Din sökning på "*" gav 528945 sökträffar
Coeliac Disease: aspects in different child populations
Popular Abstract in Swedish Celiaki eller glutenintolerans innebär att tarmluddet skadas vid kontakt med gluten. Gluten är bindeämnet i mjöl, mest i vete, men finns också i råg, korn och havre. Gluten är alltså ett vanligt inslag i vår moderna kost. Sjukdomen kan starta när som helst i livet. I Sverige upptäcks den oftast under småbarnsåren, i samband med att barnet börjar få i sig gluten, till eThe true prevalence of coeliac disease includes patients with symptomatic/diagnosed disease, and silent or undiagnosed disease. The incidence of diagnosed coeliac disease increased steeply in Swedish children born after 1982, when a change in infant feeding recommendations was made. This change included a delayed introduction of gluten, but the effect was also an increased consumption. The change
Breast cancer screening with tomosynthesis
Liberation of the Ecclesia: The Unfinished Project of Liturgical Theology
Scattering on a Lattice in the Stochastic Magnetic Field
Variational total energies from Phi and Psi derivable theories
The old variational functional for the total energy of a many-electron system proposed by Luttinger and Ward (LW) in 1960 is here tested on the electron gas at the level of the GW approximation. Using a simple non-interacting Green function to evaluate the fuctional we obtain a correlation energy very close to that of a fully self-consistent $GW$ calculation which, in turn, is very close to that o
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Stilen och vetenskapen : om humanisternas språk
Dynamics of atrial electrogram in atrial fibrillation
Försöksverksamhet med riksrekryterande gymnasiala spetsutbildningar : En aktörsfokuserad utvärdering av de 11 utbildningsprogram som startade hösten 2010
Efterfrågan på mycket kvalificerad arbetskraft har ökat och uppmärksammat regeringen på behovet av att utveckla utbildning för de mest högpresterande eleverna i skolan. Skolverket bedriver på uppdrag av regeringen sedan 2009 försöksverksamhet med riksrekryterande spetsutbildning inom matematik och naturvetenskapliga, samhällsvetenskapliga och humanistiska ämnen. Verksamheten omfattar totalt 20 utb
Smoking cessation and health promotion around pregnancy
Popular Abstract in Swedish I början av 1980-talet rökte ungefär var tredje gravid kvinna i Sverige. Detta innebar att rökning under graviditet var lika vanligt förekommande som rökning bland den vuxna befolkningen i övrigt. Sedan dess har rökningen bland gravida minskat markant och idag är det ungefär 10-12% som röker vid inskrivningen på mödravårdscentralen. Rökning under graviditet är en av deA smoking cessation program targeting pregnant women and their partners was monitored during 17 years and subjected to several substudies. All women in Blekinge, who gave birth in the months of September during the period 1984 to 2000, were asked to fill out a questionnaire, anonymously, about their smoking habits before and during pregnancy. During these years a long-term educational programme co
Urban Risk Reduction and Adaptation: How to Promote Resilient Communities and Adapt to Increasing Disasters and Changing Climatic Conditions?
Climate change and disasters are among today’s most pressing issues. The damage caused by the worldwide increase in disasters is staggering, with the urban poor being most at risk. Disasters make their already precarious living conditions worse, creating a vicious circle of poverty. More and more attention has thus been given to the need to address changing climatic conditions and disaster risk th
Introducing empirical software engineering methods in education
Empirical methods are important in software engineering. It is important to be able to evaluate new techniques and methods in a structured way before they are introduced in the software process. This paper presents how empirical methods may be taught by letting students take part in the execution and analysis of empirical investigations in projects. The projects that the students carry out include
Neutral dissociation and non Franck-Condon effects in valence excited N and O molecules
Neutral photodissociation processes and non Franck-Condon effects in the N2 and O2 molecules induced by excitation with synchrotron radiation photons have been studied in the 15-35 eV region. Neutral dissociation processes have been studied by monitoring dispersed fluorescence from excited N and O atoms. The excited atoms are created through excitations to members of the molecular Rydberg seri
Liberty and its Circumstances – A Functional Approach
The philosophical debate about liberty has recently gained in complexity and political relevance through the revival of the republican understanding of liberty as the absence of asymmetric power relations or domination. As a staunch defender of the importance of theorizing liberty in this way, I nevertheless argue that a theory of liberty in the social world needs to be conceptually multifaceted a
Två solkiga blondiner (1984)
Defining a subgenre. Aspects of imitation and intertextuality in the correspondence of learned women in early modern times.
On the asymptotic analysis of superorthogonal turbo codes
A low-rate turbo coding scheme based on superorthogonal convolutional encoders is examined. We analyze the asymptotic performance that can be achieved when both the code length and the number of iterations tend to infinity and present a bound on the iterative limit of this superorthogonal turbo code construction. Simulations of the codes with large permutors (interleavers) confirm the results of t
Hur ska WISC-IV användas?
Analyzing Vegetation Trends with Sensor Data from Earth Observation Satellites
Popular Abstract in Swedish Sammanfattning Mänskliga aktiviteter och klimatförändringar påverkar vegetationen över hela jorden, idag och i framtiden. Denna påverkan kan studeras och kvantifieras med hjälp av observationer från satelliter vilka förmedlar information om vegetationsförändringar i tid och rum. I denna doktorsavhandling har metoder för analys av vegetationsförändringar utvecklats och Abstract This thesis aims to advance the analysis of nonlinear trends in time series of vegetation data from Earth observation satellite sensors. This is accomplished by developing fast, efficient methods suitable for large volumes of data. A set of methods, tools, and a framework are developed and verified using data from regions containing vegetation change hotspots. First, a polynomial-fittin