

Din sökning på "*" gav 528852 sökträffar

Inflation illiteracy - a micro-data analysis

Survey data Economic Tendency Survey Swedish households' perceptions of the current rate of inflation and their expectations of the future rate of inflation. They analyse what percentage of households can be considered to be poorly informed about inflation (as their responses devia on te significantly from the historical pattern of inflation), and what characterises these householdsUsing micro-level survey data from the National Institute of EconomicResearch’s Economic Tendency Survey, we find that a relatively largeshare of Swedish households is ill-informed about the rate of inflation inthe economy, with perceived and expected rates of inflation deviatingsubstantially from official measures. Probit analysis of the data indicatesthat such inflation illiteracy is related to

The problem of stagflation. How should the ECB respond to the increase in inflation?

Inflation began to increase rapidly towards the end of 2021 and remained elevated throughout 2022. Higher energy prices contributed significantly to the increase in inflation. However, core-inflation, excluding the direct contribution of energy prices, was also significantly above the European Central Bank’s inflation target. Partially due to the highly expansionary monetary policy during the pandInflation began to increase rapidly all around the world towards the end of 2021, and it remained elevated throughout 2022. Higher energy prices contributed significantly to the increase in inflation. However, core inflation, excluding the direct contribution of energy prices, was also significantly above the European Central Bank’s inflation target, which was partially due to the highly expansion

Photius and the Abbasids : The Problems of Islamo-Byzantine Paradigms

The question of reciprocity between the Abbasid and Byzantine capitals in the heydays of Graeco-Arabic translation remains a contested topic, where irreconcilable theories sometimes stand against each other. This paper makes a case study out of the old Hemmerdinger theory, according to which, the Bibliotheca of Photius was actually compiled in Baghdad. The paper discusses the criticism against the

How Are You? A Sociological Case Report of the COVID-19 Pandemic from Professionals in Italy

COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down. The first lockdown occurred in Italy in the spring of 2020, drastically disrupting people’s daily schedules, work schedules, socialisation, and relationships with co-workers, family and friends. To overcome physical isolation, collect impressions and keep a record of the period, the “How are you?” online questionnaire has been designed as a potential conv

Betydelsen av mellanmänskliga möten i vården

I detta kapitel ställs frågor om betydelsen av mellanmänskliga möten inom vården utifrån ett patientperspektiv. Närmare bestämt hur kvinnor med bröstcancer upplevt att de fått balansera den medicinska vårdens effektivitet mot ett delvis uteblivet känslomässigt och personligt bemötande. Det kan beskrivas som ett känsloarbete där de medicinska villkoren väger över så att de egna känslorna inte får d

Hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorn

I det här kapitlet beskriver och diskuterar vi hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorns roll i ett historiskt såväl som nutida perspektiv. Frågor i fokus handlar om hur den nyligen införda yrkeslegitimationen för kuratorer inom hälso- och sjukvården påverkar arbetssituationen avseende autonomi, jurisdiktion och samverkan med andra yrkesgrupper. Förändras yrkets legitimitet i organisationen? Vilka möjligheter

A whole blood approach improves speed and accuracy when measuring mitochondrial respiration in intact avian blood cells

Understanding mitochondrial biology and pathology is key to understanding the evolution of animal form and function. However, mitochondrial measurement often involves invasive, or even terminal, sampling, which can be difficult to reconcile in wild models or longitudinal studies. Non-mammal vertebrates contain mitochondria in their red blood cells, which can be exploited for minimally invasive mit

Fastighet, brukningsenhet eller tomt - vad säger lagen om begreppen?

Inom fastighetsrätten är begreppet fastighet centralt. Fastighetsrätten utgår ibland från fastighet och ibland från andra begrepp så som brukningsenhet, tomt och värderingsenhet. Ibland används begreppen som synonymer till fastighet vilket försvårar tolkningar av diverse lagar. Jordabalken definierar vad en fastighet är och fastighetsbildningslagen anger hur fastigheter bildas och ändras. Plan- oIn Swedish real estate law, the concept of real property is central. Real estate law sometimes refers to real property and sometimes to other concepts such as farm unit, plot, and valuation unit. Sometimes the terms are used as synonyms for real property, which complicates the interpretation of various laws due to conceptual confusion. An example of conceptual confusion is when owners of real pro

COVID-19 and airborne transmission : science rejected, lives lost : can society do better?

This is an account that should be heard of an important struggle: the struggle of a large group of experts who came together at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic to warn the world about the risk of airborne transmission and the consequences of ignoring it. We alerted the World Health Organization (WHO) about the potential significance of the airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and the urgent

Topology and shape optimization of plasmonic nano-antennas

Metallic nano-antennas are devices used to concentrate the energy in light into regions that are much smaller than the wavelength. These structures are currently used to develop new measurement and printing techniques, such as optical microscopy with sub-wavelength resolution, and high-resolution lithography. Here, we analyze and design a nano-antenna in a two-dimensional setting with the source b