Din sökning på "*" gav 526299 sökträffar
A Decomposition of Ireland's Manufacturing Industry: Technological Change, Productivity Improvement and associated Regional Patterns (1991 - 2007)
This thesis presents a decomposition of Ireland’s manufacturing industry with respect to technological change, addressing productivity improvement and how these changes affect the regional system during transformation. This work is primarily based on the technology shift thesis, encompassing improvements in productivity arising from technological advancement and their associated divergence/converg
Skattas manliga och kvinnliga chefer olika effektiva och tilltalande beroende på ledarstil?
Undersökning syftade till att ta reda på om studenter vid Lunds universitet (N=139) skattade uppgifts- och relationsorienterade ledare olika effektiva och tilltalande beroende på om de beskrevs som kvinnor eller män. Två enkäter utformades med identiska beskrivningar av fyra olika fiktiva chefer, två uppgiftsorienterade och två relationsorienterade, där endast kön manipulerades. Till exempel beskr
The Landscape of Gap Built Upon Environmental Subjects: A Case Study of Stuttgart 21, Germany
This research explores the project Stuttgart 21, which is going to reconstruct the main station of Stuttgart city and build new tunnels to connect the node with the high-speed line. This project has been triggering controversies over issues such as cost, risk, ecology, and public participation, and thus raised intense conflicts between supporters and opponents. Thus, this research aims to explore
Kodväxling som spelar roll - Kod och karaktärisering i översättningen av "A Confederacy of Dunces"
I den här uppsatsen studeras överföringen av litterär kodväxling mellan A Confederacy of Dunces och översättningen Dumskallarnas Sammansvärjning. Tre karaktärers personliga koder och sättet dessa markeras på analyseras, och kodframställningens roll för karaktäriseringen diskuteras. I analysen framkommer att källtextförfattaren markerar karaktärernas koder till stor del på morfosyntaktisk och grafi
Vi blir ju deras mamma, pappa, syster eller bror - Personal på asylboenden och deras upplevelse av den egna yrkesrollen
Authors: Besnik Meziu & Sophie Ståhlnacke Title: We're personnel, but also their mother, father, sister or brother... Tutor: Johan Cronehed Assessor: Carina Tigervall The purpose of this study was to examine how personnel within an asylum accommodation for unaccompanied refugee children understood and looked at their own professional role, both in terms of professionalism and emotional com
”Övergrepp – Det finns inte riktigt i min värld”: En kvalitativ studie om hur övergrepp definieras och konstrueras inom äldrevården
“Abuse – That’s not really a factor in my world”: A qualitative study about how abuse is defined and constructed within geriatric care Nursing homes have increasingly come under attack in recent years for scandals involving the abuse of elderly care-takers within their organisations. The purpose of this study was to determine how abuse can be defined by the staff within geriatric care in nursing
Drivers of solar energy diffusion from 1990 to 2010 in EU15
This research will focus on the economic geographic patterns of the diffusion of grid photovoltaic (PV) cells. The analysis is specified to the EU 15 and the time period 1990-2010. The causal and correlational relationships will be derived from energy transitions that occurred in history and recent research directed towards renewable energy and solar energy in particular. This results in five inde
Towards Comprehensive Protection of the Marine Environment: Testing the Boundaries of the MARPOL and BASEL Regimes
This thesis discusses the potential conflicts between the MARPOL and BASEL regimes in relation with management of wastes derived from operations of ships. The analysis whether the BASEL Convention provides an overarching regime to deal with waste cycle from generation to disposal is also addressed for determining if MARPOL has to complement this regime. To this end, a holistic view regarding the e
Parkinsons sjukdom-en prövning för individ och samhälle
Kapitulation är visdom - inte nederlag!
Capitulation is wisdom - not defeat! The aim of this study has been an attempt to clarify how parents of children with neuropsychiatric disabilities such as autism, Down syndrome and intellectual disability manage to cope in their everyday life despite the high levels of stress and long term strain it involves being a parent and a caretaker of such a child. We focused our study on the family as a
No title
The Japanese Model of High Growth and its Transformation
Remarkable success of Japanese economy after WWII has been an intriguing topic for many researchers. In relation to the theory and previous research this study proposes a different explanatory model of Japanese growth after WWII. The model proposed here relies upon a contribution of two key features of the Japanese economy- subcontracting as a type of organizational form of conglomerates and indus
Typiskt! Personlighetstypologiska perspektiv på läsning, textskapande och litterära preferenser utifrån MBTI
Utveckling av en multikanal near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) givare
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) has become popular in many research fields for the past two decades. NIRS technology uses near infrared light for measuring changes in the concentration of deoxygenated hemoglobin and oxygenated hemoglobin. Noninvasive near-infrared absorption measurements in tissue have many invaluable applications in the medical field. Today NIRS is a very attractive technique w
Activating primary school learners : sustainability education in South Africa
Although education is considered as one of the most effective approaches in terms of addressing sustainability challenges and formulating solutions, traditional education methods remain inadequate in this regard. This is because these methods are based on passive and teacher-centred approaches to learning. In this context, the experiential education and active learning framework, grounded in John
A craft shop innit, to buy bangles
Abstract: This thesis treats the subject of rural development and nonfarm development in particular with a focus on community-based tourism. With support and examples from old development theories the aim is to explore how rural development in today’s world differs from the time of the industrial revolution and what that shift looks like. A case study of Buliisa district Uganda, stands as example
Exploring the role of a bridging organization to operationalize transdisciplinarity for improved ecosystem management and environmental decision-making : a case study in the Three Rivers Source Region, Qinghai- Tibetan Plateau, China
China is a mega-diversity country with abundant natural resources, and the richness of these resources is demonstrated to be relevant with the local people’s historical interactions between biophysical and sociocultural systems. If we are to maintain biodiversity and strike a balance between human well-being and ecosystem service, it is important to incorporate the local people and their tradition
The Relationship Between Profitability and Leverage - A study on Swedish non-financial firms
The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of profitability’s relationship to leverage by presenting evidence of Swedish non-financial firms listed on the OMX Nordic Stockholm stock exchange. The thesis will discover how the relationship differs across firm size as well as how the relationship differs between different market conditions. The study takes a deductive approach with a
Du kan göra större skillnad än du tror (?)
Då människors vardagliga liv allt oftare genomsyras av medierat material är det viktigt att närmare studera hur detta material kan påverka människors verklighetsuppfattning. Denna studie granskar hur hjälporganisationer i sina kampanjfilmer väljer att porträttera lidande och medlidande. De sätt som kampanjfilmerna väljer att illustrera lidande och medlidande på får konsekvenser för hur betraktarna