

Din sökning på "*" gav 527957 sökträffar

Contribution of Europeanization Process to Turkey; Analyzing the Civil Society

The crucial role that civil society could play in promoting democratization resulted in the active support of civil society organizations (CSOs) in states in a transition stage toward democracy. The EU is an active actor which provides financial and legal support for the development of strong civil society institutions and transforming the states. As the EU- Turkey relations have been improving si

A Europeanization without Democratization: The Case Study of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Since the second half of the 1990s onwards the EU has started comprehensive Europeanization reform process in the Western Balkan countries in the framework of its enlargement policy. One important aspect of the ongoing Europeanization process has been a democratization reforms. However, the WB region as a whole has continuously faced serious democratic deficit. Therefore, it is highly challenging

En stärkt närdemokrati? - En utvärdering av Trelleborgs kommuns försök med att stärka den lokala demokratin

The essay evaluates Trelleborg´s attempt to enhance local democracy. The study first describes how the municipality has implemented the measures in developing democracy. Then, an assessment is made regarding if the measures have contributed to a strengthened local democracy. The result of the study indicates that some of the measures have helped to strengthen the local grassroots democracy, while

Intelligence and State-Building

This master’s thesis contributes to the theoretical development of the role of intelligence services in state-building. To that end it establishes a theoretical framework consisting of current research in the field of intelligence and state-building. The role of the Kenyan intelligence services in the Kenyan state-building endeavor is then thoroughly analyzed using a range of primary and secondary

No title

This essay is a study of dimensionality in Danish politics based on statements in the election manifestos from the elections to the Folketing (The National Parliament of Denmark)1998-2007 from Socialdemokraterne (The Social Democrats), Det Radikale Venstre (The Social Liberals), Det Konservative Folkeparti (The Conservative People’s Party), Socialistisk Folkeparti (The Socialist People’s Party), D

Vart är kommunikationen på väg? - En jämförande analys mellan traditionella och moderna PR-byråers syn på kommunikationsteknologins utveckling samt sociala medier.

Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur traditionella PR-byråer och moderna PR-byråer ser på kommunikationsteknologins utveckling. Fokus är inriktat på sociala medier eftersom det är en stor del av teknologins utveckling och PR-branschens kommunikation. Uppsatsens teorier används som verktyg för analyskapitlet och består av kommunikationsteorier, PR-branschens historia

Det svarta guldet : en studie om transnationella oljeföretags samhällsansvar i utvecklingsstater med oljetillgångar

The relationship between vast resources of oil and development has repeatedly provento be a problematic one, and the reality shows that development states who are (un)blessed with the resource always have struggle with economic growth, civil wars, human rights torts and social development. TNC:s with oil interests claims that oil and development do match and that their presence in development stat

Krig i företagets namn

How to define Private Military Companies is an issue, which due to PMC’s explosive growth during the last 30 years has become increasingly relevant. But how do you define the PMC personnel that take a direct part in combat situations? Through a singularly juridical aspect, based on interpretations of the Geneva Conventions I try to answer this problem. This essay first tries to define the PMC

Svårigheterna i att söka asyl som LHBT-person: en intervjustudie med ett queerteoretiskt och intersektionellt perspektiv

This paper examines the difficulties that can meet an LGBT-refugee in the process of applying for asylum in Sweden. The study is based on interviews with activists and a former refugee and the result is discussed from a queer and intersectional perspective. While previous studies have dealt mostly with official documents and laws, this one is aiming at creating an understanding of norms and proble

Ändamålet helgar medlen?

The essays purpose is to highlight the complexity of illicit weapons and it´s usage during conflicts that can be argued as just. The criteria’s of Jus in Bellum and Jus ad Bellum from the Just War theory is used to examine if conflicts containing illicit weapons can be argued as just. Apart from the theories view on what is just the illicit arms trade and the UN: s efforts to combat the arms trade

Ett juridiskt perspektiv på svenska företags etablering av verksamhet i Danmark

En utlandsetablering sker oftast genom dotterbolag. Filial är ett annat vanligt förekommande alternativ. Ibland kan en utlandsetablering även ske genom ett internationellt joint venture. Exempelvis kan ett svenskt företag bilda ett joint venture tillsammans med ett lokalt företag i etableringslandet. Svenska företags etablering av verksamhet i Danmark styrs av den EG-rättsliga etableringsfriheten.

Integration of Financial Services in the European Union: A Study regarding Taxation Issues in relation to Pension Rights.

Uttrycket handel har som oftast betytt handel med varor, men tjänstesektorn har internationellt alltid haft en stor betydelse. Det finns rättsliga frågor som sammanfaller mellan varuhandeln och tjänstehandeln. Det finns även olikheter som exempelvis att tjänstehandeln har stark anknyt-ning till den fria rörligheten för kapital och personer. Den teknologiska utvecklingen i industriländerna har gjor

Geographical Indications in the 21st century - what, when and how? A Critical Review of the Legal Framework for GI Protection and GI-Related Trade in the International Community

Intellectual property is a very important type of asset in today’s business world. Since business in the Western World grows increasingly based and dependent on know-how and technological development, intangible assets such as trademarks, copyrights and patents plausibly represent greater economic value to economic actors here than other, physical, assets do. Although it is comparatively unknown

Plitar och fångar? Makten inom institutionsvård för vuxna missbrukare

The purpose of this thesis was to examine and analyze the power within institutional care for adult addicts. Questions which were raised concern the caregivers' approach to power, what power they use, the reactions they face and ultimately the strategies they use to legitimize the power towards clients. The method used was qualitative interviews with caregivers at treatment homes for adult add

Cultural collisions in social work – The case of Aboriginal clients in Australia

Problems in social work with aboriginal clients in Australia are analysed in this thesis. The cultural collision between Western social workers and aboriginal clients is interpreted as the result of poor insight into the culturally determined worldview, the value system, norms and conceptions held by many aboriginal clients. More specifically, the collision is expressed in communication problems