

Din sökning på "*" gav 532237 sökträffar

Rainwater Infiltration Model of the Chocaya Basin using Hydrus-1D

Bolivia är ett av de fattigaste länderna i Sydamerika och landet lider av ojämn social och ekonomisk utveckling. Bolivia har stora sötvattenresurser per capita (28 300 m3), jämfört med 17 600 m3 per capita i Sverige. Men tillgången är emellertid inte jämnt distribuerad över landet. Istället återspeglar tillgången på sötvatten landets karakteristiska geografi där östra Bolivia får mest nederbörd, uThe objective of this study was to assess the rainwater infiltration process in the unsaturated zone in an alluvial plain. Particularly, this study is focused on the Chocaya basin in central Bolivia. The hydraulic conductivity (Kfs) was obtained from seven in situ measurements of infiltration rate (I) performed by Double Ring Infiltrometer (DRI) test. These seven values were compared to the hydra

Problematizing sex work : a discourse analysis of the policies of NGOs working with female sex workers in Mumbai

The thesis analyzes how two NGOs working with female sex workers in India, Purnata and National Network for Sex workers, define and construct the problems they are trying to solve by using Carol Bacchi’s ‘What’s the problem represented to be?’ approach on discourse analysis. By analyzing written material from both of the NGOs, posts from their Facebook pages, and an interview with an employee from

“They are being made into like baby-making machines” : a study of the impact of gender structures and norms on family planning for Xhosa women in rural Zithulele, South Africa

Women in rural areas of South Africa battle with many structural issues, including unemployment, education and accessibility to health services, greatly delimiting family planning. However, socially constructed and internalized gender norms pose an additional and potentially greater barrier to family planning in traditional and patriarchal settings. This thesis aims to contribute to the growing re

Transforming the climate change-gender nexus? : revisiting gender mainstreaming in the context of climate change and disaster risk reduction: experiences from the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok

The gendered nature of impacts from climate change and disasters has become increasingly apparent. As such, this thesis analyses gender mainstreaming at the Development Cooperation Section of the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok with specific reference to its climate change and disaster risk reduction contributions in the Asia-Pacific region. Gender mainstreaming is contextualised within a wider theoret

Djurskyddslagstiftningen ur ett rättsutvecklingsperspektiv - En studie av svenskt djurskydd genom tiderna

Denna examensuppsats behandlar djurskydd ur ett rättsutvecklingsperspektiv från tiden innan vår tidräkning och fram till idag. Jag redogör för de ideologiska och filosofiska strömningar som lett fram till de olika förändringar som skett under århundradena. Människor har redan innan vår tidräkning haft filosofiska resonemang kring förhållandet mellan djur och människor. I uppsatsen analyseras hur lThis thesis investigates animal protection from a legislation development perspective from 400 B.C. to today. I describe the ideological and philosophical trends that have influenced the changes that have occurred throughout the centuries. People have for thousands of years had thoughtful discussions about the relationship between humans and animals. The thesis analyzes how the legislation has bee

Gymnasieungdomars syn på kriminalitet - “Vissa leker kriminella på snapchat men i verkligheten är de snälla”

I dagens samhälle är diskussioner om kriminalitet och kriminella vanliga. Media via framförallt nyhetsrapporteringen tar ofta upp ämnet om kriminalitet och ungdomar. Denna uppsats vänder sig till ungdomar i gymnasieskolan och behandlar frågor om deras syn på kriminalitet. Syftet är att få fördjupad kunskap om hur gymnasieungdomar ser på kriminalitet och vad som kan ha påverkat deras synsätt. Det t

Blir vi någonsin fullärda?

Från litteraturen går att förstå att kompetens och kompetensutveckling ses som en viktig kärnfråga inom organisationer och företag. Därför har uppsatsen behandlat hur ett nystartat företag i Halmstad planerar att implementera och arbeta med sin kompetensutveckling för sina medarbetare. Uppsatsen har riktat sig mot företagets tre nyanställda rekryteringskonsulter, två chefer samt en utbildningsansv

Competitors or Collaborators? A Qualitative Study of the Evolving Relationship Between Banks and FinTech Companies in the Swedish Retail Banking Industry

Title: Competitors or Collaborators? - A qualitative study on the evolving relationship between banks and FinTech companies in the Swedish retail banking industry Purpose: The primary purpose of this study is to provide an understanding of experts’ perceptions of the evolving relationship between banks and FinTech companies in the Swedish retail banking industry. Research questions: How have exp

When can superfast fashion be green?

