

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Immunity and lifespan: answering long-standing questions with comparative genomics

Long life requires individuals to defend themselves against pathogens over prolonged periods of time whilst minimising damage to themselves. In vertebrates, pathogen defence is provided by two integrated systems, innate and adaptive immunity. Innate immunity is relatively nonspecific, resulting in collateral damage to hosts, and does not involve canonical immunological memory. In contrast, adaptiv

In situ microstructural evolution of spruce wood during soda pulping using synchrotron X-ray tomography

A new laboratory reactor to perform in situ studies of structural changes in wood during soda pulping using synchrotron X-ray tomography is presented. The reactor is of recirculation type to provide stable reaction conditions and mimic the industrial situation. Experiments have been performed using this reactor in situ at a synchrotron microtomography beamline to provide sequences of 3D images fro

Release of moth pheromone compounds from Nicotiana benthamiana upon transient expression of heterologous biosynthetic genes

Background: Using genetically modified plants as natural dispensers of insect pheromones may eventually become part of a novel strategy for integrated pest management. Results: In the present study, we first characterized essential functional genes for sex pheromone biosynthesis in the rice stem borer Chilo suppressalis (Walker) by heterologous expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Nicotiana

Ultrafast charge transfer dynamics in 2D covalent organic frameworks/Re-complex hybrid photocatalyst

Rhenium(I)-carbonyl-diimine complexes have emerged as promising photocatalysts for carbon dioxide reduction with covalent organic frameworks recognized as perfect sensitizers and scaffold support. Such Re complexes/covalent organic frameworks hybrid catalysts have demonstrated high carbon dioxide reduction activities but with strong excitation energy-dependence. In this paper, we rationalize this

4th generation synchrotron source boosts crystalline imaging at the nanoscale

New 4th-generation synchrotron sources, with their increased brilliance, promise to greatly improve the performances of coherent X-ray microscopy. This perspective is of major interest for crystal microscopy, which aims at revealing the 3D crystalline structure of matter at the nanoscale, an approach strongly limited by the available coherent flux. Our results, based on Bragg ptychography experime

Pupil dilation and constriction in the skate Leucoraja erinacea in a simulated natural light field

The skate Leucoraja erinacea has an elaborately shaped pupil, whose characteristics and functions have received little attention. The goal of our study was to investigate the pupil response in relation to natural ambient light intensities. First, we took a recently developed sensory-ecological approach, which gave us a tool for creating a controlled light environment for behavioural work: During a

Implementation and Application of Adaptive Control

There are many things to consider when implementing an adaptive controller. The paper contains a discussion of some of these issues. When an adaptive controller is going to to work in an industrial environment it is of outmost importance that the designer has thought of all situations and combination of conditions that may occure. Special attention is given to the interaction between the controlle

Diversified physiological sensory input connectivity questions the existence of distinct classes of spinal interneurons

The spinal cord is engaged in all forms of motor performance but its functions are far from understood. Because network connectivity defines function, we explored the connectivity of muscular, tendon, and tactile sensory inputs among a wide population of spinal interneurons in the lower cervical segments. Using low noise intracellular whole cell recordings in the decerebrated, non-anesthetized cat

Pre-digestion of the lipids in infant formula affects gut maturation of the preterm pig

Preterm birth is associated with increased risk of complications, specifically with regards to the gastrointestinal tract. These complications mainly include the maldigestion and malabsorption of nutrients resulting from the immaturity of the small intestine. The current study investigated whether pre-digestion of fat in infant formula would affect the developmental remodeling of the structure of

Artificial intelligence to predict West Nile virus outbreaks with eco-climatic drivers

Background: In Europe, the frequency, intensity, and geographic range of West Nile virus (WNV)-outbreaks have increased over the past decade, with a 7.2-fold increase in 2018 compared to 2017, and a markedly expanded geographic area compared to 2010. The reasons for this increase and range expansion remain largely unknown due to the complexity of the transmission pathways and underlying disease dr

Samiska mänskliga kvarlevor och gipsavgjutningar i Lunds universitets anatomiska samling

Detta är en sammanställning av arkiv och information som Historiska museet vid Lunds universitet har idag (2022) avseende samiska mänskliga kvarlevor samt gipsavgjutningar som museet förvaltar åt Lunds universitet. I rapporten ingår åtta samiska kvarlevor. Alla kvarlevor är inkomna till Lunds universitet under 1800-talet. Sju av kvarlevorna kommer från den svenska sidan av Sápmi, en kvarleva komme

A hybrid approach based on simulation, optimization, and estimation of conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater resources

Due to limited groundwater resources in arid and semi-arid areas, conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater is becoming increasingly important. In view of this, there are needs to improve the methods for conjunctive use of surface and groundwater. Using numerical models, optimization algorithms, and machine learning, we created a new comprehensive methodological structure for optimal alloca

The Effects of Optogenetic Activation of Astrocytes on Spike-and-Wave Discharges in Genetic Absence Epileptic Rats

Background: Absence seizures (petit mal seizures) are characterized by a brief loss of consciousness without loss of postural tone. The disease is diagnosed by an electroencephalogram (EEG) showing spike–wave discharges (SWD) caused by hypersynchronous thalamocortical (TC) oscillations. There has been an explosion of research highlighting the role of astrocytes in supporting and modulating neurona

Glycoproteomic and Phenotypic Elucidation of B4GALNT2 Expression Variants in the SID Histo-Blood Group System

The Sda histo-blood group antigen (GalNAcβ1-4(NeuAcα2-3)Galβ-R) is implicated in various infections and constitutes a potential biomarker for colon cancer. Sd(a−) individuals (2–4% of Europeans) may produce anti-Sda, which can lead to incompatible blood transfusions, especially if donors with the high-expressing Sd(a++)/Cad phenotype are involved. We previously reported the association of B4GALNT2

Theory and applications of adaptive regulators based on recursive parameter estimation

The motivation for this work has been to simplify the design of regulators for industrial processes. The regulators designed can be regarded as self-tuning regulators. They will serve as a substitute for the time-consuming process of plant experiments, parameter estimation and control design. The regulators can also be used as adaptive regulators for processes with slowly varying parameters. The p

Residents’ acceptance towards car-free street experiments : Focus on perceived quality of life and neighborhood attachment

While the twentieth century was dominated by private car usage, shifts towards more sustainable urban mobility, to mitigate environmental damage and increase health benefits, are now taking place. In Scandinavia, several car-free street experiments take form, that span from permanent car-free inner-city plans (i.e. Oslo) to temporary interventions (i.e. pop-up plaza and parklets) to shift the use

Conditioned eyeblink response consists of two distinct components

The aim of these experiments was to obtain a detailed knowledge of how the orbicularis oculi muscle is activated during the execution of a conditioned eyeblink response (CR). This is the first critical step to understand the underlying neural mechanisms involved in the control of the CR. Decerebrate ferrets were trained in a classical conditioning paradigm. The conditioned stimulus (CS) was a trai