

Din sökning på "*" gav 534439 sökträffar

The Heroes We Never Are: Interpellation, Subjugation, and the Encoded Other in Fantasy CRPGs

This thesis explores the topic of interpellation and subjugation in fantasy computer role-playing games (CRPGs). Using an assemblage-based framework, I argue that CRPG players are hailed and manipulated by the interplay of several texts and dynamics—mainly prose, code, numerical values, rule sets, and mechanics. My research focuses on games with extensive textual narratives that match—or exceed—th

Upplevelser av att leva med dialysbehandling

Bakgrund: Att leva med njursjukdom och dialys innebär en livslång behandling som är tidskrävande och medför begränsningar i livet. Sjuksköterskans roll är att hjälpa och vägleda patienterna för att skapa mening och sammanhang. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att leva med dialysbehandling. Metod: Icke-systematisk litteraturstudie med integrerad analys. Elva kvalitat

Ung Vegan - hur en normbrytande livsstil påverkar identitet och välmående

Veganism har blivit ett vanligare livsval hos ungdomar idag. Då detta livsval går emot den rådande samhällsnormen utsätts veganer för diskriminering. Eftersom ungdomstiden utgör en känslig tid är det viktigt att undersöka hur detta livsval och den diskriminering som medföljer, påverkar välmående och identitetsutveckling hos denna grupp. Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med veganer i ålVeganism has become a more common life choice among adolescents today. As this life choice goes against the prevailing societal norm, vegans are subjected to discrimination. Since adolescence is a sensitive time, it is important to examine how this life choice and the discrimination that accompanies it affects the well-being and identity development of this group. Five semi-structured interviews w

Special Purpose Acquisition Companies - Äta kakan och ha den kvar?

Studiens syfte är att undersöka huruvida det är möjligt att generera Alfa vid investeringar i Special Purpose Acquisition Companies, och undersöka vilka faktorer som kan förklara denna eventuella Alfa. Metoden baseras på inhämtning av kvantitativ data från såväl Bloomberg som Thomson Reuters Eikon. Datan används för att genomföra ett antal strategier, och för att sedermera, med hjälp av relevanta

Towards a Differentiated Integration: What is Missing from Somali Integration in Norway?

This thesis examines the integration of Somalis in Norway, pointing out how Somalis are allegedly worse integrated than other groups of immigrants in Norway. The thesis examines why this may be and what factors affect Somali integration in Norway. The study is based on a content analysis of government documents regarding integration strategies in Norway and five podcast episodes featuring people o

Unified theory and experimental approach for measuring restricted diffusion and water exchange

Drygt femton miljoner människor avlider av cancer och stroke varje år, vilket gör dem till några av de svåraste sjukdomarna som vi drabbas av. Dödligheten hos dessa sjukdomar påverkas främst av när dem upptäcks. Ju tidigare sjukdomen diagnostiseras, desto högre blir sannolikheten för att den botas. Tidig upptäckt kräver känsliga diagnostiska metoder, särskilt de som kan detektera förändringar i väFifteen million people lose their lives to stroke and cancer every year. This amounts to one in every four deaths worldwide, making these among the deadliest diseases affecting humankind. Fruitful attempts at containing stroke- and cancer-related mortality hinge on early detection. Diffusion MRI (dMRI) is an imaging modality that is sensitive to tissue microstructure, and therefore unveils tissue

Fångad i lagens händer - En kvalitativ intervjustudie angående våldsutsatta kvinnor som anhöriginvandrat

Domestic violence is a global issue. Almost a third of women worldwide that have been in an intimate relationship have experienced sexual or/and physical violence. Women with insecure migrant status who experience domestic violence are a particularly vulnerable group, as they have an uncertain right of residence that is dependent on their relationship. The purpose of this study was to examine the

"Barnets bästa" - En kvalitativ studie av svenska vårdnadsdomar

The aim of this essay is to investigate to which extent the child's voice is heard in custody judgments, based upon the fact that the child's best interest is required by Swedish law to be fundamental in the assessments concerning children. This has become more relevant since the 1:st of January in 2020 when the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child became Swedish law. We ha

"Om ens sociala liv var lika stort som ett hav förr, så är det en vattenpöl nu” En sociologisk studie om Covid-19 och dess påverkan på sociala tillgångar hos unga vuxna i Malmö.