Trots att textilindustrin är den näst mest klimatpåverkande industrin i världen efter oljeindustrin, med enorma miljö- och hälsoproblem som följd fortsätter textilkonsumtionen öka. Inte minst drivet av efterfrågan av så kallad ”fast fashion”, moderiktiga plagg till lågt pris med låg hållbarhet och snabb omsättning. Med begrepp som ”hållbart mode” har industrin istället haft ambition att producera Although that the textile-industry is considered the world’s second most climate affecting industry, consumption seems to never cease. The Swedish start-up project Streamateria provides new opportunities through a distributed production-line that offers bio-degradable garments through 3D-printing technology, with the ambition to meet consumer demand for "fast fashion" The aim of the stu

Sexual Orientation, Motherhood and Pay - The case of the gender pay gap for homo-/bisexual women

The aim of this thesis is to widen the understanding of the gender pay gap by introducing the factor of sexuality. Same-sex couples have legal rights that are relatively new; how does our understanding of labor division and pay change when more data on queer people emerge? This is achieved by using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) from the year 2017 and making multiple regressions,

Den komplexa hållbarheten - En studie om relationen mellan säsongsturism och hållbar utveckling

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att utifrån turismens aktörers perspektiv undersöka relationen mellan säsongsturism och hållbarhet. Genom exemplet Sydöstra Skåne med Österlen (hädanefter benämnt som Österlen) illustreras komplexiteten i denna relation. Frågeställningar: Hur förhåller sig och resonerar turismens aktörer kring säsongsturism? Vilka möjligheter och utmaningar till en hållbar utveckling

Comparison of different extraction methods for the analysis of vitamin D and vitamin D metabolites in liver samples

Introduction: This study is focused on the development and comparison of different extraction methods for vitamin D (VD) analysis in liver samples. Background: VD deficiency is related to several diseases, so it is crucial to correctly detect and quantify its concentration in the human body. Despite the existing methodologies for VD analysis, the selectivity and the sensitivity of the methods for

Omkörningsförbud E6 - Resultat och effekter

Denna rapport behandlar väg E6 mellan Helsingborg-Vellinge med avseende på omkörningsförbudet för tung trafik som infördes den 18e mars år 2019. Väg E6 genom hela Skåne har under en lång tid präglats av trafiksäkerhets- och framkomlighetsproblem. Denna rapport skrevs i syfte att utreda på vilka sätt omkörningsförbudet påverkat just dessa faktorerna, d.v.s. framkomlighet och trafiksäkerhet. För attThis report deals with road E6 between Helsingborg-Vellinge and regards the overtaking prohibition for heavy traffic which was introduced on the 18th of March 2019. Road E6 through Skåne has during a long period been affected by traffic safety and availability issues. This report was written with the purpose of examining in what ways the overtaking prohibition has affected these factors, meaning a

To what extent do informal institutions influence the business strategy of developed multinational enterprises in China?

This paper aims to answer the following research question: “To what degree do informal institutions influence the business strategy of developed multinational enterprises in China?” By using the comparison of existing literature and two primary interviews from strategic professionals, we were able to discover the most important factors for DMNEs to consider when entering China. The Uppsala Mode

Walking the tightrope of Open Innovation- A study of barriers and the individual’s behaviour in the transition phase

The open innovation process is complex and requires adoption throughout to be successful and much has been accounted for in the initial stages, the front-end. However, research calls for a better understanding of the back-end, meaning the downstream activities of the organisation. The part of the process connecting the front-end to the back-end is understood as the transition phase and is consider

“Jag trodde att det kunde vara ok”. Polisens rättsmedvetande i relation till dess brott.

This bachelor thesis, regarding Swedish police officers' legal consciousness, in relation to their convictions, is a content analysis. It includes the convictions and/or interrogation protocols of 26 charges. The documents have been coded, analysed and reduced into pronouncements and explanations as to why the police officer has chosen to commit a crime, in relation to their service as a polic

Dagens ungdomsbrottslighet: ett samhällsproblem eller ett mediefenomen? En kritisk diskursanalys av utvalda svenska nyhetskällors rapportering om den rådande ungdomsbrottsligheten i Sverige

The current juvenile delinquency has been a debated subject for a long time, for instance among politicians, scientists, media and the police. Some think it has increased dramatically during the last years, while some claim the opposite. During the fall of 2017 the government commissioned an investigation regarding a proposal of removing the juvenile discount for young offenders. The treatment ide

Investigation of friction drive for night closing door

ASSA Abloy Entrance Systems design and manufacture automatic sliding-, swingand revolving doors. A regular revolving door is often equipped with night closing doors on the outside, which are used to close the entrance when, for example, the store or workplace is closed for the evening. This prevents unwanted guests or litter to enter the space between the revolving door blades. This Master’s thesi

Är skatterätten rättssäker för småföretagare?

Skillnaderna mellan småföretag och större företags ekonomiska och organisatoriska förutsättningarna är både stora och förhållandevis tydliga. Dessa skillnader medför att småföretag är mer känsliga för brister i rättssäkerheten än större företag. Efter en undersökning av vilka hjälpmedel som finns till hands för småföretag att förstå skattelagstiftningen, så att de kan ta korrekta beslut, kan det kThe differences between small and large companies, both economically and organizationally, are large and relatively clear. These differences make smaller companies more susceptible to flaws in the rule of law. After investigation into what aid small companies can get to better understand and comply with the relevant tax laws, it can be concluded that more aid is needed. This is because as it now s