

Din sökning på "*" gav 526784 sökträffar

Woolf's Night and Day and the Free-Union Novel

This article places Woolf’s Night and Day (1919) in the context of the Edwardian free-union novel—works that represent and debate monogamous relationships without legal recognition. In seeking alternatives to marriage, this genre explored what modernity might mean for young, middle-class women. Typically, the narratives’ protagonists ultimately abandon the idea of the free union, the novels often

Where to Fuse

This thesis investigates fusion techniques in multimodal transformer models, focusing on enhancing the capabilities of large language models in understanding not just text, but also other modalities like images, audio, and sensor data. The study compares late fusion (concatenating modality tokens after separate encoding) and early fusion (concatenating before encoding) techniques, examining their

Om kontraåtgärder och proportionalitet - "An awkward balancing between apples and oranges"

Kontraåtgärder är ett slags självhjälpsåtgärd som stater under vissa förutsättningar tillåts vidta som ett svar på internationellt felaktiga handlingar. Konceptet kontraåtgärder grundar sig på internationell sedvanerätt, och kommer till uttryck i ILC:s kodifiering av reglerna om statsansvar, ARSIWA. Ett grundläggande krav för en laglig kontraåtgärd är att åtgärden uppfyller kravet på proportionaliCountermeasures are a form of self-help measures that States, under certain conditions, are allowed to take in response to internationally wrongful acts. The concept of countermeasures is based on customary international law and is expressed in the International Law Commission’s codification of the law of State responsibility, ARSIWA. A fundamental requirement for a lawful countermeasure is that t

En påtvingad registerkontroll? - En undersökning om förenligheten mellan icke-lagreglerade belastningsregisterkontroller och art. 8 EKMR

Enligt artikel 8 EKMR har enskilda rätt till skydd för sitt privatliv. Artikelns tillämpningsområde omfattar en skyldighet för myndigheter att se till att endast personer med ett legitimt intresse har tillgång till känsliga personuppgifter som lagras av myndigheten och att informationen behandlas varsamt. Detta gäller även för belastningsregistret, ett register som förs av polisen. Genom en rättsdAccording to Article 8 of the ECHR, individuals have the right to the protection of their private life. The scope of the article includes an obligation for authorities to ensure that only persons with a legitimate interest have access to sensitive personal data stored by the authority and that the information be treated with care. This applies also to the Criminal Record, a register maintained by

The Fragmented Nature of Termination - A Critical Examination of the Law of Occupation

Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka ockupationsrätten enligt internationell humanitär rätt, med särskilt fokus på inledandet och avslutandet av en ockupation. Vidare kommer uppsatsen att analysera de utmaningar som är förknippade med ett sådant avslutande. I granskningen av komplexiteten som omger avslutandet av en ockupation kommer 2005 års tillbakadragande från Gaza, samt ockupationen av Irak meThis thesis aims to investigate the law of occupation under international humanitarian law, specifically focusing on the beginning and ending of an occupation. The thesis will also explore the challenges associated with its termination. By examining the complexity regarding the ending of an occupation, the 2005 “disengagement” from Gaza and the occupation of Iraq 2003-2005, will be used. The thesi

Hyreslagens spruckna tak – En undersökning av takregelns genomslagskraft på andrahandshyresmarknaden

År 2019 skedde en revidering av 12 kap. JB, även kallad hyreslagen. Genom lagändringen infördes nya regler för att råda bot på ett antal problem på hyresbostadsmarknaden. Ett av de problem som lagändringen syftat till att åtgärda var oskäliga hyror på andrahandshyresmarknaden, och en ny referensram för vad som utgör en skälig andrahandshyra infördes. Bestämmelsen har formen av en takregel, och staIn 2019 there was a revision of the rental legislation in Chapter 12 of the Swedish Land Code. The amendment introduced new rules to solve several problems in the rental housing market. One of the main problems addressed were unreasonable rent levels in the sublease market, and a new rule was introduced to solve this problem. The rule is a reference framework for what constitutes a legal, acceptab

Rennäringsrätten och Vindkraft illusoriskt Ren omställning? Minoritetsskydd i EU:s gröna energiomställning

