

Din sökning på "*" gav 533185 sökträffar

Order to Chaos Properties of the Decay-out Gamma Rays from Superdeformed Bands

Based on GOE sparse matrices, a model for decay-out of superdeformed bands is formulated, with focus on the degree of chaoticity of the spectrum of normally deformed states, to which the superdeformed band couples at decay-out. By means of the effective dimensionality parameter, the spectrum may be varied between the two limiting situations of complete order and complete chaos. The model is applie

Kriminallitteratur : utveckling, genrer, perspektiv

Denna bok handlar om den aktuella genren kriminallitteratur. Den inleds med en litteraturhistorisk del, där den internationella respektive den svenska deckarhistorien och detektivgestaltens utveckling presenteras. En andra behandlar dels vad som brukar betraktas som de viktigaste eller mest särpräglade subgenrerna inom kriminallitteraturen; nämligen pusseldeckaren, den hårdkokta deckaren, polisrom

Mary Wollstonecraft and Freedom as Independence

Halldenius argues that we should regard Mary Wollstonecraft as a feminist republican, drawing out the implications of reading her in that way for the meaning and role of freedom in Wollstonecraft’s philosophy. Her republicanism directs our attention to the fact that freedom for Wollstonecraft is conceptualized in terms of independence, importantly in two analytically distinct yet heavily interdepe

Membrane-bound thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases in Bacillus subtilis

Disulfide bonds in proteins are found between cysteine residues and are usually important for either function or stability of proteins. Thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases catalyse the formation or breakage of disulfide bonds in proteins. The gram-positive endospore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis contains several membrane-bound thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases. BdbA, BdbB and CcdA have been descri

Signal Filtering in PID Control

The major input signals entering the PID controller are; the setpoint, the process output, and measurable load disturbances. By feeding these signals through suitable filters, the properties of the feedback loop can be improved significantly. This presentation will treat setpoint handling, feedforward from load disturbances, TITO (two input two output) control, noise filtering, and process dynamic

The MHC genes: variation and impact on life-history traits in house sparrwos

Popular Abstract in Swedish MHC upptäcktes för 60 år sedan då George Snell konstaterade att möss som var genetiskt lika inte stötte bort transplanterad hud medan genetiskt olika möss gjorde det. Men det var inte förrän långt senare som man insåg vilken roll som MHC spelar i immunförsvaret hos alla vertebrater. Sedan ett par decennier tillbaka är detta ett välstuderat område speciellt hos människanIn birds the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) organization differs both among and within orders. Galliformes often have simple arrangements with few transcribed MHC genes whilst many songbirds (Passeriformes) have a complex arrangement with many MHC genes and also presence of pseudo-genes. In this thesis I have partly characterized MHC class I in house sparrows (Passer domesticus), sequencin

The social weight of silver in the Íslendingasögur and the Viking Age hoards

This study suggests a predominantly socially-strategic function of the silver found in Viking Age hoards, more specifically, connected to the realm of customary law and the blood feud as a social institution. This suggestion is based on a quantitative and contextual analysis of the Íslendingasögur, and a comparison between the function of silver in the sagas and the composition and context of the

Challenges in supporting the creation of data minable regulatory codes: a literature review

Abstract in UndeterminedAs standards and regulatory codes are issued by third party organizations and committees, the project organization can neither control the content of all standards that the projects should adhere to, nor negotiate or make changes to them that can make the project development easier. Moreover, large infrastructure projects require compliance with hundreds of standards of reg

The Currency Composition of Firms' Balance Sheets and its Effect on Asset Value Correlations and Capital Requirements

We extend the Tasche (2007) model on the asset correlation bias caused by a currency mismatch between assets and liabilities to the more realistic situation where some assets, and some, but not necessarily all, liabilities, are denominated in a foreign currency. To test the significance of the remaining bias we rely on a unique data base constructed by The Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) co

Studies on the role of Dally-like during Drosophila development

A cell is constantly subjected to cues from its surroundings in the form of signalling molecules e.g. Wingless (Wg), Insulin-like growth factor (IGF). As a result, important decisions regarding processes like growth, division, differentiation or migration are made. The work presented here attempts to characterise a cell-surface molecule in Drosophila that helps in the reception of some of these si

Extracellular Matrix Remodelling-Proteoglycan and collagen turnover in arthritis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Artrit karakteriseras av svullnad och värk i leder, ledförstöring och bindvävsförstoring. Denna binvävsförstoring kallas för Pannus och är en förtjockning av det normalt förekommande synovial membranet i en led. Normalt är synovial membranets uppgift att ge näring åt det intilliggande brosket som inte självt har någon blodförsörjning. Synovial membranet innehåller ocksåRheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, inflammatory and systemic disease characterised by joint destruction and pannus formation. To enlarge the understanding how pannus and granulation tissue are formed two animal models were used; one using cartilage wrapped in cotton and implanted into a rat air pouch (AP) and one where mBSA induced arthritis (AIA) was performed. Cell cultures from synovial specime

On bandwidth-efficient convolutional LDPC codes

A new construction combining low-density parity-check (LDPC) convolutional codes with multilevel coding/modulation is suggested and analyzed. For the case of QPSK and transmission over the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel, it is demonstrated that it performs better than an LDPC convolutional code with conventional Gray mapping.