

Din sökning på "*" gav 526785 sökträffar

Aemilia Lepida and the imago of Pompey : Female agency and the negotiation of public space in early imperial Rome

In 20 CE, Aemilia Lepida was tried before the senatorial court. When the court recessed for a holiday, she rallied support by referring to her Pompeian ancestry, choosing as her venue the theatre built by her great-grandfather Pompey himself. Accompanied by a group of fellow elite women (clarae feminae), Lepida entered the theatre and invoked the imagines of her great ancestor with tearful lamenta

Uncertainty, Worth, Identity : How Early Career Academics Navigate Evaluative Landscapes

This dissertation explores the interplay between valuation and academic socialization, addressing the question: how do early career academics navigate evaluative landscapes? Having completed their doctoral education but yet to find stable employment, early career academics are generally viewed as the most vulnerable group of academic staff. Comparing how individuals within this group seek to demonThis dissertation explores the interplay between valuation and academic socialization, addressing the question: how do early career academics navigate evaluative landscapes? Having completed their doctoral education but yet to find stable employment, early career academics are generally viewed as the most vulnerable group of academic staff. Comparing how individuals within this group seek to demon

"We fight to the end": On the violence against social leaders and territorial defenders during the post-peace agreement period and its political ecological implications in the Putumayo, Colombia

Just over seven years into the implementation of the Peace Agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP in October 2016, the armed conflict has reconfigured and reactivated in several parts of the country. In the Putumayo department, tensions between the state, various armed groups, and rural communities over territory and crops for illicit use persisted, and even accentuated in the

Anhörigbehörigheten i Sverige och Norge - En jämförande utvärdering av de första åren med regleringen

Att ge anhöriga en behörighet att företräda en familjemedlem direkt med stöd av lag är nytt både i Sverige och Norge. Reglerna infördes i Norge 1 juli 2013 och i Sverige 1 juli 2017. Innebörden av de nya reglerna är att en anhörig får hjälpa en familjemedlem att sköta ekonomiska angelägenheter kopplat till den dagliga livsföringen när familjemedlemmen på grund av sitt hälsotillstånd inte kan göra To give a relative a competence to represent a member of the family directly with legal authority is new in both Sweden and Norway. The rules came into effect 1 July 2013 in Norway and 1 July 2017 in Sweden. The effect of the new rules is that a relative can help a member of the family manage financial affairs which concerns the daily living when the family member is unable to do so due to health

Vårdskada eller patientskada? Begreppsskillnader som försvårar patienters och vårdgivares uppfattning om när en vårdskada ger rätt till patientskadeersättning.

I uppsatsen utreds innebörden och tillämpningsområdena av begreppen vårdskada enligt patientsäkerhetslagen (2010:659) (PSL) och patientskada enligt patientskadelagen (1996:799) (PSkL). Syftet är att belysa problematiken och eventuella konsekvenser av skillnaderna mellan begreppen samt att utreda hur systemen bättre kan samordnas. En vårdskada är en fysisk eller psykisk skada som hade kunnat undvikThe purpose of the essay is to investigate the meaning of and differences between a healthcare injury according to the Patient Security Act (2010:659) (PSL) and a patient injury according to the Patient Injury Act (1996:799) (PSkL). The essay pertains to illustrate the problems and possible consequences of the differences as well as to review how the systems could be better coordinated. A healthca

Samarbete och konkurrens: "Joint bidding" inom offentlig upphandling

Denna uppsats granskar det komplexa rättsläget kring "joint bidding" inom offentlig upphandling och analyserar specifikt konsekvenserna av uteslutningsgrunden i 13 kap. 3 § p. 4 LOU. Uppsatsen undersöker i vilken utsträckning konkurrensrätten kan tillämpas på "joint bidding" och hur uteslutningsgrunden påverkar denna samarbetsform vid offentliga upphandlingar. KonkurrensrättensThis essay examines the complex legal landscape surrounding "joint bidding" in public procurement, specifically analyzing the implications of the exclusion clause in Chapter 13, Section 3, Paragraph 4 of the Swedish Public Procurement Act (LOU). The study explores the extent to which competition law can be applied to "joint bidding" and how the exclusion clause affects this for

Response of plastic film mulched maize to soil and atmospheric water stresses in an arid irrigation area

Water stress can severely decrease crop productivity by restricting photosynthesis, while the use of plastic film mulching can mitigate these water stress effects. However, the intricacies of photosynthetic and stomatal responses to soil water stress under plastic film mulching, particularly when combined with atmospheric water stress, have not been well studied, especially in arid irrigation area

Association between NAFLD and risk of prevalent chronic kidney disease : Why there is a difference between east and west?

Backgrounds: There is a discrepancy between west and east on the relationship between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). This study aimed to find out the possible reason for this and to clarify the association between NAFLD and CKD by analyzing two population-based datasets from the US and China. Methods: Two health examination datasets from China and the U

Genetic and phenotypic relationships between coronary atherosclerotic heart disease and electrocardiographic traits

Observational studies have revealed that Coronary Atherosclerotic Heart Disease (CAHD) is associated with abnormal electrocardiogram (ECG) traits. However, it remains unclear whether there are genetic correlations between ECG and CAHD. Here, we explored genetic correlations and putative causal relationships between CAHD and ECG by performing Mendelian randomization (MR) and Polygenic risk score (P

En Social Nätverksanalys av ett Hackerforum

The spread and societal dependence on the internet has increased the threat posed by criminal hackers. While often thought of as lone wolfs, hackers often exist in communities and a widespread subculture. Due to the nature of hacker activity, these communities are often situated online, such as in forums, which provide an excellent opportunity for observation and study. An increased threat level

Winds of Change: Radikala Förändringar Utan Motstånd

Examensarbetets titel: Winds of Change: Radikala Förändringar Utan Motstånd Seminariedatum: 11/01-2024 Ämne/kurs: FEKH49, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i Organisation, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Emil Blomborg och Erik Bäärnhielm Handledare: Stefan Sveningsson Fem nyckelord: Förändring, Identitet, Motstånd, Organisationskultur, Förändringstrategi Syfte: Studien syftar till att belysa och utfo