Uppsatsen undersöker hur intressekonflikten mellan vindkraft och rennäring, hanterats av Mark- och miljööverdomstolen (MÖD). Rennäringen och vind-kraftverk gör inte sällan anspråk så samma landområden. EU har utsett vind-kraft som en central del av den gröna omställningen mot förnybar energi, och medlemsländerna uppmanas fastställa förnybar energi som ett överskuggande allmänintresse. Samtidigt haThis paper explores how the conflict of interest between wind power and reindeer husbandry has been addressed by the Land and Environment Court of Appeal (MÖD). Reindeer husbandry and wind turbines often vie for the same land areas. The EU has designated wind power as a central component of the green transition towards renewable energy, urging member states to establish renewable energy as a param

A cross-sectional study of career paths for Swedish registered nurses with a doctoral degree : When aspirations and possibilities collide

Registered nurses with a doctoral degree are important for the quality of care, nursing education, and nursing research. Still, postgraduate career paths are criticized for being too vague. To enable career path development, mapping of the current situation appears fundamental. The objective was therefore to chart the current professional positions and work conditions and to explore the future car

Multi-Parameter Modelling of Surface Electromyography Data

Ytelektromyografi (sEMG) mäter skelettmuskelfunktionen genom att registrera muskelaktivitet från hudens yta. Tekniken kan användas för att diagnostisera neuromuskulära sjukdomar och som ett hjälpmedel vid rehabilitering, biomedicinsk forskning och för interaktion mellan människa och dator. En simuleringsmodell för sEMG-data kan bedöma avkodningsalgoritmer och hjälpa till att utveckla nya diagnostiSurface electromyography (sEMG) measures skeletal muscle function by recording muscle activity from the surface of the skin. The technique can be used to diagnose neuromuscular diseases, and as an aid in rehabilitation, biomedical research, and human-computer interaction. A simulation model for sEMG data can assess decomposition algorithms and help develop new diagnostic tools. Such simulation mod

Bees, Wasps, and Weasels : Zoomorphic Slurs and the Delegitimation of Deborah and Huldah in the Babylonian Talmud

In this book, Blaženka Scheuer explores the zoomorphic content of Zibburta (bee/wasp) and Karkušta (weasel)—demeaning names given by R. Naḥman of b. Meg 14b to Deborah and Huldah, two distinguished prophets of the Hebrew Bible. Looking closely at relevant texts, she explores ancient beliefs about bees, wasps, and weasels, recounting a variety of key literary and visual motifs that highlight the di

Motiv med mening? : Att tolka Pompejis ingångsmosaiker

The ancient city of Pompeii presents a wide range of mosaic-floors that drew inspiration from both the Hellenistic tradition and its Roman successor. By the time the city was buried by the eruption of Vesuvius in A.D. 79, a number of atrium-houses were decorated with mosaic-floors, although this floor type never surpassed the more popular version of the cement floors. A certain group of mosaics, f

Male-on-Male Sexual Homicide A Systematic Review

Sexual homicide has been heavily studied, yet the majority of the studies have focused on male offenders killing female vic-tims (MFSH), thereby neglecting male-on-male sexual homicide (MMSH), i.e., instances where an adult male offender murders an adult male victim. To summarize the current understanding of this crime type, a systematic review was conducted. The objective was to provide a clearer

Exhaled respiratory particles during singing and talking

Choir singing has been suspended in many countries during the Covid-19 pandemic due to incidental reports of disease transmission (Hamner et al. Citation2020). The mode of transmission has been attributed to exhaled droplets, but with the exception of a study on tuberculosis from 1968, there is presently almost no scientific evidence of increased particle emissions from singing (Loudon and RobertsChoir singing has been suspended in many countriesduring the Covid-19 pandemic due to incidental reportsof disease transmission. The mode of transmission has been attributed to exhaled droplets, but with the exception of a study on tuberculosis from1968, there is presently almost no scientific evidence ofincreased particle emissions from singing. A substantial number of studies have,however, inves

The Art of Belonging : Social integration of young migrants in urban contexts through cultural placemaking

Since the start of 2022, 100 million people worldwide have been forced to flee their homes and seek refuge in distant countries. This number reflects the increased displacement within Europe following the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 but also highlights the ongoing nature of forced migration as people from across the world need to seek asylum and refugee often moving across perilous land a