

Din sökning på "*" gav 526299 sökträffar

Barnets roll i vårdnads-, boende - och umgängesutredningar - Huvudroll eller biroll?

Förevarande uppsats behandlar de utredningar om vårdnad-, boende- och/eller umgänge vilka kan företas i tvister om detsamma. Uppsatsen besvarar frågorna om när och hur reglerna om sådana utredningar tillämpas. Vidare behandlas de brister som finns i utredningar av sådant slag, samt delar av den kritik utredningarna utsatts för. Vid tvister om vårdnad-, boende- och/eller umgänge är vårdnadsutredninThe present essay aims to illuminate the custody reports possible to execute during a custody dispute, when and how the legal rules about custody reports applies, and how the custody report is executed. When a court has to decide if the custody of a child henceforth shall be joint or sole, or where the child henceforth shall live, and in which extent the child shall have right to visitation with t

Praktikperiodens betydelse - baserad på socionomstudenters reflektioner

The aim of this study was to examine Social Work students’ reflections; concerning the impact their placement and tutoring during placement have had on their development of professional knowledge. The main questions in this study have been; in what degree do the Social Work students, from Gothenburg-, Stockholm- and Umeå University, think they have developed professional knowledge during their pla

Transforming citizenship claims into residence claims A normative discussion about four theoretical approaches to a citizenship extended to aliens in the context of Scandinavia

Noncitizens are excluded from the decision making processes inside the liberal democratic community. The aim of this study is twofold: to identify the premises for a citizenship extended to aliens, and, to identify the most viable approach to a citizenship extended to aliens in the context of the welfare state in Scandinavia. The objects of interest in the study are four theoretical approaches whi

Socialt stöds betydelse i arbetslivet: om socialt stöds samband med stress

Stress i arbetslivet utgör ett problem som genererar negativa konsekvenser på både individ- och samhällsnivå. Psykosociala arbetsmiljöfaktorer är en viktig del i denna problematik, där socialt stöd visat sig vara en viktig resurs relaterad till välmående. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att studera relationen mellan krav och stress, samt mellan socialt stöd och stress. Ytterligare ett syfte varOccupational stress is a problem that generates negative consequences for both individuals and society. Social support has been shown to function as an important resource related to well-being. The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between demands and stress, as well as between social support and stress. In addition, the study aimed to see if social support could moderat

Ledsagare - en förlängd arm?

Ledsagare – en förlängd arm? Av: Emelie Johansson Abstract The aim of this essay was to see how the respondents reasoned about different themes like, isolation, integration and barriers to integration, given that they had all been diagnosed with a psychosis diagnosis. The essay has used qualitative interviews, by the author of this essay, with persons working as escort to persons with an impairme

Cross-Cultural study in Noun Constructions. Corpus-driven Cognitive Linguistics

The close relationship between culture and language has been captivating humans since ancient times and various schools of thought have offered different approaches. Cognitive Linguistics holds the view that language is a socially constructed phenomenon. Members of a given speech community experience the world in more or less similar way as they speak one language. By means of commonly shared view

Can critical realism be an adequate philosophy of science for sustainability science? : based on themes already extant in sustainability science

Sustainability Science (SS) has, as of today, no explicit agreement on which philosophy of science should be used to guide its research. Though SS is a broad and often diffuse concept, there are certain guiding principles which are generally agreed on. Based on these principles, it has been seen if Critical Realism (CR) could be an appropriate meta-theory for SS. The approach used is therefore pri

Extern kommunikation i förändring. En studie i Helsingborgs stads förutsättningar att kommunicera förändring med externa intressenter

Denna kandidatuppsats undersöker organisatoriska förutsättningar för strategisk kommunikation med externa intressenter vid förändringar. Den utforskar även vilka faktorer som påverkar de externa intressenternas meningsskapande i organisationsförändringar. Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera och diskutera vilka faktorer som kan påverka organisationers förutsättningar för extern förändringskommunikatiThis bachelor thesis examines organizational prerequisites for strategic communications with external stakeholders to change. It also explores the factors that affect the external stakeholders sensemaking in organisational change. The aim of this essay is to analyse and discuss the factors that may affect organisations' requirements for external change communication. The essay is based on a qu

