

Din sökning på "*" gav 534638 sökträffar

C4b-binding protein: Identification of binding sites and a possible function of the interaction with protein S

Popular Abstract in Swedish Komplementsystemet är ett system bestående av cirka 35 proteiner i blodet och på cellytor, som ingår i kroppens medfödda immunförsvar. Det är ett mycket viktigt men också explosivt system, potentiellt skadligt för kroppens egna celler, som kräver strikt reglering. Denna avhandlings huvudaktör, C4b-bindande protein (C4BP), nedreglerar komplementsystemet. C4BP har en ovanThe subject of this thesis is plasma protein C4b-binding protein (C4BP). C4BP is an important regulator of the classical pathway of the complement system, a cascade-like system comprised of over 35 proteins, which partakes in the defence against micro-organisms and is involved of clearance of immune-complexes and apoptotic cells. C4BP contains two different types of subunits, seven identical alfa-

ISAR measurements at Saab

The ISAR measurement technique and analysis at Saab is discussed. The traditional criterion for far-field distance is not satisfied as the scattering measurements often are conducted for aircraft at 100 m measurement distance. The considerable phase variation over the target that results leads to near-field measurements. We have therefore adapted a fast image based compensation method which transf

Försäkringsfusk. Tillvägagångssätt, straffansvar och försäkringsutredning

This study comprises three parts, each of which illustrates different aspects of insurance fraud. The three parts can be seen as independent presentations with their own research findings; but these parts may also be seen together as a whole, giving further perspectives regarding the subject of the study. Part I presents different procedures regarding insurance fraud. This part includes a survey w

Maktfyllda möten i medicinska rum: debatt, kunskap och praktik i svensk förlossningsvård 1960-1985

The main purpose of this thesis is to analyze debates around and changes in knowledge production and medical practices of childbirth between 1960 and 1985 in Sweden. The roles of the different actors involved, such as physicians, midwives, the National Board of Health and Welfare, the women’s movement and politicians are studied in four main contexts: medical practice and debate, the Swedish Parli

Laboratory evaluation of a gasifier particle sampling system using model compounds of different particle morphology

The objective of this work was to design and evaluate an experimental setup to be used for field studies of particle formation in biomass gasification processes. The setup includes a high-temperature dilution probe and a denuder to separate solid particles from condensable volatile material. The efficiency of the setup to remove volatile material from the sampled stream and the influence from cond

Efter festen: Om konsten att utvecklas från doktor till docent

Postdoktorns utsatta position har lyfts fram i ett antal utredningar, rapporter och debatter de senaste åren. Otydliga karriärvägar och osäkra anställningsförhållanden är några av de kritiska faktorer som identifierats och som riskerar att äventyra framtida kompetensförsörjning inom svensk forskning och utbildning. I Efter festen lyfts den ofta ohörda postdoktorala rösten fram, genom diskussion k

Limit properties of the monotone rearrangement for density and regression function estimation

The monotone rearrrangement algorithm was introduced by Hardy, Littlewood and Po ́lya as a sorting device for functions. As- suming that x is a monotone function and that an estimate xn of x is given, consider the monotone rearrangement xˆn of xn. This new estimator is shown to be uniformly consistent. Under suitable as- sumptions, pointwise limit distribution results for xˆn are obtained. The fra

Natur TM. Glada grisar, vandrarkängor och ekologisk modernisering

Texten visar hur naturen kommersialiseras med speciellt fokus på livsmedel och friluftsliv. Den ekologiska moderniseringen tillåter naturen att tolkas och användas som en lustfylld arena, och detta håller på att utvecklas till en ny berättelse om natur och kultur. Denna väver samman njutning och estetik med ekologisk hållbarhet och etik på ett sätt som tidigare miljödiskurser inte haft möjlighet a

Cognitive development in context: Learning to pay attention

A developing system must be able to learn new things without forgetting what it has learned before. It should be capable of reacting in different ways to the same stimuli in different contexts. Context sensitive reinforcement learning, which parallels some of the functions of the basal ganglia, is a learning algorithm that fulfills this requirement when the context is explicitly given. Here, we ex

Experimental and theoretical surface core-level shifts of aluminum (100) and (111)

The surface core-level shifts of Al(111) and Al(100) have been measured using high-resolution core-level photoemission spectroscopy and calculated using density functional theory (DFT). For Al(100), the 2p core-level shift of the first (second) layer was determined to be –75 meV (+20 meV) from experiment and –71 meV (+20 meV) from the DFT calculations. For Al(111), the corresponding values are –27