Din sökning på "*" gav 532880 sökträffar
Patenting human DNA sequences in Europe and the US - A comparative analysis of patentability requirements for nucleic acid sequences with special emphasis on novelty and inventive step
DNA is presently at the centre of a storm. On the one hand, the breathtaking development of DNA related sciences during the last decades led to a technological and medical revolution. Due to the far reaching possibilities connected to this technology, it is the focus of many people’s interest and one source of the hope that one day we will find cures for terrible illnesses. Unsurprisingly, DNA rel
Prebiotics and gut health
Refugees, Rights and Realities
Local Agenda 21. A comparison between attitudes and practice in two Swedish Municipalities
Dealing with a Collective Past of Warfare Violence and Contemporary Bodily Changes: The Configurations of Identities in Rural Vietnamese Adolescents
Jurisdiction in Cyberspace
Analysis of Changes in the Beat-to-Beat P-wave Morphology Using Clustering Techniques
Several pathologies related to the atrial electrical activity can be detected in the electrocardiogram P-wave. A protocol for analyzing P-wave morphology changes has been developed in this article. By using this protocol a study on the beat-to-beat P-wave morphology changes of 89 ECG signals is performed. An algorithmbased on the embedding space techniques has been used to extract the P-wave infor
Skolan mitt i U-svängen
Polymeric micro channel system for easy sensitisation of micro cantilevers
Multiple Plasmon Satellites in Na and Al Spectral Functions from Ab Initio Cumulant Expansion
he valence photoemission spectra of alkali metals exhibit multiple plasmon satellite structure. The calculated spectral functions within the GW approximation show only one plasmon satellite at too large binding energy. In this Letter we use the cumulant expansion approach to obtain the spectral functions of Na and Al from ab initio calculations including the effects of band structure. The GW spect
Varför tappar facket medlemmar?
Scattered (War) Opposition
Remote control of a standard ABB robot system in real time using the Robot Application Protocol (RAP)
Facilitating digital literacy in faculty development
A Proteomic Dissection of Breast Cancer - Via Cells and Organelles to Pathways
Popular Abstract in Swedish Bröstcancer är den mest frekventa cancerformen bland kvinnor, 1 av 8 drabbas någon gång under sin livstid av sjukdomen. Införandet av mammografi har gjort att cancern upptäcks tidigare och detta, tillsammans med effektivare behandlingsformer, har bidragit till att dödligheten i bröstcancer sjunkit de senaste decennierna. Antalet fall av bröstcancer ökar dock ständigt, fBreast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer death in females worldwide. Breast tumours are extremely heterogeneous, and each patient’s disease has different causes, prognosis and appropriate treatments associated with it. To enable a more individualised therapy, there is a substantial need for better characterisation of tumours and a deeper understanding o