

Din sökning på "*" gav 527968 sökträffar

The greater good initiatives of country branding

Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to study the promotion of non-profitable products by exploring the greater good initiatives of country branding in terms of brand identity and brand image. Design/methodology/approach: The research paper takes a qualitative approach and combines primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected through an interview. The secondary data is bas

Good Guy versus Bad Guy: How are Patagonia´s and H&M´s Green(wash)ing Strategies Perceived among Consumers?

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to further investigate and understand the influence of greenwashing on green brand associations, green brand image, brand credibility, and finally green brand equity. Therefore, the paper builds up on Akturan’s (2018) findings and partially replicates them by using the two fashion brands H&M and Patagonia. Methodology: To fulfill the papers’ purpose, one

Fill up the bottle with iconic liquid: a qualitative research conceptualising iconic packaging

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how a brand’s packaging design becomes iconic through entering pop culture/art. Design/methodology/approach: This paper is of qualitative nature, based on a traditional literature review along with multiple case-study research. This approach allows for deep analysis into the dimensions of iconic packaging. Finally, template analysis was made to

Dustiness Testing and Particle Characterization of CNT-enhanced Concretes

The introduction of fibers into concrete is a common way of reinforcing the mechanical properties and preventing cracking. The fibers act as bridges between the composite components and help reduce the porosity. Today, micrometer-sized fibers are widely used, but there is an increased interest in using smaller fibers e.g. carbon nanotubes (CNTs), as they are able to stop smaller cracks and the ini

Aging Populations and FDI Outflows - Exploring the effects of increasingly older populations on present and future levels of foreign direct investment

Most of the world’s rich countries are experiencing increasingly high life expectancies and low fertility rates. Fewer people of working age need to somehow support the many elderly, which puts pressure on the economy to reprioritize and change. This study investigates what possible effect this may have on international capital movements, and particularly foreign direct investment (FDI). The liter

Brands relationships: Exploring the Secret Brand Relationship

Abstract Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize and investigate those relationships that occur when customers feel embarrassed of their buying behaviour. Methodology: A qualitative research method has been chosen to conduct this research. Primary data has been collected through two focus groups and three interviews. Secondary data, in the form of literature review and examples of

Agroinfiltration to complement the chlorophyll deficiency in a barley viridis-k mutant

Gula blad blir gröna Korn (Hordeum vulgare) var en av de första växterna som domesticerades och har nu i ungefär 10 000 år varit essentiell för mänsklig civilisation. Idag är korn ett av de mest förekommande sädesslaget i både area och mängd som skördas. Korn används till mat och dryck och har blivit en essentiell del i att föda den växande mänskliga populationen i världen. Förståelsen för hur ko

Ekosystemtjänster i kommunal planering - En svensk fallstudie

Methods for identification and valuation of Ecosystem Services (ES) have been developed and applied worldwide in purpose to better consider nature in land planning decisions. In Sweden each municipality has a spatial planning monopoly and with that comes differences in prerequisites for sustainable land and water usage within the country. A growing number of actors are offering ES-analyses as a pu

Where Melodies Meet

This thesis investigates principal terms that are pertinent specifically to the visual character of architecture. In common terminology such as order, complexity, variation, monotony, and contrast. By surveying recent public debates it is deduced that both laymen and professionals lack the sufficient language to establish common ground. By a doctor-patient metaphor it follows that no remedy can be

Bland rävar och igelkottar. Ibsen, Strindberg och det moderna dramat som kunskapshistoria

Bland rävar och igelkottar. Ibsen, Strindberg och det moderna dramat som kunskapshistoria (Among Foxes and Hedgehogs: Ibsen, Strindberg, and Modern Drama as History of Knowledge) is an exploration of modern drama as it relates to one of main features of modernity – specialization. The thesis is meant to function as a pilot study for a larger research project wherein the twofold aim is i) to shed l

Bönders användning av besprutningsmedel i Bangladesh - Ett försök att förstå samband genom OMCA