Att förmedla en profession - Socionomstudenters röster om utbildningen

The way to a Profession - Voices of students in social studies about their education The purpose of this study was to examine how students of social wcience view their education in relation to their future profession. The study was based on qualitative individual interviews with students at School of social work at Lund University in Sweden. The aim was to contribute to an understanding of the st

Interimistiska förbud i intrångsmål – en empirisk undersökning av underrättspraxis

Förevarande uppsats behandlar det interimistiska förbudet i ett praktiskt perspektiv. Mer konkret uttryckt undersöks i vilken utsträckning det immaterialrättsliga interimistiska förbudet faktiskt används i det praktiska rättslivet, samt hur det interimistiska förbudet i praktiken fungerar som ett tvistemålssubstitut. Genom en kvantitativ analys av opublicerade immaterialrättsliga rättsfall har eThis thesis addresses the interlocutory injunction from a practical perspective. The subject of the thesis is the actual use of the interlocutory injunction and the injunction’s effect as a substitute for civil litigation in cases of intellectual property infringements. A number of aspects of the actual use of the interlocutory injunction have been established in an empiric study of unpublished c

“Med istidens utdødde stemme” A Contextual Introduction to Tor Ulven’s Poetry

The following paper discusses the ideological and aesthetic contexts discernible in the poetry of the Norwegian author Tor Ulven (1953–1995). Generally considered the major Norwegian poet to emerge after the Second World War, Tor Ulven was, in his own self-taught way, a “poeta doctus,” although his extensive knowledge – of European literary traditions, languages, philosophy, music and paintings –

Corporate social responsibility as an organizational innovation: a comparative analysis of its implementation in the institutional frameworks of Sweden and the United Kingdom

Corporate social responsibility is a management concept originating from the Anglo-Saxon background and associated with the tradition of arm’s length relations between business and institutions in society. However, different institutional systems handle organizational innovations in dissimilar ways, and in the age of globalization, national institutions often interact with global ones. This study

Googleöversättning: Om Google Translate:s möjligheter och begränsningar vid översättning till svenska

I den här uppsatsen undersöks maskinöversättningstjänsten Google Translates förtjänster och begränsningar vid översättning till svenska. Detta görs genom att närstudera ett litet material av googleöversatt text till svenska från engelska och spanska och sedan med denna närstudie som grund laborera med onlinetjänsten för att belysa hur översättningarna kan variera beroende på form och kontext. Goog

Intercultural communication at the work place: An explorative study using a phenomenological approach

The aim of this explorative study using a phenomenological approach is to have a closer look at individual perceptions of the phenomenon of intercultural communication and how it is constituted within at a work place. Eventual communication difficulties based on different cultural origins, as well as forms of interaction and working conditions in the enterprises, will be analyzed as possible reaso

Crowdsourcing Democracy? “Americans Elect” and Citizen Participation in the Digital Age

As developed democracies experience a decrease in political engagement and a rise in the adoption of new communication technologies, new forms and models of citizen participation continue to emerge. This research paper has the objective of understanding how citizen participation is being affected by the widespread use of the Internet. In order to do so, a case study of the Americans Elect initiati

"Bigami är att ha en fru för mycket. Monogami är samma sak." - En queerfeministisk analys av The Picture of Dorian Gray

Uppsatsen behandlar Oscar Wildes The Picture of Dorian Gray ur ett queerfeministiskt perspektiv, med utgångspunkt i Eve Kosofsky Sedgwicks teorier om framför allt erotiska trianglar och homosociala relationer män emellan. Uppsatsen behandlar även hur "maskulinitet" och "femininitet" representeras i romanen och hur dessa representationer påverkar de tre huvudkaraktärernas hierar