

Din sökning på "*" gav 535463 sökträffar

Catastrophic failure of an uncemented acetabular component due to high wear and osteolysis: An analysis of 154 Omnifit prostheses with mean 6-year follow-up

Background The purposes of this study were (1) to evaluate the wear pattern of the hydroxyapatite-coated "Dual Radius" Omnifit cup, (2) to investigate whether wear is correlated to any demographic or prosthesis-related factors, and (3) to describe micromotion of both the cup and the stem. Patients and methods 154 hips were implanted between 1990 and 1996 and followed for an average of 6 years. Wea

Central projections of sensory innervation of cranial vessels

Primary headaches (e.g. migraine and cluster headache), the symptoms of which is associated with cranial vascular activity, is likely to be dependent on a primary central nervous system dysfunction. To further our understanding of the mechanisms behind primary headaches, we investigated the central projections of sensory nerves from three cranial vessels by tract-tracing techniques. In papers I-I

On the Design of Residential Condensing Gas Boilers

Two main topics are dealt with in this thesis. Firstly, the performance of condensing boilers with finned tube heat exchangers and premix burners is evaluated. Secondly, ways of avoiding condensate formation in the flue system are evaluated. In the first investigation, a transient heat transfer approach is used to predict performance of different boiler configurations connected to different heati

On numbers badly approximable by q-adic rationals

Avhandlingen tar som utgångspunkt diofantisk approximation med fokus på dåligt approximerbara tal. För specialfallet de q-adiska rationella talen betraktar vi två typer av approximationsmodeller, en ensidig och en tvåsidig modell, och de dåligt approximerbara tal de ger upphov till. Vi visar med elementära metoder att Hausdorff-dimensionen av dessa två mängder beror kontinuerligt på en definierandThe thesis takes as starting point diophantine approximation with focus on the area of badly approximable numbers. For the special kind of rationals, the q-adic rationals, we consider two types of approimations models, a one-sided and a two-sided model, and the sets of badly approximable numbers they give rise to. We prove with elementary methods that the Hausdorff dimension of these two sets depe

Markvärme en handbok om termiska analyser: en handbok om termiska analyser : Del 1-3

Handbok i 3 delar (1. Allmän del. 2. Värmelager. 3. Naturvärmekällor) som behandlar termiska analyser av markvärmesystem - energikälla eller energilager. Värmesystemet kan vara jord, berg eller grundvatten. Värmeförluster och andra termiska prestanda, temperaturpåverkan på omgivningen, lämpliga röravstånd, brunnskonfigurationer, återladdning m m behandlas.

No title

This thesis argues that it is relevant to make aspectual distincions in terms of progressivity and imperfectivity not only in languages like Russian or English but also in languages like German and Swedish, which traditionally are not considered aspect languages. This means that a distinction has to be made between aspectuality as a conceptual category and the grammatical category aspect (?Aspekt?

Dietary intake of different types and characteristics of processed meat which might be associated with cancer risk - results from the 24-hour diet recalls in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)

Objective: There is increasing evidence for a significant effect of processed meat (PM) intake on cancer risk. However, refined knowledge on how components of this heterogeneous food group are associated with cancer risk is still missing. Here, actual data on the intake of PM subcategories is given; within a food-based approach we considered preservation methods, cooking methods and nutrient conte

Changes in the Hieracium flora in the Nässjö area (Småland, S Sweden) during the 20th century(Skogs- och hagfibblor i nässjötrakten i åttio års perspektiv)

The Hieracium flora in an area of 1250 km(2) centred around the town of Nassjo, S Sweden, was investigated in 1924-30 and again in 2004. In all, 101 species of the sections Hieracium and Vulgaria were found, 89 in the 1920s and 85 in 2004, i.e. approximately the same number. However, the number of species per 5 by 5-km area has been strongly reduced, and the decline is even more pronounced for 1 b

Determination of 5-hydroxy-N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone and 2-hydroxy-N-methylsuccinimide in human plasma and urine using liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass spectrometry

A method for simultaneous determination of 5-hydroxy-N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (5-HNMP) and 2-hydroxy-N-methylsuccinimide (2-HMSI) was developed. These compounds are metabolites from N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP), a powerful and widely used organic solvent. 5-HNMP and 2-HMSI were purified from plasma and urine by solid-phase extraction using Isolute ENV+ columns, and analysed by liquid chromatography

Tissue reactions to polyethylene implants with different surface topography

This study investigates the importance of implant surface topography on soft tissue response. The tissue response in the rat abdominal wall to discs of low density polyethylene with smooth to coarse surfaces was evaluated after one, six or 12 weeks. Capsule thickness and immunohistochemical quantification of monocytes-macrophages were used as measures. The macrophage specific antibody ED1 was used

Acute centralization of blood flow in compromised human fetuses evoked by uterine contractions.

Background: During fetal hypoxia blood is redistributed to the brain ('brain-sparing'). Sequential changes of the cerebral and placental circulation in parallel in comparisons between basal conditions and acute hypoxic stress have not yet been thoroughly studied in human fetuses. Aim: To explore acute fetal middle cerebral artery (MCA) circulatory changes relative to umbilical artery (UA) blood fl