This thesis uses ordered multiple correspondence analysis to study data and investigate how to further visualise and understand potential correlations. The method is applied on data collected from a survey that was executed by Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) where face-to face interviews were held with 917 farmers from four different regions in Bangladesh. The survey aimed to study the f

Chinese FDI and Debt-trap Diplomacy

This empirical study seeks to initiate a new field of study. Through panel data analysis the relationship between Chinese FDI, non-Chinese FDI, and government debt in Sub-Saharan Africa is investigated. The model is expanded to include resource endowment and political stability variables. This is contextualized with the narrative of debt-trap diplomacy. This controversial notion is relatively well

Development of a reporter gene assay on an automated platform

Biological drugs have the potential to trigger unwanted immunogenic responses in patients which might affect the efficacy and safety of the treatment. Evaluating the immunogenicity throughout the drug development process is therefore crucial. For measuring the activity of a biological drug and antibodies against the drug, cell-based reporter gene assays can be used. The iLite reporter gene system

The Construction of Sex Trafficking - Swedish Policy-making, Effects and the Complexity of a Global Social Problem

Author: Tekla Münger Title: The Construction of Sex Trafficking – Swedish Policy-making, Effects and the Complexity of a Global Social Problem Master’s thesis SOCM04 Cultural Criminology, 30 credits Supervisor: Erik Hannerz Department of Sociology, spring 2021 The purpose of this qualitative study is to analyse how sex trafficking is constructed and represented as a social problem in policy docum

Detention of Non-Citizens Suspected of Future Terrorist Crimes: A study of the relationship between preventive security detention in Swedish immigration legislation and fundamental principles of justice and the rule of law

Uppsatsen undersöker hur förvarsbestämmelserna i lagen om särskild utlänningskontroll (1991:572, härefter LSU) förhåller sig till rätten till frihet och säkerhet, oskyldighetspresumtionen samt legalitetsprincipen. Detta syftar till att utreda huruvida lagstiftningen utifrån ett rättssäkerhetsperspektiv är en lämplig åtgärd för att förhindra terrorism. Uppsatsen syftar även till att placera LSU i eThe thesis examines the relationship between the detention regime in the Special Controls of Aliens Act (SFS 1991:572, SCAA) and the right to personal liberty and security; the presumption of innocence; and the principle of legality. The aim is to assess whether the legislation is a suitable counter-terrorism measure from a rule of law perspective. The thesis also aims to place the SCAA in an inte

Did COVID-19 Lockdowns Crowd Out Interest in Voluntary Health Measures? Evidence from Google Trends

Government and individual responses to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic have had significant health and economic consequences. Governments imposed measures, including lockdowns, designed to suppress transmission and alleviate the burden on health systems, while private individuals exercised voluntary social distancing, compliance with government-imposed measures and exhibited incre

Circular Economy in a Plastic World: How can emerging technologies enable the transition?

Plastic waste has brought a severe pollution problem that demands immediate attention. Promoted by policymakers, academia, and corporations alike, the circular economy model presents a viable path to sustainable development. Likewise, the emergence of disruptive technologies promises a profound and imminent socio-technical transformation. This thesis qualitatively explores the role, barriers, an

Labour Markets and Global Value Chain Integration: Moderating the labour market implications of trade integration in Sub-Saharan Africa

With the rise of international fractionalization of production, global value chain (GVC) integration has become an important pillar of economic growth strategies, especially in low- and middle-income countries during the past decades. Differentiating between backward and forward GVC integration, economic growth and upgrading potentials are well-defined, but to be sustainable growth through GVC int

The Impact of ESG on Stock Performance - A Case Study of Developing and Developed Countries: South Africa and Sweden.

Following the increasing sustainability trend and awareness, investors now look beyond only financial considerations when purchasing stocks. This paper analyzes the relationship between Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) scores and stock performance, measured by returns. It investigates if splitting the sample period would result in a different magnitude of abnormal returns. This study furthe