Covid-19 har tillsammans med de restriktioner som skapats för att hejda smittspridningen skapat en märkbar social distans individer emellan. Människor spenderar mer tid i ensamhet och social isolering nu än vad de tidigare gjort på grund av nedstängningen och otillgängligheten till ett samhälles sociala arenor. Skolor och universitet är stängda, individer blir permitterade från sina arbetsplatser

Interpreting Emotional Meaning in Email Communication in a Multicultural Workplace

Although the interpretation process of emotional meaning through email communication has been researched through a broad set of theoretical lenses, this particular area of research has not adequately addressed this process of deriving emotional meaning within the scope of the modern multicultural organization. The cultural diversity found in modern global organizations fosters the research inquiry

Discovery of a DARPin-based antitoxin against α-cobratoxin

Snakebite envenomations has for a long time been an overlooked problem, despite the hundreds of thousands of deaths and disabilities caused by this disease each year. However, since snakebite envenoming predominantly affects the rural areas of third-world countries, there was an absence of research funding and drive to address this profound concern. Consequently, costly and often highly immunogeni

Situational brand ambassadorship - a study of how part-time employees make sense of themselves as brand ambassadors

The aim of this research is to understand and unpack the phenomenon of brand ambassadorship by examining the sensemaking and actualization as well as the consequences of it. The study adopts an employee-perspective on brand ambassadorship to scrutinize the phenomenon in terms of what is here referred to as ’situational’ brand ambassadorship. The employee-perspective has been often neglected in pre

The Relationship Between Memory Control, Emotion Dysregulation and Subclinical Borderline Symptoms

This study aims to investigate the relationship between memory control ability and a range of borderline personality symptoms in nonclinical participants. It also aims to explore whether emotion regulation skills are a mediator of this relationship. 61 participants completed an adapted, online think/no think experiment using scene-object picture pairs to investigate their memory control. They also

The Conductivity-based Peritoneal Equilibration Test - A mathematical modeling assessment

Sufficient solute and water removal are crucial for adequate peritoneal dialy- sis (PD) treatment. However, present clinical tests for peritoneal membrane trans- port characteristics are cumbersome and time consuming. Here, a mathematical model consisting of linear differential equations aiming to describe the complex process of solute and water transport accross the peritoneal membrane, in order

The Future of Shopping is On(Live) : En netnografisk studie om fenomenet Live Video Shopping och digitaliseringens roll i utvecklingen av modeindustrin

The purpose of this bachelor thesis, called “The Future of Shopping is On(Live) - en netnografisk studie om fenomenet Live Video Shopping och digitaliseringens roll i utvecklingen av modeindustrin”, is to create a deeper understanding of the phenomenon Live Video Shopping. More specifically it aims to provide an understanding of how this new way of consumption can be understood as a part of an on-

On the Use of Elliptic Curves in Public-Key Cryptography

Uppsatsen behandlar asymmetrisk kryptering över ändliga kropper och elliptiska kurver. Elliptiska kurver införs med hjälp av affint och projektivt rum. Uppsaten också ger en introduction till algoritmer som kan knäcka diskret logaritm problemet över kropper och elliptiska kurver.In this thesis, an introduction to public key cryptography over finite fields and elliptic curves is given. Elliptic curves are introduced using affine and projective spaces. The thesis also gives an introduction to algorithms that are able to break the discrete logarithm problem over finite fields and elliptic curves faster than an exhaustive search.

BEING THERE Phenomenological approach to the atmosphere of live music performance

In contemporary society, one is exposed to a myriad of visual outlets. Agreeing with scholars such as Mitchell, Mirzoeffand Belting,arguing that Visual Culture is not solely visual, my thesis is delving into the atmosphere of the phenomenon of live music performance. In live music performance, more than one aspect occurs. Live music performance is architecture, music/sounds, lights/visuals intertw

The Seed in the Reed

The Seed in the Reed was created in the bachelor studio Architecture in the Contemporary. This course is mainly focused on “developing novel spatial and structural typologies through the use of surface modeling, simulation and digital fabrication”. We explored this with the help of digital tools such as Rhinoceros, Grasshopper and Blender. Getting familiar with these programmes was a big part of t

Analys av prioriteringar för nybesök till logoped gällande vuxna neurologi- och dysfagipatienter

Bakgrund. Prioriteringar är nödvändiga inom hälso- och sjukvården eftersom samhällets resurser är begränsade. Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal har alltid behövt prioritera mellan olika behandlingar och patientgrupper. Logopeder är också en av de professioner som dagligen ställs införa svåra prioriteringsval mellan patienter. Trots detta finns det inom logopedi få exempel på systematiskt organiserade p

"Eldkroppen i jordkropparnas mitt" - Nyplatonism och marxism i Birgitta Trotzigs Dykungens dotter (1985)

The aim of this study is to uncover a neoplatonic discourse in the Swedish writer Birgitta Trotzigs novel Dykungens dotter (1985) (The Mud King's Daughter). This discourse is often interpreted as being an expression of Trotzigs catholic mysticism, but few of the earlier researchers have mentioned the strictly platonic influences in her work. Firstly; by analyzing the system of metaphors and th