om promenaden som ett pedagogiskt verktyg, där besökarens rörelse genom landskapsrummen ger nya insikter och djupare förståelse

Att ha - En undersökning av Maria Lindbergs verk och dess allegoriska dimension

This thesis highlights how art with minimal forms of expression communicate allegorical by discussing specific aspects in the interpretation of Maria Lindbergs artwork Att Ha. This is done through a semiotic analysis complemented by a theoretical framework consisting of mainly allegorical theories. The purpose of this study is to understand the varying messages that are being produced by stressing

Genuino/Arduino compatible board using the ATmega M1-familjen av mikro kontroller

Arduino är en hårdvaru- och mjukvarusvit designad för Atmels ATmega familj av mikrokontroller. I detta projekt har Arduinosviten anpassats för ATmega32M1 med avsikt att nyttja den inbyggda trefasmotor-kontrollern och CAN bus kommunikationen. Målet är att göra det lättare att utvekla prototyper till elektriska fordon eller andra applikationer. Det finns ett antal mindre skillnader mellan ATmega32M1Arduino is a suite of software and hardware designed for the Atmel ATmega family of microcontrollers. In this project the Arduino suite has been adapted for the ATmega32M1 with the intent of utilising the built-in three phase motor controller and CAN bus interface, making it easier to quickly prototype electric vehicles or other new applications. There are a number of subtle differences between th

Analysing the Impacts of Using Direct Shipments in the Distribution Network for Spare Parts

Distribution is a part of the supply chain and refers to the steps taken to move and store a product from the supplier stage to the customer stage in the supply chain. Direct shipment is a concept within distribution and refers to shipping direct between a supplier and a retailer or customer. Distribution is considered a key driver for overall profitability of a company since it directly affects b

Mot en digitaliserad läsundervisning : critical literacy med digitala verktyg på högstadiet

In 2017 the Swedish government initiated a digitalisation process of the Swedish education system by revising the curriculums (Lgr11) to emphasise the importance of digital competence. An ambitious commitment at a national level, however leaving the schools with a great question mark regarding how the digitalisation should be implemented in real practice. Drawing on action research from a Swedish

An evaluation of the role of PromOat® on the stability of oil-in-water emulsions

Background. In the past years, there has been a major shift towards the consumption of healthier, more sustainable, and more convenient food products. These trends have triggered a response from the food industry, instigating the reformulation of several products. The challenge is removing or replacing certain ingredients, without sacrificing certain elements such as taste, texture, or shelf-life.

Annebergsskolan - en undersökning av normkritiska pedagogiska rum

The thesis investigates how a norm-critical perspective on learning can impact the architectural design, and the aim is not to challenge the school as a form but to mediate a more supportive learning environment. The norm-critical, feminist and public pedagogy highlights the necessity of change towards collective learning with the individual in mind that includes introvert and extrovert personalit

Re-thinking green roof design : The prospect of a carbon sink structure investigated through a life cycle cost-benefit analysis

Green Roofs (GRs) have been used worldwide as a solution for greening cities, while providing useful services to society such as storm water management, improved air quality, energy savings, and increased biodiversity, to name a few. However, the environmental impact of their structure has been understudied, and more importantly, the carbon cost related to the use of materials that have a high car