

Din sökning på "*" gav 526207 sökträffar

The Fusion of Fable and Comedy. Some Remarks Concerning the Danish Reception of Boursault’s First Aesop Play

By examining the reception of Edme Boursault’s first fable comedy, Ésope (1690), the paper discusses the historical prerequisites of an interlacing of fable and comedy. The several 18th century translations of Boursault’s drama often have been taken as a pretext for the success of his genre experiment. The fusion of fable and comedy was, however, not in all respects in line with literary horizons

BIOACTIVE SECONDARY METABOLITES -Isolation Characterization and Synthesis

Nature produces biologically active and chemically intriguing secondary metabolites. To isolate and characterize compounds of novel activity and structure, bioassay-guided fractionations were applied to several plants as well as to a basidiomycete. Our studies resulted in the purification and characterization of a diverse range of compounds displaying activity in a variety of biological assays. Ne

The Role of CCK-A and CCK-B Receptors in the Trophic Control of Pancreas and Oxyntic Mucosa in the Rat.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Cholecystokinin (CCK) och gastrin är två välkända mag-tarmkanals hormoner. CCK namngavs efter sin förmåga att stimulera gallblåsans kontraktion och gastrin visade sig vara involverad i utsöndringen av magsyra. Allt eftersom antalet publikationer gällande dessa hormoner har vuxit har också en mångfald andra funktioner tillskrivits respektive hormon, bland annat har bäggeCholecystokinin (CCK) and the related hormone gastrin have been claimed to exert trophic effects in the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract. Two types of receptors for CCK and gastrin are known to exist, the CCK-A and the CCK-B receptor. They differ in their affinty for CCK and gastrin. The CCK-A receptor has about 500 times higher affinity for sulfated than for non-sulfated CCK and gastrin, while

Anaerobic digestion of crop and waste biomass: Impact of feedstock characteristics on process performance

Popular Abstract in English In an ever energy hungry world and given the concerns about global warming, depleting reserves of fossil fuels and growing fuel prices, there is an urgent need for alternative renewable energy sources. Biogas production through anaerobic digestion in sync with other bio energy production technologies could replace or partially replace fossil fuels and hence curb greenhoAnaerobic digestion provides an array of positive environmental benefits such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, replacing mineral fertilizers, producing renewable energy and treating waste. However, pitfalls in anaerobic digestion such as poor methane yields, process instability, process failure and regional shortages of feedstock have limited the full exploitation of the anaerobic digestion p

The Teddy Bear in Psychology : A prospective study with focus on children´s use of transitional objects.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Winnicott definierade och införde begreppen övergångsobjekt (ÖO) och övergångsfenomen (ÖF) vid ett möte i brittiska psykoanalytiska föreningen i maj 1951. Detta kopplades till ett tänkande, som gällde utvecklingen av barnets relaterande från en från början alltigenom subjektiv upplevelsevärld till en värld med ”verkliga” relationer - och talade om ”the intermediate areaThe central issue of the dissertation is the place and meaning of the concepts transitional object (TO) and transitional phenomenon (TP) as defined by Winnicott, in a normal psychological context. A group of children were followed from age 8 months to 6 years. A prevalence study was carried out by interviewing parents in connection with the child's (n=147) routine check-ups at the Child Health Cen

Strategy for Monitoring Organic Pollutants in Waste Water with Focus on Improved Sample Preparation

Strategy and methodology is presented for the analysis of organic pollutants, with the purpose of evaluating treatment procedures for landfill leachate. Today, many investigations of treatment procedures are focusing on the measurement of water quality parameters such as chemical and biochemical oxygen demand, (COD and BOD), and total organic carbon, (TOC) when assessing the organic compounds in w

Reduplication with fixed tone pattern in Kammui

In this paper we show that speakers of both tonal and non-tonal dialects of Kammu use a fixed tone pattern high–low for intensifying reduplication of adjectives, and also that speakers of the tonal dialect retain the lexical tones (high or low) while applying this fixed tone pattern.

Genetic analyses of multiple myeloma and related plasma cell dyscrasias

Popular Abstract in Swedish Elakartade (maligna) blodsjukdomar uppstår i den blodbildande benmärgen, vilken är innesluten i hålrummen i de skelettdelar som kan sägas täckas av en badmössa och en gammaldags baddräkt. En av de celltyper som bildas i benmärgen är plasmacellen, en vit blodkropp som utgör mindre än 2% av benmärgscellerna och som tillverkar specifika antikroppar vid infektioner. Vid monAcquired genetic changes have proved to be of diagnostic and prognostic importance in different hematologic malignancies as well as in some solid tumor types. However, although multiple myeloma (MM), an incurable disease, and its proceeding stage monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) are quite common, little is known about the karyotypic features of these plasma cell dyscrasias