Din sökning på "*" gav 528945 sökträffar
Konsten i nätverket lever sitt egna liv
Konst på internet för en undangömd tillvaro så länge som vi inte riktar blicken mot de mest framgångsrika objekten som lever i detta nya medium, nämligen spelen. Artikeln placerar in spel och visuella objekt i spel inom ramen för samtida offentlig konst.
Studies on the alpha-recoil implantation of 214Pb and 210Pb in glass surfaces,Implications for retrospective radon measurements
Popular Abstract in Swedish Glas kan användas för retrospektiva radon mätningar på grund av radondöttrars förmåga att implantera i glasets översta skikt. Mängden implanterad aktivitet blir lätt påverkad av en rad olika faktorer i den omgivande luften. Experimentella metoder har därför utvecklats för att bestämma djupfördelningen av alfarekyl-implanterat 210Po i glas. Detta göres genom gradvis etsnGlass sheets are often used in radon surveys to estimate retrospective radon concentrations, as radon progenies are embedded in the upper surface layer. The implanted activity is influenced by a variety of different environmental conditions. In this work, experimental methods based on etching to determine the depth distribution of recoil-implanted 210Po in glass from radon decay in air were develo
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Earwitnesses: The effect of voice differences in identification accuracy and the realism in confidence judgments
Individual characteristic features in voice and speech are important in ear witness identification. A target-absent lineup with six foils was used to analyze the influence of voice and speech features on recognition. The participants’ response for two voice foils were particularly successful in the sense that they were most often rejected. These voice foils were characterized by the features’ arti
Miljömål i fjällandskapet : En syntes av problemställningar knutna till förvaltningen av en begränsad resurs
Arbete med människor – en inledning
The Valuable Body
The development of organ transplantation technology is an extraordinary achievement that has saved the lives of many, but which also has created an endless need for body parts. In focus for this article is the trade in organs - especially organ trafficking in Moldova.
A novel method for rapid design and evaluation of photovoltaic concentrators
The electrical output of low concentration systems with standard pv cells is heavily impaired by non uniform irradiation distribution on the cells. In order to design new concentrators that improve the system efficiency by homogenizing the light, a new method of evaluation has been developed. It is based on simulations, and generates an estimated annual output. The method consists of three steps,
Working with networks, microcultures and communities
GIŠ.HUR gul-za-at-ta-ra. A Festschrift for Folke Josephson on the Occasion of his 70th Birthday
Det svenska skattesystemet funktioner
Islamismens idéhistoria. Från Napoleon till Usama bin Ladin
Stress at work: a qualitative study among women and men in a Swedish telecom company
Achieving effective biomass strategies
Efraim Syrierns kommentar till Första Mosebok 4, Kain och Abel
Translation from Syriac to Swedish of Ephrem the Syrian´s commentary on Genesis 4, Cain and Abel. Notes on the translation.
Unversum och dess småttigheter - om samspelet mellan astronomi och elementarpartikelfysik
Tid för utrymning vid brand
Abstract not available
Between a Rock and Hard Place? Communism and Nazism in Baltic Museums
Om synen på nazism och kommunism i museer i de baltiska staterna.