Din sökning på "*" gav 535384 sökträffar
Pollen harvesting and reproductive rates in specialized solitary bees
Andrena humilis is an endangered oligolectic solitary bee and has declined in recent decades throughout western Europe. The aim of this study was to explore the pollen harvesting pattern and to determine the reproductive rate in specialized andrenid bees. We measured the amount of pollen required to produce one brood-cell, the pollen harvesting rate and compared our results with data for other spe
Path Dependence, Change , Creativity and Japan’s Competitiveness
Convection-diffusion problems with significant first-order reversible reactions
Essays on Empirical Macroeconomics
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling består av 5 fristående uppsatser i makroekonomi. Den första uppsatsen behandlar agregerad privat konsumtion. Det har nyligen föreslagits att hushållens konsumtion av icke-varaktiga varor reagerar asymmetriskt på positiva och negativa inkomstförväntningar. I denna uppsats undersöker vi huruvida detta är beroende på hur hushållens förväntningar modelleraThe first essay reexamines the proposed presence of so-called loss aversion in aggregate consumption. Recent empirical and theoretical studies have suggested, that consumption growth reacts asymmetrically to positive and negative expected income growth. After investigating the case for Swedish consumption using survey data, and a panel of annual observations on 15 OECD countries, we conclude that
Vascular dementia - classification and clinical correlates
Popular Abstract in Swedish Demens är ingen enhetlig sjukdom utan ett syndrom dvs en beteckning på en grupp symtom, som beskriver en långvarig försämring av hjärnans psykiska funktioner. Demens kan ha olika klinik profil och orsakas av olika skador och sjukdomar. Den vanligaste demenssjukdomen är Alzheimers sjukdom. Kring denna sjukdom finns mycket forskning gjord. Vaskulär demens är den näst vanlDuring the period (1976-1995) a total of 175 consecutive patients (m 88/f 87) with neuropathologically verified vascular dementia (VaD) were examined. 22 patients with pure Alzheimer's Disease (AD) were also studied. All patients were diagnosed and followed at the Department of Psychogeriatrics (Lund University Hospital). The neuropathological examination revealed VaD, sometimes with additional co
Statistical dissection of cytogenetic patterns in lung cancer reveals multiple modes of karyotypic evolution independent of histological classification.
Molecular cytogenetic characterization of t(14;19)(q32;p13), a new recurrent translocation in B cell malignancies
Translocations involving an immunoglobulin (IG) locus are a recurring theme in B cell neoplasia. The rearrangements lead to the joining of an IG gene with a (proto)oncogene, whereby the latter comes under the influence of transcription-stimulating sequences in the constitutively active IG locus resulting in deregulation of the oncogene and neoplastic growth. We present here three cases of B cell n
Increased fragility in patients with fracture of the proximal humerus: a case control study.
Radiographic stage of osteoarthritis or sex of the patient does not predict one year outcome after total hip arthroplasty
OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether patients with severe radiographic osteoarthritis (OA) have a different outcome at one year after total hip replacement than patients with moderate radiographic OA. To investigate sex related differences in preoperative radiographic and self reported status and in postoperative outcome.METHODS: 184 patients (96 women) with a mean age at surgery of 71.4 years (50-92
Investigating the kinetics of the enzymatic depolymerization of polygalacturonic acid in continuous UF-Membrane reactors
A stirred tank membrane reactor is used to study the kinetics of polygalacturonic acid (PGA) enzymatic hydrolysis. The reactor operates in semicontinuous configuration: the native biopolymer is loaded at the initial time and the system is continuously fed with the buffer. The effect of retention time (from 10 1 to 142 min) and membrane molecular weight cutoff (from I to 30 kDa) on the rate of perm
Intracellular accumulation of the amyloidogenic L68Q variant of cystatin C in NIH/3T3 cells
AIM: To study the cellular transport of L68Q cystatin C, the cystatin variant causing amyloidosis and brain haemorrhage in patients suffering from hereditary cystatin C amyloid angiopathy (HCCAA). METHODS: Expression vectors for wild-type and L68Q cystatin C were constructed and used to transfect mouse NIH/3T3 cells. Stable cell clones were isolated after cotransfection with pSV2neo. Clones expres
Price restrictions and other restrictions on alcohol availability in Denmark and Sweden: A historical perspective with implications for the current debate.
Upper middle Cambrian through Furongian of Scandinavia with focus on trilobites, paleoenvironments and correlations
Popular Abstract in Swedish Kambrium är en tidsperiod i jordens historia som sträckte sig från 542 till 488 miljoner år sedan. Denna period kan vidare delas in i tre epoker: tidigkambrium, mellankambrium och furongian. I kambriums inledningsskede ägde en intensiv och snabb utveckling av livet rum och det var under denna tid som i stort sett alla kända djurstammar utvecklades. Denna viktiga händelsThis thesis is based on studies of upper middle Cambrian through Furongian strata in Scandinavia with focus on trilobite biostratigraphy, taxonomy, paleoecology, and intercontinental correlation. The material studied derives mainly from Västergötland and Scania, southern Sweden. Three new trilobite species are described: Macropyge (Promacropyge) scandinavica, Elkanaspis kinnekullensis, and Parabol
Paradigmskifte ifrån öppen till endovaskulär aneurysmkirurgi?
General practitioners' conceptions about treatment of depression and factors that may influence their practice in this area. A postal survey
BACKGROUND: The way GPs work does not appear to be adapted to the needs of depressive patients. Therefore we wanted to examine Swedish GPs' conceptions of depressive disorders and their treatment and GPs' ideas of factors that may influence their manner of work with depressive patients. METHODS: A postal questionnaire to a stratified sample of 617 Swedish GPs. RESULTS: Most respondents assumed ant
Verification of multipair copper-cable model by measurements
Analysis, assessment, and design of advanced wire-line transmission schemes over multipair copper cables require accurate knowledge of the channel properties. This paper investigates modeling of multiconductor cables based on interpair impedance measurements. A unified approach to the application of the "Cioffi" model is introduced. The direct measurement approach of the underlying interpair imped
Theoretical study of electromagnetically induced transparency in Er3+: YAlO3 crystal
By using the density matrix theory of interaction between light and matter, and relevant parameter calculations of the relaxation rate, the dipole matrix elements and the ion density for a three-level ladder model, we have discussed theoretically the possibility to realize electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in Er3+:YA1O(3) crystal. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Involvement of eicosanoid signalling in epithelial cell migration
The development of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and colon cancer (CC) has been shown to involve the up-regulation of inflammatory mediators and the machinery producing them such as the eicosanoids. Changes in the expression of extracellular matrix proteins and their related integrin receptors have also been shown to be important in the advancement IBD and CC. In light of this, we have investi
Efficient production of native, biologically active human cystatin C by Escherichia coli
A cDNA encoding the mature human cysteine proteinase inhibitor cystatin C was fused to the coding sequence for the Escherichia coli outer membrane protein A signal peptide, and the recombinant gene was expressed in E. coli under the control of the λ PR promoter, an optimized Shine-Dalgarno sequence and the λ cI 857 repressor. When induced at 42°C, such cells expressed large amounts of recombinant