

Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar

Medeltidens kyrkor

The article is a brief outline of the medieval building history of the churches of Halland.

Studies on the function of CD4CD25 regulatory T cells: An in vitro approach

Popular Abstract in Swedish Immunsystemet består av en specifik och en ospecifik del som samarbetar när ett immunsvar sätts igång. Den specifika delen utgörs av T och B celler som med specifika ytreceptorer, så kallade antigen-receptorer, känner igen och aktiveras av främmande ämnen (antigen). För att T celler skall aktiveras av antigen, krävs det att dendritiska celler inom den ospecifika delen aImmunological self-tolerance is a state of the whole organism where deleterious responses are either avoided or regulated. Breaking of immunological tolerance will lead to autoimmune disease or chronic inflammatory conditions. T cell maturation in the thymus generates a peripheral T cell pool with an enormous TCR repertoire, from which specific T cells are selected and activated upon encounters wi

Mapping Collaborative Methods and Tools for Promoting Urban Transitions in the Öresund Region

This report is produced within the Urban Transition Øresund (UT) project (2011–2014), and it is part of the subtask Collaborative Methods and Tools for Urban Transitions (UT CoMeT). The goal of the UT project is to promote sustainable growth and advance sustainable urban transformation in the Øresund region by gathering municipalities, universities and businesses in cross-border cooperation. The s

Studies of actinides in a superanoxic fjord

Popular Abstract in Swedish Actinidelementen plutonium, americium, torium och uran har analyserats i sediment och vatten i den superanoxiska Framvaren fjord, Norge. Koncentrationerna av Pu och Am i fjordens bottenvatten hör till de högst uppmätta i den marina miljön och toriumkoncentrationerna är de högsta uppmätta i någon marin miljö. Ultrafiltrering av fjordvattnet visar att en stor andel (40-60Water column and sediment profiles of plutonium, americium, thorium and uranium have been obtained in the superanoxic Framvaren fjord, southern Norway. The concentrations of bomb test fallout Pu, Am as well as 'dissolved' Th in the bottom water are the highest recorded in the marine environment. The behaviour of the actinides in the anoxic water mass is to a large extent governed by the behaviour

No title

The aim of the study is to develop an integrative theoretical model of fictional narrative. The make-believe theory of Kendall L. Walton, which explains fiction as a family resemblance of all representational arts, is adopted in order to explain the fictionality of fictional narrative. In the first part of the study, Kendall Walton’s make-believe theory is critically examined. In part two, major i

Differences between spiritist mediumship and dissociative identity disorder on the basis of a structured interview

Objectives: To study the similarities and differences between Brazilian Spiritistic mediums and Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) patients based on a structured psychiatric interview. The clinical and sociodemographic features of spiritist mediums enrolled in Brazilian spiritist centers were investigated in this study and compared with the scientific literature on DID patients. Despite the pauc

Ni ska bli ett gott parti

Om kvinnosynen i Sverige under 1940-50-talen, där den professionella husmodern var ett ideal. Kapitlet handlar om Hushållsskolan på slottet Skarhult i Skåne under denna tid.

Modelling the Risk: a Web-based approach. Using Virtual Reality for assessing the archaeological potentiality in an alluvial coastal plain

In the last decade 3D technologies have become a very effective means for managing and interpreting archaeological data. A better way to perceive, understand and communicate Cultural Heritage has been achieved through VR applications, which have enabled archaeologists both to make reconstructions of original landscapes and to put artifacts in their original context. Furthermore, the astonishing gr