

Din sökning på "*" gav 535384 sökträffar

Demand for Extinguishing Media in Manual Fire Fighting

Popular Abstract in Swedish Riskanalys och insatsplanering är viktiga delar av ett riskhanteringsarbete. Denna studie har visat att det är möjligt att använda brandtekniska ingenjörsmodeller för att bedöma utvecklingen av bränder och det uppkomna behovet av släckmedel. Brandkårsdata från London användes för att studera sambandet mellan brandstorleken och räddningstjänstens insats. Dessa data, tillRisk analysis and intervention planning are important in fire prevention and risk management strategies. This study has shown that it is possible to use fire safety engineering models to estimate the development of fires on a realistic scale, and the corresponding requirement for extinguishing media. Data from the London Fire Brigade (UK) were used to investigate a possible correlation between the

Vascular receptor changes in ischemic stroke

Popular Abstract in Swedish Stroke är en vanlig och mycket allvarlig form av hjärt-kärlsjukdom som uppkommer på grund av försämrat blodflöde i en del av hjärnan. Eftersom hjärnan är extremt beroende av kontinuerlig tillförsel av syre och näringsämnen leder tillståndet snabbt till hjärnskada. Det finns tre typer av stroke; hjärninfarkt, hjärnblödning och subaraknoidalblödning (blödning under en hjäThe present thesis aimed to examine how ischemic stroke affects the vascular endothelin and angiotensin systems in cerebral arteries. To study vascular receptor changes in ischemic stroke transient focal ischemia was induced in rats. In addition, rat cerebral arteries and arterial smooth muscle cells were cultured for further analysis of cerebrovascular receptor regulation. For functional studies

Study by isothermal calorimetry and electrophoresis of the interaction between latices and cellulose derivatives

The influence of the latex surface chemistry on the association of latices with different cellulose derivatives has been investigated by means of isothermal calorimetry and electrophoresis. The chemistries of three grades of coating latices differed with regard to the type and amount of vinylic monomer and the level of carboxylation. In addition, a styrene/butadiene latex substantially free from s

Is there a "migratory syndrome" common to all migrant birds?

Bird migration has been assumed, mostly implicitly, to represent a distinct class of animal behavior, with deep and strong homologies in the various phenotypic expressions of migratory behavior between different taxa. Here the evidence for the existence of what could be called a "migratory syndrome," a tightly integrated, old group of adaptive traits that enables birds to commit themselves to high

Neuronal signal substances as biomarkers of migraine

Of the sensory nervous system associated signal substances it is only calcitonin generelated peptide (CGRP) that is reliably associated with the degree of pain in the acute attacks of primary headaches. The treatment with triptans alleviates both the pain and the associated CGRP release, putatively via a presynaptic effect on the sensory nerves. The studies of opoids and other sensory neuropeptide

Benchmark Simulation Model No 2 in Matlab-Simulink: towards plant-wide WWTP control strategy evaluation

In this paper, implementation of the Benchmark Simulation Model No 2 (BSM2) within Matlab-Simulink is presented. The BSM2 is developed for plant-wide WWTP control strategy evaluation on a long-term basis. It consists of a pre-treatment process, an activated sludge process and sludge treatment processes. Extended evaluation criteria are proposed for plant-wide control strategy assessment. Default o

Proteomics principles and challenges

Proteomics studies rely on high-resolving separation techniques whereby the biological complexity can be unraveled. Both gel-based and liquid-phase separation principles are needed in order to mine deeper into the low abundant area of the proteins expressed in human cell samples. The expression levels that can be reached today with proteomics technology are still only reaching part of all proteins

Custom Datapaths for DSP ASICs Methodology and Implementation

This thesis regards datapath design and analysis at several abstraction levels. Five papers are presented that focus on datapath design for mobile communication systems and design methodologies for such datapaths. Paper I discusses different aspects of Turbo channel decoder design for high speed and low power applications. It is shown that critical path delay is significantly reduced by simple re

In the shadow of bad news - views of patients with acute leukaemia, myeloma or lung cancer about information, from diagnosis to cure or death

Many studies have been published about giving and receiving bad messages. However, only a few of them have followed the patients all the way through a disease as is done in this study. Many studies have been written about patients' coping strategies. In this study we will keep within the bounds of coping through information only. The aim of the study is to investigate patients' views of informatio

Sales of tranquillizers, hypnotics/sedatives and antidepressants and their relationship with underprivileged area score and mortality and suicide rates

OBJECTIVE: This study analyses the correlation between the Swedish underprivileged area score and sales of tranquillizers, hypnotics/sedatives, neuroleptics and antidepressants, and the correlation between these sales and mortality and suicide rates, with the aim of using sales data to identify areas with poor socioeconomic conditions. SETTING: Southern Sweden, 33 municipalities in Skane, 1987 and

Modeling nutrient cycling and sustainable forest growth in a changing world

Popular AbstractSveriges relativa välstånd kan vi till stor del tacka skogen för. Skogen har ända sedan industrialiseringen började ta fart i Sverige bidragit med betydande exportinkomster. För att bevara den inkomstkälla skogen utgör måste vi se till att det skogsbruk som bedrivs är uthålligt och tar hänsyn till såväl ekonomiska som biologiska och sociala aspekter. Skogsproduktionen ska med andraIt took 70-80 years to realize the width of the impact of industrialization on the forest ecosystems since a forest ecosystem is a "slow system" as seen from a human perspective. An anticipated future climate change and increasing carbon dioxide and ozone levels will change the conditions even more with time and the widely used statistical forest growth models will not be applicable anymore. Compu

Electronic speckle pattern interferometry: A tool for determining diffusion and partition coefficients for proteins in gels

The aim of this study was to demonstrate electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) as a powerful tool in determining diffusion coefficients and partition coefficients for proteins in gels. ESPI employs a CCD camera instead of a holographic plate as in conventional holographic interferometry. This gives the advantage of being able to choose the reference state freely. If a hologram at the,re

Viljen vi veta, viljen vi förstå ... : kunskapsbildning inom socialtjänsten

Denna rapport handlar om socialtjänstens kunskapsbildning. I dess inledning konstateras att kunskapsutveckling är något som ligger i tiden. Från flera håll pekas det på att det sker stora och viktiga insatser på detta område medan socialtjänsten av någon anledning tycks ha hamnat i skamvrån. I själva verket riktas det från flera oberoende håll stark kritik mot dess verksamhet och det hävdas att ar