

Din sökning på "*" gav 526784 sökträffar

Beamline Simulation for the NNBAR Experiment at the European Spallation Source

We have developed a sampling method for beamline simulations for the proposed NNBAR experiment at the European Spallation Source. The method is based on probability density evaluation and duct source biasing and enables the simulations of the entire NNBAR beamline with high statistics while also preserving correlations of the neutron tracks. Future efforts will focus on employing these methods for

Unconventional Charge-Density-Wave Gap in Monolayer NbS2

Using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy, for a monolayer of transition metal dichalcogenide H-NbS2 grown by molecular beam epitaxy on graphene, we provide unambiguous evidence for a charge density wave (CDW) with a 3 × 3 superstructure, which is not present in bulk NbS2. Local spectroscopy displays a pronounced gap on the order of 20 meV at the Fermi level. Within the gap, low-energy

Hur bra är bedömningar i kommunala risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser och handlingsplaner?

In order to manage risks at the municipal level, in Sweden, there is legal requirements to create a risk and vulnerability analysis and an action plan. The question that started this work is what is the quality of judgments made in these reports, eventually land on focusing on probability assignments, and if there is anything that can make them better. To answer this, it was necessary to collect r

Militärens vett och etikett: Sambandet mellan etik, moral och välvillighet i det svenska försvaret

Forskning inom militär etik har påvisat att militär personal visar en mer positiv inställning gentemot oetiska attityder i krigszoner, vilket kan härledas till deras mörka personlighetsdrag och moraliska principer. Denna studie undersökte relationen mellan militär etik, personlighetsdraget välvillighet, och aspekter av moraliska principer. Genom att använda femfaktormodellen, moralfundamentsteorinResearch in military ethics has shown that military members demonstrate a more positive attitude towards unethical behavior in warzones, which can be attributed to their malevolent personality traits and moral foundations. This study investigated the relationship between military ethics, the personality trait agreeableness, and aspects of moral foundations. Utilizing the Big Five personality model

Vi äro musikanter: Relationen mellan musikalitet och personlighetsdragen öppenhet och neuroticism

Syftet med studien var att undersöka relationen mellan musikalitet och personlighetsdragen neuroticism och öppenhet. Hypoteserna för studien var (I) att hög öppenhet korrelerar med hög musikalitet och (II) att hög neuroticism korrelerar med högre värden på den musikaliska delskalan som rör emotioner. I studien utforskades även en explorativ frågeställning angående eventuella könsskillnader bland pThe aim of this study was to explore the relationship between musicality and the personality traits neuroticism and openness. The hypotheses for this study were that (I) high openness correlates with high musicality and that (II) high neuroticism correlates with higher values on the musical subscale emotions. The study also examined an exploratory research question about possible gender difference

The role of phosphorylation in calmodulin-mediated gating of human AQP0

Aquaporin-0 (AQP0) is the main water channel in the mammalian lens and is involved in accommodation and maintaining lens transparency. AQP0 binds the Ca2+-sensing protein calmodulin (CaM) and this interaction is believed to gate its water permeability by closing the water-conducting pore. Here, we express recombinant and functional human AQP0 in Pichia pastoris and investigate how phosphorylation

Blood cadmium is associated with increased fracture risk in never-smokers - results from a case-control study using data from the Malmö Diet and Cancer cohort

Background: Several studies have shown associations between cadmium (Cd) exposure and an increased risk of fractures. However, the size of the risk is still unclear and proper adjustment for smoking is a challenge. The aim of this study was to quantify the association between dietary cadmium measured in blood and fracture risk in the general Swedish population through a large population-based case

Carrying Stories across Borders

This is a short recorded open lecture about the different relations between migration and media, introducing the concept of 'migratory self-adaptation', having two authors and their artistic creation as examples: Marjane Satrapi and Atiq Rahimi. This lecture was a part of "Media Impact" webinars; a series of media production by Linnaeus University Center for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies,

Global perspectives of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on learning science in higher education

The COVID-19 pandemic required higher education institutions to rapidly transition to Emergency Remote Instruction (ERI) with little preparation. Discussions are now underway globally to learn the lessons of COVID-19 and to use this knowledge to shape the future of learning science in higher education. In this study, we examined the experiences of instructors and students to ERI in three universit

PRL2 Phosphatase Promotes Oncogenic KIT Signaling in Leukemia Cells through Modulating CBL Phosphorylation

Receptor tyrosine kinase KIT is frequently activated in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). While high PRL2 (PTP4A2) expression is correlated with activation of SCF/KIT signaling in AML, the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. We discovered that inhibition of PRL2 significantly reduces the burden of oncogenic KIT-driven leukemia and extends leukemic mice survival. PRL2 enhances oncogenic KIT

Comparative Analysis of Differential Cellular Transcriptome and Proteome Regulation by HIV-1 and HIV-2 Pseudovirions in the Early Phase of Infection

In spite of the similar structural and genomic organization of human immunodeficiency viruses type 1 and 2 (HIV-1 and HIV-2), striking differences exist between them in terms of replication dynamics and clinical manifestation of infection. Although the pathomechanism of HIV-1 infection is well characterized, relatively few data are available regarding HIV-2 viral replication and its interaction wi

Samhällsekonomiska effekter av att elektrifiera lastbilstransporter

Transportsektorn är en central och nödvändig del av det moderna samhället samtidigt som den också ger upphov till flera negativa samhällseffekter. Sådana effekter är till exempel emissioner av växthusgaser, partiklar och andra föroreningar som har en negativ påverkan på människors hälsa och miljön. Andra effekter är till exempel buller och olyckor som har en negativ effekt på människors hälsa. Syf

Selling and over-selling Big Science in the knowledge society

In chapter 33, Hallonsten argues that the change in the historical context of Big Science, from the Cold War to contemporary innovation driven economies, has transformed its character and raised anew the issue of its legitimization. According to Hallonsten, the promotion of Big Science projects, as a result of their uncertain epistemic and technological payoff, often entails 'overselling' marketin