

Din sökning på "*" gav 534439 sökträffar

Studies of a Heavy-Duty Diesel Aftertreatment System Based on the NOX Storage and Reduction Technology

Popular Abstract in Swedish Gränsvärden för NOX-utsläppen i avgaserna från tunga dieselmotorer kommer att minskas i den Europeiska Unionen från 3,5 g/kWh (Euro IV) idag till 2,0 g/kWh (Euro V) år 2008. I USA och Japan är trenden likadan och utveckling av ett avgassystem för tunga dieselfordon verkar oundviklig. I detta arbetet har en motorrigg byggts upp som bestod av en 11 l dieselmotor och ett aThe legislative limits for NOX emissions in the exhaust gas from heavy-duty diesel engines will be decreased in the European Union from today 3.5 g/kWh (Euro IV) to 2.0 g/kWh in 2008 (Euro V). In the USA and Japan a similar trend can be seen. Accordingly, the development of an exhaust aftertreatment system for heavy-duty trucks seems unavoidable. In this work, an 11 l diesel engine rig has been bu

Kritiska gemenskaper: att skriva feministisk och postkolonial vetenskap

Antologin Kritiska gemenskaper är en vänbok till professor Diana Mulinari vid Lunds universitet. Medverkande i antologin är: Malinda Andersson, Signe Arnfred, Anna Bredström, Cynthia Cockburn, Paulina de los Reyes, Maud Eduards, Suvi Keskinen, Wuokko Knocke, Gail Lewis, Mia Liinason, Carina Listerborn, Åsa Lundqvist, Catrin Lundström, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Irene Molina, Anders Neergaard, Tiina

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The occurrences of the Romanian interjection "via" in the two published corpora of spoken Romanian (CORV and IV) are analysed using conversation analysis methods and notions from pragmatics and cognitive linguistics. The chapter focuses on the sequential distribution of the interjection, and includes an analysis of the collocations and syntactic relationships that "via" can bear, as well as an ana

GO: On the Geographies of Gunnar Olsson

Since the early 1960s, the internationally acclaimed and highly distinguished Swedish geographer Gunnar Olsson has made substantial contributions to his own discipline. In addition, because of the transgressive nature of his work and writing, which often borders to art and philosophy, his ideas and approaches have reached a wider audience of those interested in the history and geography of ideas,

Turbo equalization and an M-BCJR algorithm for strongly narrowband intersymbol interference

An M-BCJR algorithm is proposed and tested over an AWGN channel with moderate to very intense intersymbol interference (ISI). Two M-BCJR applications are evaluated, simple detection over the ISI channel and turbo equalization. The signaling is binary faster than Nyquist linear modulation. The ISI models tested correspond to transmission of increasingly many bits/Hz-s with a fixed signal spectra; t

Transactional memory (special issue introduction)

Current and future processor generations are based on multicore architectures where the performance increase comes from an increasing number of cores on a chip. In order to utilize the performance potential of multicore architectures the programs also need to be parallel, but writing parallel programs is a non-trivial task. Transactional memory tries to ease parallel program development by providi

Multidimensional Fluorescence Polarization Imaging of Single Light Harvesting Complexes

This thesis presents my research journey in the Department of Chemical Physics,Lund University. Multidimensional fluorescence polarization imaging is used to study single LH2s. The method uses linearly polarized excitation light and the emission is detected through a polarizer. The multidimensionality is achieved by rotating the excitation and detection polarizations which enables the construction