

Din sökning på "*" gav 535076 sökträffar

Pang Bom Avslag - Om skälig levnadsnivå, godtycklighet och bedömningar samt socialsekreterares handlingsutrymme

Authors: Erik Hasselberg and Emma Palmgren Title: ”Pang Bom Avlag - Om skälig levnadsnivå, godtycklighet och bedömningar samt socialsekreterares handlingsutrymme”. Supervisor: Anna Angelin Assessor: Anett Schenk Before starting this research we had the apprehension that the concept of a ” reasonable standard of living” was essential in decision making among the social workers in the field of finan

Att hitta sin stil - och en Porsche på köpet

En kandidatuppsats om den skrivprocess som ledde fram till en roman skriven vid Författarskolan - om idé, handling, skrivrutiner, textsamtal, handledning, utvecklingen av mitt språk, inspiration.

An interpretation of oncoid mass-occurrence during the Late Silurian Lau Event, Gotland, Sweden

Den geologiska signifikansen av onkoider, mikrobialiter uppbyggda av calcifierande mikroorganismer, är varken lika studerad eller vedertagen som för de likartade stromatoliterna. I samband med de större fanerozoiska utdöenderna är ett uppsving av dessa mikrobialiter ett accepterat bevis för en krisfauna vilken utgör ett anarchronistiskt facies. Desto mer omdebatterad är möjligheten att applicera dThe geological significance of the microbial-formed oncoid is not as well understood as the recognized, analogous stromatolite but can, as well be used as an environmental indicator. In association with the larger Phanerozoic mass extinctions, a resurgence of microbialites as a disaster fauna is at present an accepted view. The same model, however, is under debate concerning whether or not it can

Fysiska aktivitetens och sociala gemenskapens effekter på deprimerade döva

Abstract Author: Felicia Ferreira Title: Physical activity and social community effects on depressed deaf. Supervisor: Mats Hilte Depression and physical inactivity is a major health problem; it can cause death and various diseases. It also causes alienation when that the depressed cannot be bothered to participate in a social community. This exclusion is quite common among the deaf and the onse

Characterization of a compact, high resolution readout system for micro-pattern gaseous detectors

A Linear e+e- collider, either ILC or CLIC will be the next platform for high energy physics study to complement the LHC. Results discovered by LHC may need precision measurements before we can get full understanding of the physics. International collaborations are in the process to prepare both for the accelerator and for the experimental setup. Time projection chambers as the main central track

Making of Guide to the Foreign Japanese Kitchen

Today, people are interested in health and environmental issues as well as variety when it comes to food. The project aimed to introduce Japanese food culture in Sweden as a healthy and sustainable choice. Many cooking experiments and food tastings were made and investigated topics such as which character of the food can be liked and disliked, how different ways of serving/ presenting food could i

Integrationsarbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn -en kvalitativ studie av integrationsarbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn baserad på intervjuer av personal på ett HVB-hem i Helsingborgs kommun.

Author: Erika Kalliokulju and Jane Stensson Titel: Integration coaches work concerning asylum seeking children Supervisor: Johan Cronehed Assessorer: The aim of this study is to examine how Helsingborg, a town in Sweden, works with integration of unaccompanied asylum seeking children regarding a temporary home for refugee children and how integration of children which have received asylum is perfo

Ensam är inte stark : tankar, strategier och motstånd hos unga feminister i Svenska kyrkan

This bachelor thesis is based on interviews with six young feminists within the Church of Sweden, and aims to discuss how a combination of feminism and Christian faith is made possible. I am investigating if these women experience personal inner conflicts between feminist values and a Christian faith and then how these women think of and manage these conflicts, and also if they have experiences ba

Consumer All Star: Konsumentens roll i att bygga ett starkt varumärke

Den konventionella varumärkesforskningen ger en alltför förenklad syn av konsumentens betydelse för ett varumärke. Uppsatsen förespråkar en sociokulturell aspekt där fokus ligger på hur konsumenten skapar mening på en makro-, mikro- och individnivå. Det är konsumenten, inte marknadsföraren, som skapar identitetsvärde och det är människor i konsumentens omgivning som påverkar kundens uppfattningar The conventional brand research provides an overly simplistic view of the consumer's significance to the brand. The paper advocates a socio-cultural aspect where the focus is on how the consumers create meaning on a macro, micro and individual level. It is the consumer and not the marketer, which will create identity; there are people in the consumer’s environment that affect their perceptions

"I didn't ask 2 be Palestinian, I just got lucky": A study of actors’ influence on Palestinians’ collective identity

Identity is formed in the understanding of the self and others, and it is also a consequence of how people perceive the world. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate which actors besides Israel individual Palestinians identify as significant for their understanding of their collective identity. The purpose is also to analyze how these actors have influenced Palestinians’ understanding of the

Kvinnlig bröllopsyra och manliga drifter - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av de två modemagasinen ELLE och King

Abstract Author: Nicole Eklund Title:”Female wedding-frenzy and male urges - A qualitative content analysis of the two fashion magazine’s ELLE and King” [Translated title] Assessor: Elisabeth Martinell Barfoed Supervisor: Staffan Blomberg The main purpose behind this paper was to study two fashion magazines, King and ELLE, and how they describe and portrait men, women, femininities, masculinities

DEVELOPING THE ICELANDIC GENUINE PROGRESS INDICATOR – Accounting for the use of renewable energy sources when estimating Icelandic GPI

The Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) is a tool for measuring the wellbeing of an economy. The question of how to include the use of renewable energy sources is important when estimating the GPI for an economy highly dependent on renewable energy like Iceland. An analysis of GPI estimations showed that the use of renewable energy sources is reflected by the subtraction of the use of non-renewable o

Segeå - Ett grumligt vattendrag

Many streams in Scania have been regulated to increase the agricultural potential. Erosion of suspended particles and leakage of nutrients have increased, which gives a higher turbidity in streams. Water samples have been taken in Stream Segeå which has very turbid water. Samples have been taken both in the stream and inflowing ditches, to investigate where particles come from. The stream is very

Civilsamhället som aktör i fredsbyggande processer - en komparativ fåfallstudie mellan Moçambique och Rwanda

Genom en komparativ fåfallstudie mellan Rwanda och Moçambique undersöks hur den fredsbyggande processen i ett postkonfliktuellt samhälle påverkas av civilsamhället som aktör beroende på dess förutsättningar för politiskt utrymme. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är Anna K. Jarstads teori om de fyra fredsbyggande dilemman som bygger på tesen om att fredsbyggande och demokratisering kan verka som mo